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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. No worries Andy, Hope you find something useful. All the best Peter.
  2. Hi All, Just an update to show I am still doing a bit. I have just come back from a holiday in Adelaide which was great I even got a few train pics. I also took a couple of Parkside VEA kits which I made a start on, I also painted a few peoples. Having not run the layout for over a month I cleaned the track Sunday morning and had a bit of a running session. 25109 is on ECS duties and is passed by a 108 and 08695 on a trip from the station yard, also classmate 25904 passes by on a ballast. Cheers Peter.
  3. Hi Ian, Hope the training session went well, I am sure you will be right at the weekend. All the best Peter.
  4. Hi Marcus, Really like the look of this new layout, a great location to model too. I will be following your progress. Cheers Peter.
  5. Hi Paul, I think the Wills rodding looks ok as long as it bedded it ok. It is a bit chunky but It looks fine on Ian's Tidworth and Richards Far North Lines layout. Cheers Peter.
  6. Nice to see some pics Simon, Hope you had a good running session. Cheers Peter.
  7. Hi Paul, Just been catching up. Its looking great, and really come along way since I last looked in. Are you going to use the Wills point rodding? Cheers Peter.
  8. Looks great Kev, you should be well pleased with that. Cheers Peter.
  9. Look out Alan the bus spotters are taking over. lol Coming together very well by the way. Cheers Peter.
  10. Thanks Mark, I think my class 40 is sounding better now but I will remember that tip. I have a few others that could sound a bit better. I have a few Bif sounds now but I haven't got a DMU yet. The brake van is a Bachmann that I have detailed but the paint job is Bachmann's it's in the Electrification livery, they were used on the Overhead wire trains. but seemed to turn up on other trains. I am not sure if Bachmann have done the coal sector livery. Paul Bartletts Wagons site should have a few pics, there were quite a few about, TOPS code would be CAR. I noticed your thread has gone quite. Are you building a new layout or just working on stock? Looks like some nice layouts going to the DEMU show this year a mate of mine from here is going this year I will have to make him a list of bits to get me. Cheers Peter.
  11. Thanks Andy, All good at the moment. Cheers Peter.
  12. No worries John, Their will be a narrow gauge railway going over my bridge, it is North Wales after all. Cheers Peter.
  13. Thanks Dave, Thought I better get cracking with the bridge after seeing yours, so thanks. The Air con will be great come summer, it's no good at the moment though as it seems to have gone from Summer to Winter in a few days. It was quite cold here today I almost got the fire going when I got in from work. Not sure if Gout is more common here or not. I am all good at the moment. Cheers Peter.
  14. Hi John, They are by Wills. They are a kit you have to stick two sides together then join them up so you can choose the length you want. Cheers Peter.
  15. More great Pics Dave, Really like that Strathclyde liv 107 always like that Livery. Cheers Peter.
  16. I have painted the trackwork where I put the magnets the other week and it hard to tell where the new ballast is now. I have started to build the bridge that forms the scenic break from the layout to the fiddleyard I have started with the girder sections which go over the yard and carriage sidings and hopefully during the week I will make a start on the arched bridge section that goes over the mainline. I have also been drawing trackplans on some cardboard for a future layout but more of that later. Cheers Peter.
  17. Hi Jeff, Sorry for late reply, It's surprising how many people actually get it. The tablets are pretty bad though, but a least the pain goes in a few days. Cheers Peter.
  18. Thanks Andy, Sorry for late reply. The Gout is painful but I am all good now. Cheers Peter.
  19. Hi Doug, Sorry I haven't been in touch. My doors are 2.4 high but each one is 1.5 wide. I had the Air con on today for a bit and it makes a difference. So probably don't need new doors anyway. they don't get the Sun either which helps. Cheers Peter.
  20. Secret Rat plans, I will have to keep dropping by. Cheers Peter.
  21. No worries Paul, I think you did quite well with those two. I think the Bachmann class 47 is a better model that the Heljan, and the Bachmann class 25s have their faults but I think they are a great little model I am sure it won't be long before you have it nice and dirty. Cheers Peter.
  22. Hi Jeff, I saw that class 26 too, must admit I was very tempted. They are a great little model. 37428 is looking good too, I sold mine and got the Bachmann 37/4. Cheers Peter.
  23. Hi Paul, I have finally had a chance to catch up on your thread. The layout looks superb and the stock looks great love the weathering, your blue class 40 is a beast and sounds great. I really like your scenery to the grass bank looks very nice with the mix of woodlands and static grass. Something I must do on my layout is get some static grass to improve my grass area's. I am not sure if you still have your broken Heljan Duff but someone on here did use the Heljan motor, drive gear and bogies on a Lima chassis, The old Lima class 47 isn't too bad a molding and comes up well with some work. The same was done using Hornby class 31 bits to re power a Lima loco. Cheers Peter.
  24. Not a fan of class 33s Your class 25s were looking good be nice to see one finished. Agree about the smoke units, to be honest I have never seen one that looked realistic. Cheers Peter.
  25. No worries Nigel, Thanks for the info, I did wonder if it was scratchbuilt as I don't remember seeing one like it before. I thought I might suit a future project but I might go with an oil terminal instead. Maybe some black/brown in the middle of the buffer to represent the grease that comes out of the middle of the buffer. Cheers Peter.
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