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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Hi Terry, Have to agree with the others the scenery is looking really good. I need to do a bit of waste land by my bridge so any info on how you did it would be great. That class 14 looks superb too. Cheers Peter.
  2. Hi Ian, That's good news, did you get an invite to Brockenhurst yet? Hope all is well with you, did you manage to save any of Exford? All the best Peter.
  3. Hi Kevin, The layouts looking really good, I like the pic showing the scenic sections, some very nice detail. Have you any thoughts on building another exhibition layout? All the Best Peter.
  4. Hi Rick, As I said to Andy I will go with the stone for now unless it looks completely wrong, I have had a bit more time out there tonight and think I can make it work. Cheers Peter.
  5. Hi Cav, Thanks for the diagram, it looks like I got the first bit about right as I had a similar diagram to work from. I think I can work something out with other bit, I can lower the girder section so the the stone matches the deck. I found a few pics that show this and think it should work ok. I will post up pic tomorrow. Cheers Peter.
  6. Hi Andy, Bit late to go with girders all the way as I chopped the last few down to do whats pictured above. I don't fancy waiting to get more as I am in the mood to to this and I am rapidly getting over it so I will crack with the stone/girder idea. It did seem a good idea at the time. I will teach me to try and be clever. Cheers Peter.
  7. Hi Alex, It's great to see something running it should really spur you on to get more done. Nice Duff by the way wasn't that based at IS not TO. lol All the best Peter.
  8. I think I have made a bit of a Balls up. Hopefully the pics will show what I mean. To be honest this has been the hardest structure I have built and it was looking ok until I started to glue the new bit on. The problem is I think the deck of the bridge needs to be where the girder section joins the stone. Meaning that the new girder section should sit lower. Any thoughts, Cheers Peter.
  9. Nice work Cav, The old Ped is looking just how I remember them. This was a nice grubby one taken at Derby while I was out chasing the last of the Peaks. Cheers Peter.
  10. Good I can give you some work to do on the layout. lol Cheers Peter.
  11. Hi Woodenhead, I was always going to do a Scottish based layout at some point but being the same time period as Llanbourne I already have most of the stock I need. Loco wise I already have a few 26s 27s and 37s. Llanbourne's 08s 20s 25s and class 47s can be used. I actually think I have less loco's than I did 20 years ago I have just sold off the Lima and replaced it with Bachmann or Hornby. I know I had 12 Lima 37s at one point. There are a few exhibitions here in the state of Victoria each year but very few British based layouts and even less have diesels. UK viewers will have to settle for pictures or come for a visit. I am always happy to fire up Llanbourne for visitors. Cheers Peter.
  12. Thanks Lee, 37112 was taken at Queen Street, I will find out the date but it was late 85. The class 37/4s has just started to appear. Thanks for your pics too I will post more of mine as it will help followers to get a feel of what I want to do. Feel free to add some of yours. Cheers Peter.
  13. Hi Andy, This certainly wont be built as quick as you can build a layout some of us still have to work, lol It's funny you mention the Heljan 26 and 27, something that stopped me all those years ago was the thought of having to convert a heap of Lima class 33s. I did do two and started a third but thats as far as it went. later on when Lime released a 26 and 27 I was so tempted to get one but by then Llanbourne was in full swing and I didn't have the spare cash, I did pick up a 26 years later when they were going cheap but sold it after it had sat in a box for years. When Heljan released their loco's I couldn't resist as you say they are great runners I pick mine up when they were on sale which I am glad I did as they are going for quite high prices now. Thanks for posting up the pics of Pengwynn Crossing. It's good to see the layout is still about. I agree about the stock Out of the box loco's don't do it for me. The stock was great back when I saw it. Ok it might have been Lima but it ran pretty good and yes I remember the class 50 a real masterpiece in weathering. Cheers Peter.
  14. Thanks Paul, As I said it's going to be a long term project but thought I would start the ball rolling. It will help keep me fired up to do it, and could always help someone else get motivated to to build something similar. Cheers Peter.
