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Everything posted by emt_911

  1. Morning all. 5 degrees this morning and raining although it feels a lot colder. POETS day today and this time I'm going to try to get the 'E' part right. Not a lot more to say really except have a good day
  2. A definite improvement with the water crane. Looks like it's been there for years
  3. emt_911


    Evening Andy I'm sure that I read somewhere that you were having a small break from Bitton (Post 4678) Nice work though and the story works as well. But, please take it easy.
  4. No trains cancelled from ECR but definitely a lot busier than normal.
  5. Morning all. A nice mild 4 degrees this morning and no reported problems for the trains. Not a lot more to say this morning except, have a good day
  6. emt_911


    Evening Andy Firstly it's a hobby to be enjoyed and NOT something you must do. Sounds familiar somehow. Secondly, "Also my other problem is the WEB, I have had so much help, encouragement, advice, guidance, etc that I fell like I'm letting so many people down, and that has been leaving me sleepless worrying about what people might think about that ###### FROM SWAD that never finishes a Layout." With due respect you provide far more support, encouragement, guidance and advice to more people on here than most. Some of us, me included, have felt that we need to be doing something all the time and realised (after being told by many) that we don't need to. Another thing that you could never be accused of is never finishing a layout. I've lost count of the amount that you've built, exhibited and then sold. Please take your time before coming to any decisions. There is a large community on here that will support you with whatever you decide. I hope that all this makes sense
  7. Too many buttons to press to rate the post. Excellent news about your mother. Mine had a stroke 20 years ago and apart from slight degradation of her sight recovered fully. I was certainly glad that the scrum rules improved the safety of the hooker. It probably saved me a few times. I definitely have to agree about the rules needing to be stricter for possible concussion injuries although at last they are heading in the right direction. Scotland v Wales. I'm definitely hoping that Wales can beat Scotland after last weekend, although, playing at Murrayfield is notoriously difficult. Probably even more so after the Wales win last year.
  8. Evening Jeff. Getting closer to starting the build of KL2. Just one question. Have you warned those in the north of the delays on the network when the rainforest arrives?
  9. As far as clothes sizes go, I have similar problems to others. Waist of 34 and short legs (29 inch). I also have issues with shirts, 44 inch chest means that the sleeves end up near my knees as does the tail. Probably why I don't dress smart very often
  10. Morning all. A nice mild (for the time of year) morning and nothing reported on Southern. Jock - Pleased to hear that you are feeling better. Mick - Hope everything goes well for Mrs B. iD - Looking forward to hearing that Lucy is back to normal. Hope you both slept well last night. Have a good day all
  11. 07:20. I've normally been working for twenty minutes
  12. My positions as well. Totally agree about the socks. Also used ralgex on the tape holding my ears together
  13. emt_911


    Thanks for the update George. I know I'm going to sound like a broken record Andy, but you have got to slow down. Looking forward to having you better, and back at a lot slower pace. You've got a great group of friends on here to support you if needed. BTW. Please feel free to PM me if you need to talk
  14. Morning all. A pleasant 4 degrees outside and the trains are reported to have no issues. Yes, I'm back on the train commute again. Jock - Glad to hear that you're improving, albeit slowly Ian - Not a position I'd like to be in. As Jock says, treading on eggshells. Have a good day everyone
  15. Thanks Andy. Clive and Mike amongst many others on here are a great asset. Probably why I enjoy the forum and especially the Lunester community
  16. Jeff. I don't think you'll have time for the garden soon. All those kits will need somewhere to be stored. A siding sounds like a good idea
  17. emt_911


    At last, Andy's talking about grass. Does this mean that Bitton will be complete before the kettle weathering?
  18. Morning all. A dry and pleasant 2 degrees this morning. No trains today but have to drive to High Wycombe. As for the price of fuel, I paid £1.09 per litre yesterday for diesel. Stay safe and enjoy your week
  19. Excellent set of photos. Bacup should certainly be appreciated by a wider audience
  20. Excellent photos. Great news that you're on the mend and getting checked out again
  21. Morning all. What a change. A pleasant mild day outside with a bit of a breeze. Dom - Thanks for that series of photos and the information supplied with them as well. The parts of the border that I saw many years ago certainly looked nothing like that. Jamie - I really wish our family was as well organised as far as letters go. The social commentary would be fascinating to read back through. I hope that someone is able to contact Trev by means other than here just to make sure that he's okay. A relaxing day planned ready for an early start tomorrow.
  22. While I was at it, I thought that I'd better post the signalling plan posted on my signalling query thread and kindly supplied by Clive.
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