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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Umm that can't be good, Until recently I would have said good old PVA but I have read that Copydex glue is the go, even for gluing down ballast as it's better for sound deadening. Maybe a few track pins to hold it down until it's set. Cheers Peter.
  2. Hi Andrew, Superb work on the units and Cromptons, I remember the VEPs really well as they worked the 93 headcoded stoppers down my way. I only remember seeing them in blue grey though I remember the smokey orange curtains too, I think later on some were replaced with a grey ish colour but that may have only been in first class. Pushers were common too and your 33/1 looks great I always thought they sounded better than the others. I don't remember the class 71s except seeing some withdrawn ones at an Eastleigh open day. Do you have plans to build a layout for this stock to run on? Cheers Peter.
  3. Thanks Alex, Well it had to happen I couldn't keep buying 26s etc and not build something to run them on. You might find it hard to find a class 37 with round buffers in your time period as they seemed to be replaced with oval ones when in works, it's quite possible their could be a couple still about though so keep looking. Cheers Peter.
  4. Thanks Rob, Carron Road certainly was one of those layouts that Inspires. Re your other post, It would be good to see some weathered loco's back on Pengwynn I understand that replacing the Lima loco's makes sense but the Lima loco's looked great, good to hear they are still about. Cheers Peter.
  5. Hi Paul, Trackwork is looking good, nice to see the new wheels are too not to hard to fit. You will be running something in no time. Cheers Peter.
  6. Thanks Andy, The rough plan is drawn out on cardboard, see top of page 1. It still needs a tweek but that is pretty much it. Cheers Peter.
  7. Hi Will, Yep had a quick look but I think I still need to get a board made up and do things full size. But will certainly have a go at templot. My mate over here and Jinty have offered to help too. Cheers Peter.
  8. Nothing yet Jinty, I was going to see a mate over here and have a go , but I had double book my day so it didn't happen. I have had a look at the plan drawn on the cardboard and think I will be better off getting some ply and making up a baseboard then work out the plan properly . Then I can work out where and what size the points can be and go from there. Cheers Peter.
  9. Thanks Neil, As you can see I have a few class 37s to do. 37057 will become 37043. 37049 will be 37112 with some mods to the roof, and 37417 will be renumbered 37425. Cheers Peter.
  10. Hi Jim, I have been thinking about the overhead and still not sure if it would look right as I want to run a few loco hauled into the station and if there was overhead it would mean units would serve the station rather than hauled stock. Having said that a class 303 would be nice, I did buy a Strathclyde Liv 101 to work local services I just love the livery. The class 37 fleet has grown too recently thanks to Jeff 'SRman' and ebay. Track bits have arrived too thanks to Jinty. Next up is a sheet of ply. Cheers Peter.
  11. Thanks Dave, I must admit I have used the class 47 site a few time to find info on the class 47s I have done. Can you post up a link for your gallery I would like to check out your class 47s. I need to post up a pic or two of my progress this week I might dig out a 47 to put in the shot. Cheers Peter.
  12. Hi Jinty, Top work on the coach mate it looks superb. Cheers Peter.
  13. What Hair Doug, lol Though whats left is pretty grey. I will see you Saturday I just let Jeff know I would be coming up. Cheers Peter.
  14. Not wrong Doug, just like her blxxdy mother. Cheers Peter.
  15. Thanks Alex, Leanne is certainly better this week compared to this time last week. As I said still a way to go but fingers crossed. Cheers Peter.
  16. Thanks Rick, It has been a hard few weeks but hopefully things will improve in the next few weeks though still two lots of chemo to go. Cheers Peter.
  17. Thanks Dave, Leanne is feeling a lot better this week though still getting plenty of antibiotics which still means going to the hospital each day. We were meant to be going on holiday tomorrow but we have had to cancel it. Hopefully we can go later in the year. I still have next week off though so might get some modelling done. Cheers Peter.
  18. Great video David, Good to see the old S class getting some use. Cheers Peter.
  19. Thanks Ian, I was only thinking today that I need to get some ply and make up a board so that I can work out the size of the points I need to build. I am not sure it will ever make it too the New Forest show though if anyone comes out to Oz I can set it up outside and have my own mini exhibition. Cheers Peter.
  20. Thanks Marcus, Still a bit to do, but I haven't been out there this week as it's been cold a wet plus visiting Leanne in hospital each evening after work hasn't left me any time. All being well Leanne will come home tomorrow, but will have to go back for the next 5 days for more antibiotics. Cheers Peter.
  21. I remember Jeffs stone walling, I think it was pretty good. But I am with Andy on may be trying some slightly larger stones with your method. Cheers Peter.
  22. Thanks David, I must admit I do like the old class 25s. I think the backscene still needs a bit of work and certainly more trees. Cheers Peter.
  23. Hi Marcus, You are making some good progress, I like the stone walls. Cheers Peter.
  24. Thanks Doug& Lyn, Getting plenty of support, so all good. Cheers Peter.
  25. Thanks Mate, They found it early so it's looking good. Leanne is actually cancer free at the moment but has to do the Chemo to make sure it doesn't come back. Cheers Peter. Thanks Ian, I might have to give that a go. Cheers Peter.
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