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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. The coach is looking good jinty, Do you have another one to do? I presume they ran as a two or three car set. Cheers Peter.
  2. No worries Marcus, No work on Llanbourne this week it's way too cold out there at the moment. I have just been scanning old slides for my Flickr site. Hope you enjoy North Wales. Is it a holiday or work? Conwy Castle is well worth a visit if you haven't done it. It would be even funnier if your Concrete 37 was 37425. or had Constuction decals. lol Keep up the great work cheers Peter.
  3. Hi Marcus, The ballasting and point levers look great, nice bit of classic traction hanging about too. The layout looks just right and really captures the feel of the area. Cheers Peter.
  4. Hi David, Just been catching up, the trackwork looks superb. Good luck with the coach it's always useful having some good info to help the build. Cheers Peter.
  5. Nice one, I have a Tshirt for the same beer. Cheers Peter.
  6. Looks great Dave, You can always do another 553. Cheers Peter.
  7. Thanks Mark, Nice to see you back on here. I noticed your thread has come to life again, i will look out for the article on your layout. 33008 was always a bit of a favourite of mine I saw the loco a number of times and in it's many liveries. I have a Heljan model 33008 to do at some point but I am working on the layout at the moment so it's a way down the list of stock I need to do. Cheers Peter.
  8. Sounds liks a plan Doug, I don't have any Template at the moment. I will have a go at Templot but I am sure we can sort something on the day. I need a Y point and and standard left hand so we can have a crack at one of those. Cheers Peter.
  9. Hi Doug, If you are having trouble with Templot I don't fancy my chances. How does Sunday 26th sound. I could come up for a few hours in the arvo. Cheers Peter.
  10. Hi Doug, Sounds like a good Idea, I am happy to come up to you I can call into Jeff's too. I have a bit going on at the moment may be the end of the month. Cheers Peter.
  11. Sorry Rick, Didn't see your reply until now. Hope you are well now, I have to be careful around Leanne at the moment as she is having Chemo and also has a low immune system. All the best Peter.
  12. Thanks George, I am a bit like the US Army at the moment as I have all the gear but no real idea how to use it. But looking forwards to giving it a go. Cheers Peter.
  13. Hi David, Templot is something I need to look at but my computer skills are not the best so will see how I go. Cheers Peter.
  14. Hi Jeff, It looks like I am going to miss yours too as we will be away for a short holiday. A sort of recovery for Leanne as she is having Chemo at the moment. I might have to sort a Saturday afternoon with you and just come up as I still want the class 37. Cheers Peter.
  15. Thanks Andy, Your backscenes look pretty good but as you say Richard's and Larry's look good too. I may try and paint some hills then see if I can use some of the printed stuff in front. Cheers Peter.
  16. Thanks Rob, I just need to sort the backscene and crack on with the scenery. Cheers Peter
  17. Hi John, Yes they were painted black on the Departmental fleet but when 33008 was blue then green then green again again after being painted Grey then Dutch it was red. Cheers Peter.
  18. Hi Craig, I will find out and let you know. Cheers Peter.
  19. Thanks Doug, I can't make the next meeting but I am sure we will catch up at some point. I need to talk track building with you. I have a few bits, Thanks again to Dave (jinty) Cheers Peter.
  20. Now that would be telling. Cheers Peter.
  21. The new bridge is now finished and bedded, Now I am thinking about the backscene and I am not really happy the printed one. Any thoughts would be appreciated I am thinking of painting it which will make it blend in better. The printed ones seem to stand out too much. I put something on the wall today too a friend of mine bought it back from the UK. Cheers Peter.
  22. Good on you Dave, My wife is getting over Breast cancer and is having Chemo at the moment to make sure it doesn't come back so anything to raise money for Cancer gets my vote. Cheers Peter.
  23. Hi Jon, To be honest I haven't looked to closely at the triple grey ones as they are out of my time period but it is a pity Heljan have stuffed up the liveries Heljan seem to have problems with the numbers on other loco's too. As for the tail lights I think when the class 33s first came out they were used but the Southern were happy with the centre window headcodes showing white numbers etc and the red blinds for the rear so the small tail lights went out of use. Your twin crane wagon looks great I was looking the self propelled crane by the same guy they look to be a very nice kit. Cheers Peter.
  24. Brian the Snail, Love it. Great work as usual Brian. Cheers Peter.
  25. Looking good Alex, This is quite a major step really, once the pits and floor are glued down the next stage is painting and adding detail. That's some great pics above of the class 20s. I would love to know what the fitters are doing to 20214, look at the tools and wood etc laying about the depot floor. Cheers Peter.
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