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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Thanks Dave, Some progress but not as much as I would like, The tank wagons are old Hornby ones painted up years ago. Cheers Peter.
  2. Hi Andy, Yeah love Swanage I made it over for the Gale last year so had some good haulage and a few beers. Having seen your model I am pretty sure I haven't seen one, as you say it would be hard to forget it's a bit of a beast. I remember weymouth quay quite well and watched the 33's squeezing past the parked cars. As for Southampton Docks I am pretty sure the eastern docks can still be used. Western docks is in use daily by DBS, mainly cars for export. I think a few years back DRS ran a boat train into the Western docks too. Nice work on the FFA/FGAs. Cheers Peter.
  3. P.C.M


    Swapping steam for diesels can't be bad. I don't own any Westerns myself but they are a nice loco. Who makes the Yard lights? they look pretty good. Cheers Peter.
  4. Hi Andy, Luckily my favourite Pusher from back in the day is alive and well down at Swanage. I had a few miles behind the old girl last year when I was over for a visit. I don't remember seeing an SRN4s but quite enjoyed the smaller ones than run between Southampton and the IoW. A nice big hovercraft and some boat trains sounds like a good idea for a layout. I remember seeing the boat trains coming out of Southampton even worked on one when I was a shunter. Stick with the 4mm though it would be a shame not to use the stock you have already done. Keep the updates coming, Cheers Peter.
  5. Looks good Dave, You might just inspire me to start my loco shed. Cheers Peter.
  6. P.C.M


    Thanks Andy, I missed out on a Hornby std 4 on ebay the other week it went for $75.00 my Bachmann and old Mainline models stay in the display case as they just don't run well at all. I might leave the std 5 for now, I shouldn't be buying steamers anyway. Cheers Peter.
  7. Thanks Craig, Leanne has been a bit sick this week but is out tonight with the girls. The layout is coming together quite well, I have done more work on it this year than the last few, it has made a change from doing stock, though I really need to clean the tracks and run some trains as it's been a while. Cheers Peter.
  8. Thanks Andy, Still a bit to do, I need to do a few buildings now. Cheers Peter.
  9. Some progress on the oil terminal and I have placed some trees at the back which I think looks ok so will probably glue them in at some point. I have also made a start on some fence posts. While I had the paint out the other day I finished a couple of parcel vans. These were built by a friend who passed away a few years ago. The Southern van just needed weathering the other was missing wheels brakes glazing and needed the roof glued on and Kadee's fitted. The reason for finishing the models was an invite to help run a friends BR/S based terminus layout at a local exhibition. Cheers Peter.
  10. Hi Rob, The layout looks great, let me know which month the layout will be in I will try and get a copy. Cheers Peter.
  11. Hi Alex, Pics look good, getting things running is a real milestone. I think the class 60s look great in the old triple grey liv. Looks like you have a few. lol Cheers Peter.
  12. P.C.M


    Hi Andy, I like this layout, the ballasting and puddles look great. How well does your Std 5 run? I have been looking at one on ebay, Nice bullied pacifics I find the Hornby steam loco's seem to run better than the Bachmann. Cheers Peter.
  13. Hi Cav, Sorry to hear the back isn't getting any better, having suffered from a back back myself over the years I can understand what you are going through. On the plus side your trackwork is looking great. All the best Peter.
  14. Some great pics Mate, nice to see you getting a bit done. Cheers Peter.
  15. Hi Rick, It was good to catch up and watch some trains running the new class 43s did run very well straight out of the box, the Dapol Western was a fine runner too. Looks like you spent your afternoon outside, you will have that bit finished by next week. Cheers Peter.
  16. Hi Dave, Nice progress on the depot, the 47s look great too. Thought you might like this shot. Happy days. Cheers Peter.
  17. Nice work on the wagons James, The graffiti on the last one made me laugh. I would guess the washed out full would have been for the benefit of staff. Do not load may have been due the the wagon being carded for maintenance. The arrow may have been to include a few other wagons not to be loaded too. May be for operational reasons. I know that when I was a Shunter at Eastleigh Yard and was given the chalk to mark where wagons had to be split etc I did write little notes to the other shunters and draw the occasional inappropriate picture. Cheers Peter.
  18. No worries Jeff, I am sure the 8 car will look great. From what I remember they were more common running in the 8 car formation anyway. I must admit it did sound good. Cheers Peter.
  19. Thanks Neil, HAD being the positive word. Just had a quick look at your blog the overhead looks great, I will go back later for a proper look. Re our chat on Saturday on platform edging it is Peco check out LK-62. Looks quite good, it might even be to P4 standards. lol Cheers Peter.
  20. Thanks George, I tend to go for the less is more when it comes to weathering. Too much crud caked on doesn't really do it for me. Cheers Peter.
  21. Thanks Andy, This area is coming together quite well. The plan is to make the beach look more like an Estuary so more muddy looking than sandy. Cheers Peter.
  22. Hi Jeff, It was a very enjoyable afternoon, The layout was running well with a good variety of stock running. I forgot to tell you that we tried to run your green Crompton but it sounded like the speaker was loose, I was going to see how well the Network rail class 37 ran but didn't get round to it. Cheers Peter.
  23. Sorry to hear that Jeff, I know what gout is like I had it my foot last time too. I will be happy to help, it will be good to see what you have been up to. Cheers Peter.
  24. This week has been quite productive, A start has been made on the pipework for the oil terminal and the wall and air drying clay has been spread on what will hopefully be the waters edge that will hopefully look like mud when finished. 47106 was placed on the track too just coz I felt like it. Cheers Peter.
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