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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. If you can't find one Jinty let me know I have a couple somewhere. You can have one if you want. Cheers Peter.
  2. Glad I could help Pete. Cheers Peter.
  3. Thanks Phill, I have have D200 in works at the moment so hopefully I will get that finished soon and replace my Lima model. Cheers Peter.
  4. Hi Dave, Great work on the inspection coach. What colours did you use for the interior? They look about right to me. Cheers Peter. PS How do you get the body off?
  5. No worries Rob, The last pic really does look pretty good. I will be interested in seeing how the chain link fence works out. Cheers Peter.
  6. Loving the class 31 pics 275 with it's ploughs is a beast. Anyway a couple of mine. Cheers Peter.
  7. Hi Rob, The lastest pics look good, but can I make a suggestion. The fence round the scrapped cars hides your good work on them. What about a chain link fence. You would still be able to see the cars. Just a thought. Ballasting looks spot on. Cheers Peter.
  8. Thanks David, Here are the last ones I took from playing trains the other day. Cheers Peter.
  9. Hi Ian, That centre coach looks great, is the glazing for the coach flush like the Bachmann model? The Dart Castings website lists MJT coach bits which might be worth a try. Cheers Peter.
  10. Hi Rick, You have been busy, the layout is looking good. Cheers Peter.
  11. Hi Phill, The RC stuff is very interesting, I would make playing more interesting. The last pic looks great too nice work on the station sign it looks spot on. Cheers Peter.
  12. One train on Llanbourne that can turn up some unusual motive power is the 4J09 van train from Bangor. The other day 97406 had it's chance to earn some revenue,having replaced a class 25 at Llanbourne on the outward working. The 97 is seen arriving from Bangor. Cheers Peter.
  13. Thanks Alex, Noticed a nice bit of blue on Boxenby the other day. Cheers Peter.
  14. Don't get me started on the price of stock these days, I am lucky in that I have most of what I want. Looks like you will have to find a few more class 37s Cav I think 259 has to be a goer. A nice blue machine would be nice, the pic of 37100 would be an interesting model different nose ends and missing fuel tank. Hi Richard, I have a pic of 25059 at Buxton in an old Rail mag, I think it was March 87 so a bit out of cavs timescale. I worked back to Cewe towing a damaged 37/5. Nice vid too. cheers Peter.
  15. Hi Lee, only the one I don't drink and drive. Lol Yes the Peak is rescuing the Duff, more 47s failed on me than class 45s. :0) Cheers Peter.
  16. No worries Geoff, should have mentioned the 101s have number 5 Kadees. Cheers Peter.
  17. Thanks for the info Sam, sorry for the late reply had a busy weekend. Cheers Peter.
  18. Some great pics Richard, I like the banger blue machines but 37259 with ploughs looks like a good one to model. I think you need to get some more class 37s Cav. Look forwards to seeing the class 31 progress. cheers Peter.
  19. Thanks Craig, That does help, thanks. I will post up pics once I get started so you and anyone else can tell me me if I am going wrong. Cheers Peter.
  20. Thanks for the pic Alan , I haven't seen a pic from that side so didn't know that small pipe was there. I have room for a pump house so will have some pipe work going into that, not sure if the pipe work would be curved to suit my sidings or short straight sections. I might have a play around once I get some pipe and see how it looks. Cheers Peter.
  21. No worries Geoff, happy to help. I have two Lima 101s both are re motored with the better Hornby power unit. I have a two car and a 3 car unit and I have fitted Kadees to one end of each so I can work them in multiple. Since going DCC I haven' t done it so may remove the Kadees. My 108s are set up the same. Cheers Peter.
  22. Thanks Alan, As I said to Geoff he is a Bachmann mode,l some of their figures are better than others, but the seated passenger pack is pretty good. I would love some pics of the oil terminal at Aberystwyth being in Wales but the Fort William terminal suits my needs as it's set up is like mine with two short sidings. Their is also a similar one near Inverness which I have a pic of but if you have any pics feel free to post them on here. I do need some close ups of the pipework but I will be happy if mine looks right even if it isn't spot on. Cheers Peter.
  23. Thanks Simon, I am having a beer while writing this, had a busy day at work so need one. The figure on the left is by Phoenix models and comes in a pack of I think 4 other station railway workers. They also do a track workers pack which look good too. They are whitemetal so need to be painted. The figure on the right is by Bachmann this was one of their early releases and I haven't seen them available for some time. I wouldn't mind another pack myself. Cheers Peter.
  24. Hi Geoff, Thank you, it's always nice to hear from someone who hasn't posted before. Welcome to the Llanbourne thread, I am pleased you like the pics. There is plenty of BR blue on here, the class 25 is one of my favourites and a great runner. Now the figure is a Bachmann it comes in a pack of seated passengers. In stock at Hattons if you want a pack 36-045. I have been adding more figures to the layout and do have a few Preiser ones but they are a bit on the small side. Cheers Peter.
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