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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Thanks Mate, I still need to work out what I want to do for the fence and sort out some static grass for the fields and plant some more trees. Leanne should be ok though still wont be on top form while the Chemo does it's work. Still planning on next year though so will have to catch up for sure. Oh No studying they watched South Park, Abbie is home now and found that a book she needed is at School so another friend came round and helped her out. Cheers Peter.
  2. Thanks Phill, Long story short. Breast Cancer, remove boob, all clear but four lots of Chemo and 12 months of Herceptin. Had High temp the other day so off to Hospital. Due to infection so currently on antibiotics. The new section is coming on quite well but I do need to make up a black board to hide the fiddleyard.when taking pictures down low. Cheers Peter.
  3. Thanks Andy, I am very tempted to clean some track and run a few trains but I am in the mood to do scenic's at the moment so will keep going. Oil siding next. Cheers Peter.
  4. Thanks Rick. Leanne is ok, the problem is the underskin port for the Chemo and other drugs is infected so it's a case of antibiotics for the rest of the week. Cheers Peter.
  5. I have had an unexpected day off work today as I had the visit wifey in hospital. after picking up the daughter from the BFs house visiting the wife then dropping daughter to her friends house to study, which means talk to boys and do nothing. I finished tidying the mess in the garage, and took some pics. In between the rain I walked the pooch and put on the washing. So now I sit down and post up the pics. I am quite happy with the backscene which still needs more trees plonked along the back I also need to finsh the fields and put in a fence. I was thinking wire and post but might go with the stone wall from DAS which I have done on other parts of the layout. The layout still isn't running I just put the Rat and a few vans on the track to see what it would look like. Cheers Peter.
  6. I guess we will be seeing some Collett's then. Did they run B sets up that way? Cheers Peter.
  7. Hi David, I enjoyed the old Longcarse West so looking forwards to following this. Looking good so far. Cheers Peter.
  8. Glad you go the coach sorted Jinty, It looks superb, looking forwards to seeing the others now. Cheers Peter.
  9. The 47 looks great Cav, I like the Inter City liv and still remember seeing an ex works 47487 the first in Inter City livery at Bristol back in 85. 550 should look just right once the ploughs are fitted. Cheers Peter.
  10. Thanks Scott, I hope it wont be too long before I can run a few trains but it's a real mess out there at the moment so it might be a while off yet. Cheers Peter.
  11. Thanks Marcus, I am glad the PVA is working for you, while it's drying you cn always play trains. Cheers Peter.
  12. Thanks Scott, It does have a few faults but I am happy with it, It looks better now that I have done some scenic work round the area. Cheers Peter.
  13. Thanks Andy, I do miss my internet when it's not working. My progress is fairly slow at the moment I don't seem to be getting much time these days. Cheers Peter.
  14. Some progress on the scenics around the bridge area, and a start on the backscene. Cheers Peter,
  15. Hi Phill, Looks like you had a good running day, the 9F does look very nice. But I am glad to see the diesels back. Cheers Peter.
  16. Hi Dave, I am glad you are enjoying the thread, and that it has given you some idea's and inspiration. Feel free to copy what you want as most things on Llanbourne have been copied from the real thing or other layouts. Class 47s can be a bit of a minefield when it comes to detailing but there is a thread on class 47s in another section which is useful for information though I am happy to help. Llanbourne's class 47s stand at 6 Bachmann and one Lima non powered loco. Still to do are 3 others, one of which is in bits and will be a railfreight grey loco when I find time to do it. Cheers Peter.
  17. 47642 does look rather nice Dave, I remember seeing it down my way back in the day. Cheers Peter.
  18. I am guessing about the same as you have class 58s on Boxenby. lol Cheers Peter.
  19. Belated Birthday wishes Alex, I think buying a cheaper class 56 and repainting it would be the go though time consuming if you have a few to do but then you can do both body types. Cheers Peter.
  20. Thanks Rob, It's something I have wanted to have a go at for a while now. The plan is to build all the points for the new exhibition layout. Cheers Peter.
  21. Don't let all this Scottish Duff talk put you off Alex, Stick with your class 58s and 60s. The floor is looking very nice having them pre cut must save you a bit of time. A friend of mine had his new Large logo class 56 running at a club layout running day that I was invited too. I looked ok and seemed to run well and had no trouble hauling 20+ MGRs. Not cheap though. Cheers Peter.
  22. Hi John, You are making some good progress, looking forwards too a lot more track laying. Cheers Peter.
  23. Thanks Mate, I think I am going to have a crack at painting the backscene now. The bridge has come out quite well I have been working on the scenics around the bridge in the last week but it's been quite cold here so I haven't been out much. Cheers Peter.
  24. That crane looks superb Jon. Excellent work mate. Cheers Peter.
  25. Hi Cav, I agree with the others the trackwork is looking superb it has a real nice flow to it. Looking forwards to seeing that class 47 finished too. Cheers Peter.
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