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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Hi Paul, The layout is looking superb, it did back in the day when I first saw it but now with the new and extra detail it's looking even better. No doubt it will be running better too as the Heljan Cromptons run better than those Lima loco's ever did. Hope the DEMU show goes well, hopefully some pics of the layout with some stock on it can be posted on the thread. Cheers Peter.
  2. So sorry to hear that Dave, my thoughts are with you and your family. All the best Peter.
  3. Hi Jeff, Interested yes. Let me know what you want for it, I can always sort a sound chip later on. How well does it run with the decoder I must admit I haven't had much luck with them. Cheers Peter.
  4. Well I have had a couple of very busy and quite stressful weeks but hopefully things will settle down a bit now. I have managed to lower two class 37s and finish off some people that are now standing on the platforms, so will take a few pics later. While on the subject of class 37s if anyone wants to sell a Bachmann 37049 37057 or 37417 let me know. I have a 37/5 in railfreight red stripe liv if anyone wants to swap. Cheers Peter.
  5. Hi Cav, The Ped looks good, choose your number carefully as there was plenty of variation with grilles and headlights on the 31/4s. I am planning on doing one at some point I just need to find one which had the orange cantrail painted on in 1986. Cheers Peter.
  6. I do like that 143 Jeff, May be one day they will do a class 142 in good old Provincial liv. Cheers Peter.
  7. I found a bit more gen for you Rob, I am not sure if you are on flickr but I typed in 'class 40 at Bristol' and found some nice pics plus some train info. From Sept 82 to March 83 class 40s were fairly regular on the 3S15 Bristol to Glascow vans. The loco would arrive light engine. Cheers Peter.
  8. Two books show two different class 40s on the 20.25 Bristol - Glasgow vans another two pics show class 40s on the 12.10 Penzance - Glasgow vans. Another pic shows 40152 near Bristol on the Bridgewater to Runcorn tanks. Cheers Peter.
  9. Hi Rob, A nice set of pics. I really like the class 40, and they were seen at Bristol probably more that you think. I have seen several pics of them on vans I will dig out my book as I think one evening service was often a class 40. Cheers Peter.
  10. Hi John, Nice work on the flap, using the locating dowels is a good idea along with the magnets. I am guessing it wont be long until you start laying track. Cheers Peter.
  11. More nice pics Terry, I really like the one at track level looking into the depot area. Cheers Peter.
  12. Hi Ken, I hope it solves your problem packing the hole certainly made the loco run straight. Another option would be to tweek the coupler pin to the left just a bit this may just be enough to make the coupler open. I did this on my class 25109 which has plough fitted Kadee's. Cheers Peter.
  13. Hi Rick, Nice memories I had forgot about the D600s I am sure it will be worth the wait I am thinking both models will make your eyes water when it comes to price but then nothing coming out these days is cheap. Cheers Peter.
  14. I will have to try the Grand Ridge Moonshine sounds good. Cheers Peter.
  15. Hi John, I like a few of the James Squire's beers but my favourite at the moment is brewed just up the road 'Mornington Pale ale' the Browns very nice too. Cheers Peter.
  16. I have heard that too so must be true. Cheers Peter.
  17. Hi Rick, Yes and two class 27s and a couple of class 37s. I have been on about a future project for some time and I really should start a thread but I don't want to anything until I am closer to starting. What Hydraulics are due out is it the new early Warship? Cheers Peter.
  18. Oh yes the new ones do look very nice. I noticed a railfreight class 26 in the pre owned the other day too. Cheers Peter.
  19. Hi Ken, Out of my 4 Heljan class 33s operating on Llanbourne only 33202 has ploughs and I haven't had any problems with uncoupling though the loco is normally uncoupled on the straight and over an electromagnet. I will try the loco over an intrack magnet and see what happens. One of my 33/0s used to run of centre at one end, I put this down to the bogie pivot at one end and fixed it by packing the hole either side of the pivot which stopped the sideways movement. Hope that makes sense. Cheers Peter.
  20. Hi Terry, I must admit I have three stashed away for a future project. They are a great model. I don't know of any medication but you have just sold a few loco's so why not replace them. Cheers Peter.
  21. Looks good Simon, The yellow looks a bit pale though. Cheers Peter.
  22. Looks like you had a good day out bashing and drinking Marcus, 075 looks great in that liv too. When I am over next I might have to do the line as I've not done it before and it looks pretty good. Cheers Peter.
  23. Thanks Lee, It was mentioned on the running day with my mates class 26s and 20 sat on the layout that Llanbourne would work quite well as a Scottish terminus.( Anyone want to sell me some 37/4s) it would need a few. I will eventually start a thread with my next project which will be based in Scotland but things are going to be busy in the next few weeks so it wont be for a while. Looking forwards to seeing yours, I did notice on your workbench thread mention of something in the pipelines. It will be good to see you doing something for yourself. Cheers Peter.
  24. Thanks Simon, I have stopped playing trains at the moment so there will be less pics. I need to get things done on the workbench I have been slack recently so plan to crack on with a few projects. Noticed you are doing a bit yourself, the weathered wagons are looking good. Cheers Peter.
  25. Hi Lee, I didn't take any pics as plenty of people have done it before I have PM d you with more info. Cheers Peter.
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