  15. Thanks George, I might be asking you some questions when I come to build my track. Cheers Peter.
  16. I have been thinking of doing an exhibition layout for some time and I think it's probably a good time to start a thread as I have mentioned it a few times on my Llanbourne thread. The build wont start straight away but I have already picked up a few items of stock. As you may know I have been building Llanbourne for years so this will take some time to get going. Why Mosshill No more? Well for the last year or so my plan was to do something based along the lines of Mossend. A sort of half train idea with a few sidings and loco shed. I was involved with the New Forest Model Railway clubs building of Mossbank many years ago and went to Mossend in the late 80s and thought back then a small layout based on Mossend might work. Bachmann's class 85 introduced a few years ago rekindled my Mossend idea's but after drawing up lots of different plans I couldn't make it work with only one fiddleyard and to get the variety of trains would mean a very busy fiddle yard and lots of stock changes which at an exhibition would be a pain. Last year I decided that my next layout would have hand built points and fine scale track, although still be oo gauge. So, where am I at? Well, having decided to build my own points the Mosshill idea was shelved and something with less points was decided on. It didn't take me long to work out what to do. I remember seeing Nigel Bowyer's Carron Road in the late 80s and thought back then it would be a good one to copy with a few modifications. Using this as my inspiration, I have drawn up many track plans over the years, and having recently gone back to this idea, i think I may just have cracked a plan I am happy with. Some of you may remember seeing Carron Road, it appeared in Modelrail and Model Railway Journal back in the 90s. I think I saw it twice back in the day but the first time was at a show where I was helping to operate Mossbank. I can't remember where the exhibition was but there were some great layouts on show. Somerford with all it's hydraulics, Pengwynn Crossing and another big layout which I think was Healey Mills. Being at the show for two days gave me plenty of time to watch these great layouts but Carron Road really struck me as a great layout with no wasted space at the front for fiddleyard and some nice little Scottish loco's pottering about. With the change of idea I did think of changing the layout name hence the "No More" in the title which reminded me of a Proclaimers song from back in the day. Anyway, I quite like it so it will stay for now. I am still thinking of keeping the area of the layout in the Glasgow area which will allow a good variety of stock. The time period is 1985-86, Stock will be 08, 20, 26, 27, 37, and 47. The station will be served by a DMU and loco hauled trains. A morning parcels will also appear along with a mix of freight. The layout itself will have an oil depot and siding for a couple of vans, off scene will be a coal yard, other freight traffic will appear serving a near by yard which is probably a bit over the top for a small layout but you need variety at an exhibition and we all bend the rules a bit don't we? I have also added a small fuel point which will add more interest and the chance for LE to arrive from the near by yard. Time of year for the layout will be winter I want that cold icy feel to it with possibly some snow laying around something like the guys have done on the superb Aberdeen Kirkhill layout. Now I know this isn't anything new and Scottish layouts are quite common but since my first visit to Scotland in 85 and seeing my fist class 27 shunting stock at Edinburgh Waverley I was hooked. I even converted two Lima class 33s to a class 26 and a class 27.all those years ago I even converted a Tri ang class 37 to a split box 37112 which is a loco I hope to do again. I have attached a rough plan and some pics of the almost full sized layout drawn out on some cardboard. As I said this is a long term project so boards are a while off though hopefully this year I can make a start on building some points. Layout size will be 9ft by 2ft 6ish. Cheers Peter.
  17. I am sure once you have worked your magic it will look just fine. Cheers Peter.
  18. Thanks Alex, I made a start on the girder bridge tonight. The arch didn't get a single vote, glad I had a second thought now. I do like my Banger Blue class 37, I have another one to do but that will be a ploughed up IS beast. The 37/5 will probably be sold. Cheers Peter.
  19. Thanks Ken, Glad you got your uncoupling problem sorted. I have a few that sit a bit high if you lower the pin a touch that might help them to uncouple it has worked for me. Don't forget I want to see a pic of the lovely class 26 when it's weathered up. Cheers Peter.
  20. Thanks Andy & ess1uk, and all the people who agreed, Look like girder gets the vote, to be honest once I had done the foam board one it was looking a lot better than the stone arch. I have made a start on the girders tonight. Cheers Peter.
  21. I managed a few pics of the class 37s tonight. the pic with out of the box 37/5 shows the difference in height. I have also been working on the over bridge that leads to the fiddleyard, and I am having second thoughts on the last section. I thought a stone arch would be the go but I am thinking another girder bridge would look better and certainly be easier to build. I thinking a smaller size girder with stone over the top. I have taken a few pics what do you think. Cheers Peter,
  22. Hi Phill, Sorry about that, there is always someone who wants to ruin your day. lol It might be the angle of the pic but I think it's in the center ok but slightly high one side. Cheers Peter.
  23. Hi Phill, Hope you are well, Always nice to see an update of what you have been up to. I like the rat but in the bottom pic looking head on it looks like the headcode is a bit off centre. Cheers Peter.
  24. I actually don't mind using Ebay. I have sold quite a bit over the years and pick up a few bargains too. I decide what I want to pay and don't go over it, i think some people just like to win no matter what the price, which I think tends to boost up the prices of some items. Cheers Peter.
  25. Hi Simon, Nice set of pics too, I really like the look of the Ford Cargo BRS truck rental is that a new model. Cheers Peter.
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