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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. I ran a few trains tonight after playing around with a few sound loco's earlier in the week. First up 25109 is on a speedlink, after leaving some vans in the town yard the train is arriving at Llanbourne west yard where it will leave a few coal wagons before leaving for Holyhead. Also in Llanbourne West yard is 97406 with has arrived from Bangor, the train will enter the station and run round before heading off to Chester. I need to have a play with the speaker in this one as it's a bit tinny. 25059 is still on ECS workings and is arriving LE from the carriage sidings. Cheers Peter.
  2. You mean a 27/2. I started a thread on these loco's a while back as I fancy doing one myself. The Airthrey Park boys have done one it's a real beast. Rumour was that Shawplan were going to do a conversion kit. Cheers Peter.
  3. Great pics Dave, The depot area looks superb with all the locos on shed. Thought you only had the one class 27 but I can see two on shed. Love the class 24 on the test train too. Cheers Peter.
  4. John's done some nice books too. They even have some of my pics in them. His garden railway is pretty cool too. Really liking the railfreight 20s, 58s. quite tempted to get a class 58 myself. Cheers Peter.
  5. No worries Neil, I still have a few Grampus to do myself. I have a spare Cambrian Catfish wagon if you want a crack at one of those. Let me know if you need any info, I can take a few pics of mine if it helps. Cheers Peter.
  6. Hi Jeff, The 37 is now back together and sounding pretty good. I am going to put the class 40 chip in my 97 tonight. I have also pulled apart my class 25109 and fitted a later 21 pin chassis block from another loco, I have removed the lights for now as 109 is an older body. It has a Biffo 3.5 sound in it and is really quite good. Cheers Peter.
  7. You are right Phill, Mines a Clipper, only the one knob, I wasn't lucky enough to have a Duette me and my brother had to share we only had the one track and a siding. Happy days watching the trains go round and laughing when they came off, and seeing how long the train would keep going. Watching the sparks when the light was turned off. I always like the smell of the motor too. Like the latest pics too I do like the old Warships, though never saw any in service. I did get some Haulage on a Hymek on the East Lancs a few years back though, a real beast with plenty of thrash. Cheers Peter.
  8. Hi Rob, Love the latest pics, the upper level works really well, and the backscene looks spot on. Cheers Peter.
  9. Great video Phill, I notice you still have an H&M Duette in use. I still have one which I use for powering points on Llanbourne. It would have to be nearly 40 years old. Cheers Peter.
  10. Hi Jeff, Tha'ts what I have done. The 37 had a 3.5 as did the chassis I gave you. the v4 came from another class 25 and I thought I tried that speaker last night. Your post made me go and check. What I thought was a 4 ohm was a 100 ohm I should have looked. Anyway all sorted now and sounding great. I have used your blue tak method too. I will put the body back on tomorrow and look at doing my class 40. I am thinking of putting it in my 97 and get another one at some point for D200. Cheers Peter.
  11. Hi Neil, Glad you could make it down though I didn't get to talk that much with 29 other people here. Let me know how you go with your wagons. I might have some spare Grampus wagon transfers somewhere if you need a few. Cheers Peter.
  12. Thanks Simon, The Mermaid are Cambrian kits, a bit of a pain to build but well worth doing. Cheers Peter.
  13. Thanks Jeff, I guess what I don't understand is my 37428 has Biffs sound and standard Bachmann speaker set up, so I thought a V4 chip in my older blue class 37 would work fine with the Bachmann speaker and biffs sound. I will have to order some speakers and try a few out, it's something I have been meaning to do, as I need to sort some sound for my class 20 too. Cheers Peter.
  14. Thanks Jeff, I cranked it up to 192 and no difference, I tried two other speakers and no difference. Any idea's. Cheers Peter.
  15. Thanks for coming down for the arvo guys, Seems everyone had a good day including Murphy who thinks he's a human and was quite happy sat on a chair at the table watching the food. Jeff I have fitted the chip to my class 37 and had a play with the class 40 sound while on the class 25 chassis. both are really good but the 37 needs more volume. Can you tell me what CV I need to change for the volume please. Cheers Peter.
  16. Hi Dave, My book on class 47s says 47004 was one of the last 47s in Scotland to have an operational boiler as late as 1987. Might be worth checking you have the correct boiler port. Cheers Peter.
  17. Hi Rick, Two cars racing on the freeway hit each other both went into the trees two died in one car the other driver taken to hospilal just past the Dromana exit. Judging by the skid marks very high speed. Cheers Peter.
  18. Love the southern class 31 shots Rivercider, One of mine from back in the day. 31135 with it's extra yellow round the windows. Cheers Peter.
  19. Thanks Nigel, That would e great. Love the lastest pics too. really like that shot of the class 60. Cheers Peter.
  20. Thanks Dave, There are some nice pics of 47004 on Flickr. Blue with ploughs and small Scotti dog. Cheers Peter.
  21. See you tomorrow Rick, we lost internet last night. Cheers Peter.
  22. No worries Jeff, Watch your speed on the freeway there was a bad crash early this week and the cops have been out every day since, plus speed camera's. Cheers Peter.
  23. No worries Doug, See you tomorrow. I best get out too the garage to make sure it's all working, I have had a bit of a clean up this week and cleaned the track and wheels. Cheers Peter.
  24. Thanks Mark, Sounds like a busy night, I will see you at the next meeting then. The BMWs still wizz past along with all the Audi's and me in a hire car once I get used to the speed again. Cheers Peter.
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