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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Thanks Neil, I will see how I go for time. It would be good to see what you are up to. Cheers Peter.
  2. Hi Neil, Yep all DCC now most locos have a decoder some with sound. I didn't take lone to set up the NCE and I have had very few problems. Are you going to Jeffs meeting Saturday? Cheers Peter.
  3. Thanks Jinty, I did check out the website some time ago but didn't really have a good look. I have just spent an hour looking through the photo's. There is some superb stuff there, and plenty of Peaks and Cromptons. The class 47s and 31s got my interest too along with a couple of pics showing ZHVs being worked to Penmaenmawr. Thanks again cheers Peter.
  4. Thanks Chris, They do look good and if you can get them running well why spend a shed load of money on a newer one. Here's my Ped. James had a thread going on how he did his I just copied. Though I used the the Hornby PCB board to power my lights. Cheers Peter.
  5. Two arrivals last week, I have been looking for a blue class 56 for a while and have missed a few on ebay but finally won one. It was still quite expensive but I have a Coal sector one that I will probably sell on. The pic is only of the box as the loo is already in bits. I had to put a decoder in the loco so while it was apart I decided to start work on it. It will be 56070 as I found a pic on Merfs Flickr site of 070 at Llandudno Jct. Any other pics of 56s in North Wales would be good though. The NSE class 47 body was a bit of an impulse buy and will one day go on a Bachmann chassis. Cheers Peter.
  6. Thanks Rob, Considering I did the body over 16 years ago it looks pretty good against my newer stock. Now that it's running on a Bachmann chassis it runs as good as it looks. Cheers Peter.
  7. Hi Chris, Just been catching up on your thread. I remember following your progress over a year ago, The class 31s are looking good, I put an old Lima body on a Hornby chassis last year and I am really pleased with how it looks. I notice your class 56s are the Mainline /Dapol models which I have always thought looked pretty good are they remotored or still running on the old motor? Cheers Peter.
  8. Thanks Jinty, I only saw a few class 40s as they didn't get down to the Southern much. The ones I did see I remember quite well, 97406 and 7 I managed to get photo's of and D200 was my only haulage. Cheers Peter.
  9. Fair enough, I know when I worked at Eastleigh up the yard we used to borrow the odd shunter. Cheers Peter.
  10. Hi Biff, Look forwards to hearing the class 45 when it done. One of my favourite loco's so will have to have sound in at least one. Cheers Peter.
  11. Nice 08 Simon, I remember seeing that, did the loco ever get up Bescot way? I know New Street had a couple of repainted 08s. Cheers Peter.
  12. Thanks Neil, I still have more to do, though plenty of other things on the go at the moment. Cheers Peter.
  13. Hi mark, I have always liked the weathering on this loco, one of the reasons I decided to re chassis it. Any news on your class 26 seem to remember you saying you were working on one. Cheers Peter.
  14. 97407 waits for an in coming ballast to work forward to Crewe. The loco has been sat on the workbench for a while but now has a new Bachmann chassis from one of the older models. Cheers Peter.
  15. Well another month and I have finished another model. I thought this might have been a fairly quick project but it seems to have taken ages. Back on page 4 the plan was to put an older Bachmann class chassis under my Lima D200, but since then I have had a change of plan. What happened was I bought a Bachmann green disc loco which is currently in bits being changed to D200. This meant the older Bachmann chassis could be used under my 40012 97407, The plan was always going to be to do this at some point as since doing 97407 about 18 years ago it's always been a favourite loco of mine. Over the years 97407 has had some improvements, I didn't weather the loco straight away because we move house about the time I finished painting it and once we had moved I wanted to get the layout set up. Anyways by the time I came to weather the loco I decided to do etch windows and fit an etch roof fan. Once weathered the loco became a firm favourite and has seen a lot of use, last year I fitted a decoder and the although the loco ran ok it just wasn't as good as the Bachmann and Hornby loco's running on the layout. With a bit of work the loco body fits on the chassis really well pipework was fitted to the bogie sides and and lifting points fitted to the chassis along the rectangle section and gauge made from plasticard above the centre of the bogies. The chassis has also been lowered by removing some of the casting where the gear towers locate. 97407 now runs like a dream here are a few pics plus some of the progress on D200. Cheers Peter.
  16. Thanks for the gen Simon, only wish I knew about it back in the day as I would have tried to go out for it, though in 88 I was chasing the last of the Peaks when I could. Cheers Peter.
  17. Not sure Doug, my mate bought it RTR I think the kit was done by DJH and is brass and whitemetal. A local guy builds them. Cheers Peter. Thanks Paul, Cheers Peter.
  18. The K class ran over most parts of the state of Victoria on the broad gauge network. Over 50 locos were built at Newport workshops near Melbourne. I think they are a great looking loco and luckily some are still running in preservation. Cheers Peter.
  19. A friend dropped by yesterday with a K class that wasn't running the best, after a clean and reset of the decoder it was running quite well. Also took the chance to run a few trains. 31403 arrives on a P way train for Llanbourne Yard. Cheers Peter.
  20. Oh Gloucester, I knew there were a few working around Bristol and a couple down Exeter way as I went out for them. Had I known about a working up to Bescot I would have gone out for it. I remember seeing a few 50s at New Street on passenger but never took any pics, something I wish I had done. I tried to find the pic on the net but I think it might actually be in a mag somewhere. A 50 on a P. way trip would look great on the layout. Cheers Peter.
  21. Hi Simon, Looks like you had a good day. Ians 50s look at home on the layout, you might have to get yourself one. I am sure I have seen a pic somewhere of 50042 I think on an P way train near Bescot working to Bristol. Cheers Peter.
  22. Great job James, those tanks look stunning. Nice touch of spare tail lamps in the cab of the Grid too. Cheers Peter.
  23. Looks alright Dave, I like the colour. I should have cropped the original to get rid of the back wall. Cheers Peter.
  24. Quite like this one from a few I took the other day. 25059 shunts some fuel tanks onto the fuel road. Cheers Peter.
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