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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Thanks Pete, Not seen that book might have to see about getting that. Cheers Peter.
  2. Thanks Phil, Love your layout by the way. I have started a thread in the Prototype Discussions section. I have a Lima D200 I better go and check those lamp irons. Cheers Peter.
  3. Hi all, Thought I would start a thread on the detail differences among the class 40s. Hopefully to act as a guide for modellers improving the new class Bachmann class 40. I didn't see many class 40s back in the day so the ones I did see I remember quite well. So I am no expert so I guess it's over to you guys. Any pics showing the detail differences would be great. I will be doing 40135 as 97406 so any pics showing detail of whats left between the bogies would be nice. Something I did notice the other day while looking a pictures was that some locos don't have the sandboxes on the inner side of the bogie. Cheers Peter.
  4. Seems the old class 40s are a bit of a minefield when it comes to detail differences. I think I might start a thread to help those who may not know some things to watch out for. Cheers Peter.
  5. Good on you Craig, I will look out for this Model Rail mag in Australia. Nothing quite like seeing your own work in print. Cheers Peter.
  6. I have stripped my class 40 down to fit extra pick ups and to see about removing the tank. The good news is it's a separate moulding. Unclip the chassis from the the cast metal and you will see two screws, undo them and the tank comes loose. The problem is what to do with the cab and tail light switches. Here is a fairly blurry pic, hope this is of some use. I just need to work out what wires to connect so the tail lights stay on and cab lights stay off. Cheers Peter.
  7. Hi Rick, It was a good day though a tad on the warm side, it's always great to see Penhayle Bay. There is always something new to look at and its good to just watch the trains rolling by. Thanks for a great day, cheers Peter.
  8. No Worries Jamie, As I said not my work but my friend Simon. A very good modeller. Both still need more transfers to finish off, so will be going back to Simon at some point when the transfers arrive. Cheers Peter.
  9. Hi Jeff, Yes evening here and quite mild at the moment though warming up tomorrow and the rest of the week. The track is fine it's just my platforms and point rodding that don't like the heat. The class 40 is certainly a nice model and if Bachmann take note of the feedback on RMweb they may well change the pick ups. I hope to pull mine apart in the next few weeks and do a few mods. Cheers Peter.
  10. Or smaller Mini's I actually quite like the old Mini it's the 2CV on the bridge that normally gets dumped in the skip. As for who did it, I will have a look at the video surveillance from the day. Cheers Peter.
  11. Hi Rick, I would have been quite happy if someone had left their Polybulks, and the sheep will return. I like the idea of a sheep lurking in the tunnel I might do that. Cheers Peter.
  12. Before it got too hot today I ran a few trains, basically continuing with the timetable. I gave my class 40 a run out on the ballast train and it ran ok but doesn't like my points and stopped twice, it than split from its train which I put down to the Kadee dropping. This is an easy fix as I will just slide in some plasticard under the coupler. I may have a chance this week to add extra pick ups. Cheers Peter.
  13. Hi Jamie, The Sentinel is a nice looking model, we didn't see it running though as it's not chipped. The yellow MK1s were done by a friend of mine. They are based on the Crewe rerailing coaches. Both are reworked Lima, one from a BSK and the other is I think from the full brake. Cheers Peter.
  14. Here are a few pics I managed to take during a very busy day. Jeff's Warship with my class 40. Simon's sound class 20s, Manfred's Sentinal. My new brakedown train coaches converted by Simon. Cheers Peter.
  15. Thanks Jim, Makes sence, 135 would have been common around the Crewe area. Cheers Peter.
  16. Thanks for posting up the pictures Jeff, Simon has made a great job of the coaches, he has given them to me as a late Christmas present. The Polybulks seemed popular those with Ricks are Manfreds though I wouldn't mind a few myself. Cheers Peter.
  17. Thanks Mate, I did know that, I had a quick look at my Bachmann one yesterday and it looks like the tanks might come off. Cheers Peter.
  18. Thanks Doug, Yes, Derek is normally the one who puts cars in the skip. The sheep were taken off when I was doing the scenics so they will return. Cheers Peter.
  19. Hi Phil, Lol For me as well, I keep forgetting even when the loco has lights. I try and have all the locos facing the right way and it's becoming a habit now so less stuff ups. Cheers Peter.
  20. Hi Paul, Did you get any work done? Woking was still quite a busy yard back then not to mention the mainline. Always a good spot to find class 33s pottering about. I was working on the up side one day and while having lunch in the van a pair of class 37s backing onto a train came off the track right in front of us. It was only one set of wheels but something I had never seen happen before. Cheers Peter.
  21. No worries Rick, It was quite a big turn out, I might have to do a smaller one so I can run more trains and talk to everyone. Cheers Peter.
  22. Great to catch up again Peter, Your Kettle thing did go very well, really impressed with the sound. Glad you had a good day. Cheers Peter.
  23. Thanks Paul, What a Beast, is that Guide Bridge? I only saw 135 a few times and only have one pic of the loco. That's a useful pic for when I do the weathering on mine. I thought 135 had numbers on the nose maybe it was just one end. Cheers Peter.
  24. Thanks Dave, As I was saying to Alex it might be a while before I do the class 40 though it might just jump in front of some other locos. I had to hard wire one of my 108s and its still not the best of runners, the other one has been fine. If I do get problems with the 40 I am quite happy to add some extra pick ups. Cheers Peter.
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