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Everything posted by SRman

  1. Plus some more locos in Australian liveries, albeit nothing like the real things. The two you alluded to: Victorian Railways (VR) B class looked reasonable although it had a Bo-Bo wheel arrangement (real one is Co-Co). Sydney single deck suburban EMU. These were released at various times over the years. Yard switcher in New South Wales Government Railways (NSWGR) livery. 08 shunter in NSWGR livery (also possibly in VR livery - not sure on that). BR class 31 in NSWGR livery. Not a locomotive, there was also a VR brake van. There may well be others I have forgotten about too.
  2. You are making good progress, Kym, and I like your idea of having a bit of more whimsical fun. Don't forget the Cornish Clotted Cream mines too (shades of The Goodies!). I don't always keep up with developments here, but then binge on all the posts I've missed to catch up again. I passed you a couple of times at the BRMA Convention in Adelaide, but didn't get the chance to talk. I look forward to seeing more as you progress further. Jeff
  3. Even in my limited sphere of travels earlier this year (with various lockdowns and restrictions), we managed to get to Echuca on the Victoria/New South Wales border in January and June, staying with friends on the outskirts. Two photos showing the contrast between January when it was still very dry, and June after consistent rain: these are all of the same location behind our friend's back garden.
  4. I had the same thing happen with an older ESU LokSound decoder. It was determined to be a decoder fault. I was able to trade it in on a newer version LokSound. For the Zimo decoder, can you (the OP) try it in a different locomotive?
  5. I posted a YouTube video of a Hornby 30 with Howes' sound on my old layout a good many years ago. Bryan of Howes used a class 37/9 Mirrlees sound recording slowed down and tweaked to match some archive material as closely as he could. It was never going to be 100% accurate, but it was as close as he could get at that time. I still have that locomotive and I still like the different sound of the Mirrlees.
  6. My black Fell arrived this morning, much to my surprise. A quick test on DC showed it to be smooth but slightly hesitant, due to pick up problems initially. With a little running it improved dramatically, so I then fitted a Zimo MX638 decoder. Running was very smooth right from the start, but the lights were working in reverse. A quick reprogramming using JMRI Decoder Pro fixed that little bug. Overall, I'm happy with my purchase, whether it's perfect or not for period details.
  7. "This item can only be shipped to UK mainland address. Apologies for any inconvenience." Well, that's a bit of a bummer! I was really tempted to order this set. 😟
  8. I can't remember if I posted this before. Taken at Waterloo from a 4 VEP unit in 1986. (Edit: actually taken from the platform; my VEP to Wokingham arrived shortly afterwards.)
  9. I'll be getting one or two of the Bachmann models (they do look nice!), although for SECR use they are too late for the period I usually depict (1903 - 1912 or thereabouts) - the Dance Halls only came into being in 1919, so we need SECR grey locomotives to go with them. My previously built Cambrian Kits Dance Hall vans were finished as one BR grey example and one converted to Ballast van in engineering black.
  10. Some fascinating stuff there. I will be in Denmark very soon for five weeks, with excursions into Germany and Sweden planned. I'll have to see if there is anything special on while I am there.
  11. I have just rarely struck similar problems where a particular decoder will refuse to work in one single locomotive but is fine anywhere else. One such was a friend's Model Rail J70 which simply would not work with one 6-pin decoder but worked perfectly with another, yet that first decoder worked perfectly well in another loco. A more obscure one was a friend's Heljan Hymek, D7093 with an ESU LokSound, which worked fine on any address (two or four digit) except 7093! 7092 and 7094 worked perfectly, but there was no movement at all on 7093. In every case I have tried full decoder resets (repeated a few times just to be certain), but to no avail. However, that is still something to try in Jonathan's Deltic. It just might work.
  12. Which one? 😅 The first one in the darker blue-green is a Vauxhall Victor 2000 (FD model), the light blue one further down is a Hillman Hunter Mk 2. Both are from the TPM CarKit4 range, with resin bodies and white metal chassis and wheels, plus some etched stainless steel components. Bernard Taylor (TPM) did some of the finest castings and mouldings I have ever encountered, with very few equals. here are few older photos of these and some of the other TPM kits in various stages of completion. Edit: there was also a metallic blue Vauxhall Viva HB in the second example, next to the signal box.
  13. I haven't posted anything for a while, but some slow progress is still being made on Newton Broadway, and new trains continue to trickle in. The most recent arrivals were a couple of packs of Accurascale EWS CDA wagons. I ran them on their own first with a Bachmann EWS class 66 (66 089), then added my old Hornby ECC CDAs to the end. The Hornby ones are positively crude in comparison, but were good for their day. The later shots show a Hornby class 56 that I decided really needed a run.
  14. SRman

    Heljan class 17

    Absolutely: they have been like that since day 1 of the first releases. I bought a replacement/upgrade kit to improve mine.
  15. Very sad news. he started with comedic roles but proved himself to be a very fine serious actor too.
  16. Damn. I missed out on the purple Deltic: I got an email to say some had become available but it was half an hour before I saw it, and by then it was too late - all sold out again. Oh well. Maybe some more will become available, or maybe I wasn't meant to have one.
  17. Even TOPS didn't get it entirely right in earlier days. I'm thinking of classes 24 and 25 here, where they were numbered sequentially into their TOPS classes without regard to the sub-classes (24/0, 24/1, 25/0, 25/1, 25/2 and 25/3). There were one or two other diesel classes affected similarly before BR got its act together and separated those sub-classes. The other place where TOPS was initially very messy was the DMU classes, where each vehicle type (powered or trailer) was given a separate class and/or sub-class. Thankfully they tidied that up later, so class 101 motors and trailers were all classed as 101, for example.
  18. Here are my photos from Saturday's meeting. As I said in the Llanbourne topic, a good time was had by all, and there was a good number of people at the meeting.
  19. I took a few photos of the O gauge stuff too, but they need to go in the relevant thread, once I can find it.
  20. Some of my photos from Peter's BRMA meeting last Saturday. There was a very good attendance, and a great time was had by all. Thanks to Peter and Leanne for their hospitality. I still marvel at the myriad of fine details Peter has incorporated into Llanbourne. I have had to spread the photos over several posts because of the size limits.
  21. I'm in the same boat as you. I suddenly decided I wanted a purple one and found they were sold out on pre-orders, so put my name down on the website to get a cancelled or returned order. Good luck with getting one - I'm not holding out much hope, myself.
  22. There are some resin body kits designed to use this chassis, from Hardy's Models. I'm still working on one at present (the photos show a work in progress). In this case, it represents a freelance Hudswell Clark locomotive. As the Electrotren models are available quite cheaply, this is a worthwhile purchase for conversions. As an added bonus, it is DCC-ready, using a 6-pin decoder.
  23. Since the iPhone speaker is already a double, I would not retain the sugar cube. I do have other installations where I have two speakers in parallel or series, depending on the overall impedance rating of the combos. current ESU LokSounds usually cope with 4 or 8 ohms, so two 4 ohm speakers need to be in series, whereas two 8 ohm speakers need to be in parallel. Watch out for LokSound Micro decoders though: I think they are rated for 8 ohm only, but check this.
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