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Everything posted by P.C.M

  1. Thanks Dave, Still plenty to do on the layout though this section is nearly done. I still have a two road loco shed to build near the station and your building are getting me fired up to have a go at mine, but I need to finish this area before starting that. Cheers Peter.
  2. Thanks Andy, I glued it down tonight should be ready for painting tomorrow. Cheers Peter.
  3. Thanks Rick, My dog doesn't have any nuts but there could be one down the street with a sore pair. Cheers Peter.
  4. Hi Ian, Hope you are well, the layout is looking great. Hope all goes well for the exhibition. Cheers Peter.
  5. A couple of pics of the ground frame. Cheers Peter.
  6. Hi Simon, The pipework is from a Walthers kit 933-3105 I have altered it to suit my needs and a friend did a mold for some extra bits. Cheers Peter.
  7. Glad to hear it Alex, Those class 20s look great I really need to finish of my pair. Cheers Peter.
  8. P.C.M


    Nice pics and video Andy, Your spam can looks like it has a dodgy smoke deflector though. Cheers Peter.
  9. It starts with a few class 59s and the next thing you know is the place is full of bl**dy class 66s. Floors are looking good Mate. Cheers Peter.
  10. Hi Jeff, I remember you talking about this at your meeting. I think it looks pretty good, you probably only need the support posts in the middle if any. Cheers Peter.
  11. Thanks Jinty, I have just been looking at the Wills kit. I have found some whitemetal levers from an old signalbox interior kit so will use those and scratch build the rest with plasticard. I have some cranks and stools from MSE so will use them for the rodding etc. It was a great gesture by our neighbour and Leanne is is going ok. It's good to do a bit of fund raising for a good cause. Cheers Peter.
  12. Thanks Simon, The point levers are by Dart Castings. part number L31A is the pack with more in. It's a great website I bet you end up buying more than just point levers there is heaps to look at. You have any thoughts on my ground frame idea? Cheers Peter.
  13. That sounds fair enough to me Rick, I have my books from my shunters course somewhere it might have some info in them I will have to dig them out. Cheers Peter.
  14. Thanks Rick, Yes I was thinking two interlocked levers, like a small ground frame with rodding to the catch point. Peco call it a catch point so that's what a called it though I am not really sure if that's correct. Could be a regional thing I am sure someone will know. Trap point could be a point leading into sand drag having thought about it. Cheers Peter.
  15. I have a question. I have put a hand point lever next to the catch point leading out of the oil terminal but I am thinking it should be connected to the single slip which controls the moves in and out of the oil terminal. I would just mean a bit of point rodding. The pic below should explain what I mean. A screwdriver and tweezers show the points in question. Cheers Peter.
  16. Hi Dave, The latest building looks great, and congrats on the BRM article. I will look out for a copy over here, one of my local shops stocks BRM but I wont see a copy for a few months. Cheers Peter.
  17. Thanks Andy, I think that will be it for spiders for now, well until I find another one to post up. lol Back to trains and more progress on the layout tonight, no pics I am afraid just more greenery added round the pump house and along the estuary wall which is now painted. I have put a few trees along the backscene where I had a play with static grass which seemed to work ok. Next up is the railway fence, and more scenery along the back of the layout. Cheers Peter.
  18. Clare has closed the donations now. $3227.90 was raised.
  19. Hi Cav, Hope all goes well, and you are back modelling soon and pain free while doing it. All the best Peter.
  20. Hi Rob, Yep I like the extension board idea, hidden sidings on the top level will certainly add interest to operation. and more to look at on the lower level, cant go wrong. Cheers Peter.
  21. Oh yes in that case I have a couple of Shark in the Garage.
  22. Thanks Phill, Leanne is going well and Claire is a lovely person, we are lucky to have such nice neighbours. I am still waiting for some lights to arrive for the oil terminal but apart from that it's pretty much done. 7mm is something I want to try. I have a couple of loco's and some track so it will happen one day. Cheers Peter.
  23. Another shore-line pest I haven't seen is a SHARK. Safety Beach was called Shark bay for a while due to blood from a nearby abattoir going down the creek. Biggest thing I have seen while swimming is the local Sting ray which would be an easy 5 foot wide. Cheers Peter.
  24. No worries Matt. I get plenty of daddy long legs in the garage but generally leave them alone I will kill white tails when I see them a friend of mine got bitten a few times by one and still has the marks on his leg. Cheers Peter.
  25. Thanks George, Australia isn't really that bad for spiders you would be ok. It's the SNAKES you have to watch out for. lol To be honest I have only seen a few of them in the 18 years I have been here. Cheers Peter.
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