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Everything posted by Giles

  1. I think these 'leaves' are seeds from the silver birch tree - we have one in our garden, and get these all over the place!
  2. Bless you chaps! I have a Cannon GX7 II which is an excellent camera, and I'm learning to use it! Denton Brook is at Warley this year, which will be fun so it will be nice to have more locos to play with! No both lorries (the Ford and the Bedford) have 1200mAh batteries fitted, so endurance won't be a problem.
  3. Baldwin at rest at Denton Brook Factory url="https://flic.kr/p/2at2pKM"][/url]IMG_2410 by giles favell, on Flickr
  4. More boring photos of the Baldwin now it's complete, glazed and with driver... IMG_2408A by giles favell, on Flickr IMG_2410 by giles favell, on Flickr
  5. Your Vivian Garratt is quite the best I've seen - by a long chalk! I should have loved to have got my hands on that!!! I hope you'll get a chance to run it, as it will look quite at home on your layout. A good thing your own standard of modeling is extremely high as well!
  6. What a lovely job! A superb build of the wagons!
  7. It's good to get to the bottom of these things at any rate.... good luck with it! I've only used Deltang without any sound of course, so it's a much simpler proposition! These things are always a learning curve.... We're at Telford on Saturday - are you around then?
  8. Contemplation... IMG_2403 (3) by giles favell, on Flickr While sorting a driver for the Baldwin, I sorted the other two figures. This one having a break, and another operating the transfer crane.
  9. Superb bit of workmanship.......! Lovely!
  10. Just to prove the Wren actually works! As a reminder, it's a reworked Mark Clarke kit, with 5mm taken off the width of everything (except the saddle tank) to bring it down to the correct width.
  11. It's another progression, but it suffers from the same problem as most of the small vehicles, in that the starts and stops may be describes as 'aggressive ' . I think this is a characteristic of the motors start voltage or something.
  12. ..... boasting its very own ice-rink and model shop. What more could anyone ask for?
  13. How wonderful. We were there an out '66 - '69 or so, the vicar being Rev Mark Thompson-McCausland (uncle to Alexander Armstrong) who was and is a wonderful chap. We eventually left and moved to Edgebaston/Bearwood, where Dad became one of the very first worker-priests, taking up a post as an electrical designer at T.I. in Wednesbury. (He was previously a designer at Rayrolles on Tyneside).
  14. Yes indeed - ModelU of course....
  15. Love Andy's map. After we left Rubery, we went to live just outside Bearwood for six years. I can see our road just off the Hagley road, and both schools I went too.... takes me right back.... not to mention Bearwood Models....
  16. New loco to join the roster at Denton Brook.... 2018-08-16_05-04-08 by giles favell, on Flickr [url=https://flic.kr/p/28Ni7ne'>IMG_2384 by giles favell, on Flickr
  17. New loco to join the roster - a Neil Sayer Baldwin 50hp. Bought on Ebay in grey primer, but didn't run properly. Now fettled, but awaiting couplings, driver and decoder.... 2018-08-16_05-04-08 by giles favell, on Flickr IMG_2372 by giles favell, on Flickr And of course the Wren, which isn't really suited to this rough trackwork IMG_2384 by giles favell, on Flickr
  18. We did indeed.... 96 New Road.... Extraordinary coincidence! One might assume that it's the same house? There was a sort of Dance Hall next door at the time, and a Butchers just a little further up. I shouldn't think Rubery has changed so very much, except for expansion.
  19. When I was a child in the '60s we lived in Rubery, where Dad was Curate at St Chads. Worcestershire, not Black Country.
  20. A few years ago I was part of a charity Motorcycle ride from London to Bury St Edmunds, and we had a MET police escort all the way. It as a quite an experience, and they are spectacularly good and safe riders... (there was about 2 hrs of video in all...)
  21. Simon, I know little about electronics, but might there be another device/component that you could fit and act as a 'canary' that would activate or de-activate on a voltage drop?
  22. Spectacular- but in an unfortunate way....
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