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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. I have almost finished my model of D200 and while weathering the roof I noticed it has some extra beading which goes along the top of the cantrail grilles and out past the roof fan to the next roof section. I will live without it for now but may fix it another day. Hope that makes sense. Cheers Peter.
  2. P.C.M


    I don't like Marmite but I like my noisy diesels. Though too many too loud is annoying I normally only have one or two going, sometimes none as I like the radio on in the background. Cheers Peter.
  3. Hi Ray, Don't kick yourself too much. You wouldn't be the only one not taking enough pics back in the day. I was the same, just cherish the ones you have they are great shots. Cheers Peter.
  4. Hi Alex, Same here, living near Southampton we didn't get to see any. Luckily I saw their bigger brother most days. I saw my first class 26s in action in 1985 and have always liked them and the class 27s. I thought the railfreight livery really suited them too. I am sure you could have one on Boxenby on it's way to or from an open day or railtour duties. I have a few for a future project the Heljan loco is a great model. Cheers Peter.
  5. P.C.M


    Nice video Andy, I have Bifs older class 33 which isn't quite as raspy but still really good. I had a Bachmann chip reblown with Bifs class 47 sound recently it really is pretty good, I like your SWD sound though. It's good to have a bit of variety. They run well through your pointwork too nice work. Cheers Peter.
  6. Hi Alex, Some very nice pics on that website including a few pics of a train I was on. Now lets talk about you looking at pics of class 26's. Something you want to tell us. lol Cheers Peter.
  7. Hi Phil, You are getting quite a collection of class 37s there. The blue ones a bit of a beast, sounds good too. Cheers Peter.
  8. Always nice to see some pics Damian, The layout is looking great. Cheers Peter.
  9. Sorry Ian, I didn't. If it's any help though, I painted the walls and tables brown the floor a dark grey and the toilet and kitchen white. The backs of the chairs brown and a mix of green /Blue with a touch of black for the cushions. Cheers Peter.
  10. Hi Dave, The class 47s are coming on well, won't be long before they earn their keep. The new bridge is looking good too. Cheers Peter.
  11. Thanks Jinty, That's very useful, I will certainly get some as I have a few other wagons that need Kadee's. Cheers Peter.
  12. Hi Jinty, I haven't tried the 148s. If you post up a pic that would be great. I used number 5s because I had most of them made up and sat in a box, I did have to get a couple of packs and make some up though, but gluing them together can be a pain. Cheers Peter.
  13. Hi David, The HAAs are fitted with number 5s I will take a pic as one end of the wagon is set up differently to the other. Cheers Peter.
  14. Ooops, Thanks John it was. I will change the original post. Cheers Peter.
  15. I have found some info on another thread which said some of the Euston Holyhead trains had RMBs in the consist. My two rakes have the old Mainline model which I think is a RBR which I am pretty sure ran in the trains too. If anyone wants to sell a Bachmann MK1 RMB part number 39-264 in blue grey let me know. There doesn't seem to be any about at the moment. Cheers Peter.
  16. Thanks Jeff, It certainly would and to be honest I don't fancy doing another 20+ HAAs 12 will be enough. Cheers Peter.
  17. Hi Alex, I had a quick look at my slides, my last visit was about 4th or 5th month in 1986. I think the Peaks were at Tinsley late 86 early 87. Cheers Peter.
  18. A well overdue update. 56070 has been finished for a week or so now. I am pretty happy with how it's come out. The HAAs for the class 56 are all now back in one piece and just need more weathering. Cheers Peter.
  19. I only have 12 MGRs which is a short train really as their should be 30+ but they look ok on the layout. Cheers Peter.
  20. Not much to report, the class 56 is still sat in the station on the oil train it arrived on the other day, I did add a touch more weathering on the bogies though. 47613 has had it's Bachmann sound replaced with Bifs 47/4 sound and even with standard speaker it's pretty good. The HAAs are progressing with the wagons back together and waiting to be weathered. Cheers Peter.
  21. Hi Rick, Sorry about the late reply. Your layout ran really well the other week but the slip coach did happen again. Kadee's would probably solve the problem but as you say would cost a small fortune. Maybe some form of braking on the last coach might help. Cheers Peter.
  22. Hi Cav, Sorry to hear MD will be on the back burner for a while, but I am sure it will be back. All the Best Peter.
  23. That's a very full Woking, don't think I ever saw that many loco's parked up there. A couple more of mine. Cheers Peter.
  24. Looks ok from the pics I have seen. If you are after a class 33 their is one in the classifieds. Would look good with your class 31. Cheers Peter.
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