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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Hi Rick, It's not to hard to do, you just have do be careful with the handrails. Happy to crack yours open when I see you next week if you want. Cheers Peter.
  2. Thanks for posting up the video's Dave, Your 101 do look very good. Cheers Peter.
  3. Hi Ian, Some nice pics, the layout is looking great the fascia with NSE signs looks very professional I think you will be getting plenty of show invites. Cheers Peter.
  4. I have removed the A from the Inspection Saloon and pretty much finished 56070 today, I need to crack on the the MGRs now. Off out to a BBQ tonight so hopefully some pics tomorrow. Cheers Peter.
  5. Thanks John, If you had told me you had remembered it all I would have believed you.lol Cheers Peter.
  6. I finished my Inspection Saloon during the week. Cheers Peter.
  7. Thanks Marcus, That class 31 was the last haulage I had. At the time I think there was only the one booked 31 on the coast so thought I would get it in. Cheers Peter.
  8. Thanks Dave, I did manage to bend one handrail while taking the body off, it's a pretty tight fit. The bloke on the left is a Bachmann figure, I have another on at the table and one standing up but you can't really see them. It is a nice model. Thanks for posting up the video too, That's a real beast. Cheers Peter.
  9. Thanks Simon, It's comments like yours that make it even more worth while. Cheers Peter.
  10. Thanks Merf, I will do that, Do you have any idea what the letters mean? Cheers Peter.
  11. Hi Mate, I did work out how it could be done a few years back but decided to keep it as a Terminus. Cheers Peter.
  12. Always nice to see some pics Leon, it's been a while. Cheers Peter.
  13. Looking goods Jeff. You will need a bigger fiddleyard though. lol Cheers Peter,
  14. The first item of stock finished for 2015 is my Inspection Saloon. It's a great model but I did do a few things to improve it. First I painted the interior and added some railway staff, I replaced the buffers with some slightly larger ones from the bits box. I also noticed from a pic posted on the Inspection Saloon thread that 45029 had the raised rectangles above the doors painted blue which I thought might be a pain to do but I ended up just scraping the grey off with a knife blade leaving the blue underneath. Some weathering has finished it off. Cheers Peter.
  15. Thanks Dave, I will let you know how I go. Cheers Peter.
  16. Some nice pics Marcus, I was married by the time the class 37s were common on the Coast though did manage a couple of trips. One was with the wife she wanted to see Conwy Castle. We spent the night at Conwy and I managed a few pics plus 37/4 haulage from Birmingham International to Llandudno Jct and 31/4 haulage back to Chester on the way home. Cheers Peter.
  17. Hi Dave, Great to hear the layout is running well, and always nice to see a few pics. The 101 looks great. Seeing your class 40 reminds me that 2 bass speakers arrived here just after Christmas. I have only had a quick look but it looks like I wll have to remove some plastic from round where the roof fan sits. Did you do this on yours Dave? Cheers Peter.
  18. Happy to off topic it's all to do with trains. Plus I can post up pics of the real stuff. Here's a class 37 at Crianlarich.
  19. Happy New Year to you Dave, It was the platforms over on the South side from memory. Cheers Peter.
  20. I still don't know what I want to do for a career. Might figure it out one day. Cheers Peter.
  21. Bacon and Egg rolls and a decent cup of tea were the go at Crianlarich as the cafe wasn't run by BR at the time. Cheers Peter.
  22. Oh yes did a bit of Bashing back in the mid 80s. Here's 20223 on the DMU a real Scratch move, but full noise all the way.
  23. Sorry to hear that, though at least these days with Flickr etc we can see other peoples pics from back in the day, a great source of inspiration. There were some very good photographers out and about during the 70s and 80s which makes up for some of the rubbish I took. Cheers Peter.
  24. You can stop it now. So jealous. Only had a couple of class 26s, as for a pair of Cromptons yes pure Thrash. Cheers Peter.
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