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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. P.C.M


    Hi jason, I remember reading about this in Steam World, there was even a pic of the Black Five running tender first with some MK1s in tow. Cheers Peter.
  2. The floor is looking very nice Alex, and the Peak looks right at home. On my visit in 86 their would have been as many Peaks as class 58s. Cheers Peter.
  3. P.C.M


    Hi Jason, Don't worry I like black 5s, but my steam interests are more Southern. Ever since operating an S&D layout when I was a nipper, I have had an interest in the line. I would love enough stock to run Llanbourne as a Bournemouth West but may have to settle for just running a few specials when no one is looking. Cheers Peter.
  4. P.C.M


    Looking good Andy, As much as I like those 9fs that 7f is an absolute beast. I actually missed out on one that I saw on Ebay a few weeks ago. It went really cheap too, not that I should be looking for steamers sometimes I just can't help myself. Cheers Peter.
  5. Nice set of pics Alan, Looking forwards too seeing the new terminus take shape. Cheers Peter.
  6. Hi Rick, I had a great day as always, and plenty of trains to watch. The layout is looking great as are the new signals. All the best Peter.
  7. Hi Rob, Nice work on the class 25s those new cabs look a lot better than the Bachmann ones. Cheers Peter.
  8. P.C.M


    Hi Andy, I have just spent a few days catching up with your new layout thread. Very nice too. I need to make the effort to check the Layout section more often, and not just look at the content I follow all the time. I do like the idea of building some points the PCB sleeper and rail option looks like the cheapest way to go rather than buying kits. Looking forwards to following your progress with this one I think you are on a winner here, and I get to see some blue diesels running as well though that 9f is a beast. Cheers Peter.
  9. Hi Rick, Your layout normally runs pretty well but I am sure something will come off, especially when we aren't watching. Cheers Peter.
  10. Hi Dave, Superb pics on this page and on 67. Love the shot of the class 26 on the Inspection Saloon. You must be pleased with your growing 101 DMU fleet too they look great. Cheers Peter.
  11. Hi Rick, Laptop seems to be running ok at the moment. Just cost a $100.00 to get it fixed though. Looks like the weather should be good for your meeting Saturday. Cheers Peter.
  12. I don't mind Andy, not a bad layout that, I remember seeing your thread on it. Maybe it's my track work or me being too fussy it wasn't really that bad. Cheers Peter.
  13. Hi Cav, That is a beast, I remember you doing that on your workbench thread. I liked the look of my class 47 the problem for me is that it didn't run as well as my Bachmann class 47s. It ran smooth enough but didn't seen to glide over my track like the Bachmann locos. Remember of course my track is old Peco code 100 so the vi trains locos probably prefer finer track. Cheers Peter.
  14. Thanks mate, I remember going out to see one on the w/loo Exeter line with a 33/1 doing the pushing. Cheers Peter.
  15. Interesting story Merf, I have a book on North Wales railways and there is a pic of a green class 20 on the branch working a special gauging train. I bet you would have trouble arranging a tour now . Cheers Peter.
  16. Hi Alex, Thanks mate, I am pretty happy with the class 56, just need a large logo one now. The 31 and 58 are great I need to get some decodes to give them a good run, it might be a while before I get to weathering them. Cheers Peter.
  17. Having computer problems, so will be off line for a bit. Cheers Peter.
  18. Nice Pics Alan, The last Deltic I saw in BR service was 55012 on a railtour to I think Bournemouth. I went up the local cattle bridge and watched it storm past. I took my first picture that day but it was a dull wet day so didn't come out well. Cheers Peter.
  19. Thanks Lee, A nice pic too and plenty of steam heat. Cheers Peter.
  20. Thanks Jinty, The class 56 has taken me a while to finish off, I lost interest in it for a while but once I started the weathering it didn't take long to finish. I need to crack on with a pair of 20s and a class 40 now which are gathering dust under the layout at the moment. Adding the detail all takes time, the thing to remember is not to add too much. Cheers Peter.
  21. Thanks for the pic Merf, Do you know why the saloon was being used? I have seen a video clip of a pair of class 20 leaving Crewe with an Inspection Saloon so I might have to do that. Cheers Peter.
  22. Thanks Andy, I haven't heard of that class 56 working. Do you know where it came from? I think there was a sand train that worked down to Chichester with a class 73 but I never saw that either. I have some HAA on the workbench at the moment so eventually 56070 will be seen working a short rake. The 56 is a great model so you should get yourself one though they aren't cheap. Cheers Peter.
  23. I had a cab ride in a class 50 out of Waterloo once and we managed the ton but only just. The old REPs used to manage the ton too. A Deltic would have been nice they sure could move. 56070 had it's first run tonight. Slightly unusual power for the Stanlow- llanbourne tanks but I think it could happen again it looks pretty good. Cheers Peter.
  24. Hi Pete, I dropped by your thread some time ago, but tonight I have had a better look through. It's a great layout and the detail is superb. Plus you can't beat a layout with a Crompton kicking about. Pic below is 33023 stabled at Woking. Cheers Peter.
  25. Hi Alan, You must be a few years older than me, I didn't start getting about on the railway until late 84. though as I said I do have some memories of Deltic's. My dad took my Brother and Me to Kings X one time when we up in London. I remember the noise was quite something. My first ride for many years behind a preserved Deltic was last year when I went to the Swanage Diesel Gala, though it's not the same as doing 90mph plus on the mainline it was still quite good. The pic below shows 55002 leaving Swanage with both engines working. Cheers Peter.
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