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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Ooooh a track plan, Still follow your progress Jeff, but had to comment on the trackplan. Looks good, I like the idea of cassette input roads. No limit to the amount of stock you can have. Plenty of room for all those Parkside wagon kits Jason is going to get you to build. I have built a few over the years, they are great fun. It's my default setting, anytime I am bored of the layout or other stock I find a kit to build. Cheers Peter.
  2. I am enjoying the pics of 40012, I didn't see many class 40s but 012 was one of them although it was a 97 when I saw it the first time. Pic on page 1. Cheers Peter.
  3. Hi Nigel, What a superb layout, the weathering on the stone wall is brilliant. I would love to see a Banger blue class 33 and some old MK1s storming past on Bristol train. Thanks for posting up the pics. Cheers Peter.
  4. Hi Dave, The depot area is looking great. If you have any pics of fitting the speaker to the class 56 I would be interested as I might try and fit sound to my blue one at some point. 47004 would be a good choice I think it had ploughs and still had a working boiler until quite late. I have seen pics of Western region class 47s in Scotland so 076 would be fine and add a nice bit of variety. Sounds like you have a very full workbench, looking forwards to the 101. Cheers Peter.
  5. Hi Rick, I do have an Inspection Saloon but its not been run so bring along your weathered one along if you like. I am sure we can find something to push it round the layout. See you Saturday, cheers Peter.
  6. I may or may not have said that. But they are a very nice model anyone modelling the BR blue period would be silly not to get one. Especially if they were thinking of building a small layout to run it on. Cheers Peter.
  7. Mine are all just blue diesels in Leanne's eyes though she does know what a class 37 looks like, apparently they have a face. Cheers Peter.
  8. No worries Ian, Some pre tops diesels would look very nice. you already have a Hymek a few more Hydraulics and a couple of EE type 3s and a Brush type 4 would look very Nice. If you haven't already see it check out Phill Dysons O gauge garden railway thread. Some superbly weathered Diesels on there. Cheers Peter.
  9. Hi Jeff, If you can make it next Saturday can you bring my Sound chips and chassis. Leanne knows about them too. Cheers Peter.
  10. Lol, Craig there is a bit of a story there. I bought something years ago on the quite and She found out. The you know what hit the fan, and fair enough too. Since then I don't bother hiding anything. I am careful with what I spend as we don't generally have a lot of spare cash I try and sell of older stock to replace it with newer items. To go DCC a few years back I sold off all my steam stock. Luckily these days I really do have enough stock so I don't really need to buy that much, though I do have a class 85 on it's way. But that's another story. Cheers Peter.
  11. Hi Ian, Welcome to the thread. I have just had a quick look at your 7mm terminus, It's looking pretty good I wouldn't abandon it for 4mm. There is some superb stock out there for you 7mm guys. I must admit to having a Heljan class 37 and a few wagons myself but don't tell anyone. Cheers Peter.
  12. Thanks Glenn, I will be having a tidy up this week and clean the track and loco wheels etc.Hopefully the layout runs ok on Saturday. Cheers Peter.
  13. Thanks Alex, I am trying to picture where the car park is at Toton. You will certainly need a few cars about, even one parked by the shed with some fitters working on their own car, while on their lunch break. My class 31 does get a bit of use at the moment, it's still a bit of a favourite. A friend of mine had a Fiesta that had been tuned and had XR2 wheels, he took me for a spin before work one morning down some local country lanes. I thought I was going to DIE, it went really well though. As Clarkson would say. " I think some wee came out" lol. Cheers Peter.
  14. Thanks Alan, Llanbourne was portable once, I took it to my local clubs exhibition before I left the UK. The 3 main boards came to Australia, and the fiddleyard boards and legs stayed in England. I have a few pics somewhere of Llanbourne at the Brockenhurst Exhibition, I will dig them out and post them here when I get the chance. Cheers Peter.
  15. Hi Pete, Yes I think you are right there, I did think about painting the garage doors blue, but a removable piece of MDF would do the job. A job for another day. Cheers Peter.
  16. Hi David, The comments on this thread help keep me motivated too so thanks mate. It's always nice to see people aren't getting bored of my postings and of the layout in general. Cheers Peter.
  17. Thanks Scott, If it keeps you inspired then that's a good thing. It will keep you fired up for your new layout. Cheers Peter.
  18. Thanks Merf, Always appreciate your help mate, thought someone on here would know. It sort of saves me buying a MK3 though I could add one in a rake for variety. Looks like my Mainline MK1s will be in service for a while yet. Cheers Peter.
  19. Thanks Rick, You can pinch that idea if you want. I am pretty sure I would have seen it on a layout at some point and copied it myself. Cheers Peter.
  20. After having a running session the other week I didn't feel like doing more scenic work on the layout so I haven't really done much at all. The other night I thought a quick project would get me back into doing things again. Here is the result, I made the wheels smaller on the Fiesta and just lower the Marina. I had to have a Purple one when I saw it as I used to work with a guy who had one. He was a bit of an Elvis fan and had a model Elvis playing a guitar on the Dash. We broke into it one lunch time and moved it from the front car park to the back. He wasn't amused. Both cars had a bit of slight weathering. Cheers Peter.
  21. Question. I have seen pics of MK3 Buffet coaches in the Holyhead - Euston trains, but the only pics I can find are 1989 so out of my 1985 1987 time period. Did MK3 buffet coaches turn up on Holyhead - Euston trains in my time period? Cheers Peter.
  22. Coach looks pretty good Ian, Congrats on your first exhibition invite, I am sure you will get plenty more. Cheers Peter.
  23. Thanks Dave, The inspection coach is a little way off being worked on but thanks for the info. Cheers Peter.
  24. Hi Simon, I like those Grampus, nice job. I bought a Lima class 87 a few months back for $40.00 it's a pretty good model, I think I will try and remotor it at some point though. Cheers Peter.
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