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Everything posted by Kylestrome

  1. And that you don't on any account put ice in whisky!
  2. In my experience, tsimilar problems are usually down to the issuing bank/card provider and how well their systems work ie. whether the verification app functions as it should! David
  3. You can check out any time you like but you can never leave...
  4. In the Blue era, I often had to travel from London to Exeter. I usually chose the southern route in order to get 33 or 50 haulage. it took longer but was more enjoyable. I always stayed on until St. Davids.(more to see).
  5. IT = International Trouble
  6. That is precisely the principle behind the app that I use to travel around my local transport system here in Germany. The app covers travel throughout the whole of the Ruhr Region network, which is on a par with greater London in terms of size (if not larger) using trams, underground, trains and buses. There is admittedly, an element of 'Big Brother' involved because your journey is tracked from the point of entry until you check-out. Using the app is simply a matter of checking-in at a bus stop or station and then checking-out at your destination. The distance travelled is calculated as the crow flies ie. the shortest distance between points of entry and exit, and the cost is capped at a certain amount per month, which is also quite a reasonable amount. Usually, the total I spend works out to less than if I'd bought paper tickets. If you forget to check-out, the app reminds you and makes a stab at guessing your destination based on your phone location which you can correct if it's wrong. I usually have small power bank with me as insurance against having a flat phone battery.
  7. Only if they dig circular holes ... 🤔
  8. Is this the best protected town in France? Or maybe the one with the smallest population?
  9. What are you complaining about? At least you've got a nice bus shelter! 😜
  10. After reading so many complaints about these seats, I was expecting them to be really bad. However, on a recent trip from Penzance to Paddington, I managed to get to Reading before experiencing some slight discomfort. Maybe being used to sitting on racing saddles is good preparation?
  11. It depends on how you define a joke.
  12. How true! On a recent journey on GWR I managed to spill coffee over my paper tickets and had a devil of a job separating them without them getting permanently stuck together and illegible.
  13. if he got it from IKEA it would be a freebie …
  14. I see you have some gravity defying wagons in the yard. David
  15. We also have live online departure boards: https://www.bahnhof.de/essen-hbf/abfahrt
  16. I bet you had a whale of a time.
  17. I made the exact same journey, a couple of weeks ago, and agree with everything you said about the 'new' sleeper coaches. Sleep is also almost impossible, but it is still a great way* to start a holiday in the highlands. Did you try sitting on the crazy swivelling seats in the club car? 🙄😁 *For a die-hard rail enthusiast
  18. And just for fun, here's my model of No.4 using available photos for reference. Construction details start here.
  19. "Troilus and Cressida" for Eng. Lit. A level. I gave up and did Technical Drawing A level instead (much more useful)! 😁
  20. Who, Dr Charlotte Proudman?
  21. That's the American version ...
  22. Geriatric & the Pacemakers
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