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Everything posted by SRman

  1. What can I say but "WOW!" If you start mass-producing them I'll take a couple! That looks superb, Dave. :icon_thumbsup2:
  2. Fingers crossed behind back! It wasn't me!!!!! Â B) Â
  3. The 207s also had completely different internal layouts for each coach. EDIT: Sorry: essentially I duplicated gillinghamgus' contribution. I'll go and sit in my corner now! Â
  4. Well, Gary, I have just this minute finished placing an order with Trains on Time for a class 150/1 with Howes' sound fitted. But, if you want something a little different to the usual, perhaps the 86 might be the go. Personally, I love the small to medium Sulzer sounds, and would love a 26 but can't justify one. The 26 would give you something slightly different from the Bachmann 24/25, especially if you bring it over to run on Peter's Llanbourne! Â Â Even so, all of your options would sound good! Pssst! Let's keep "ganging up" on Peter! We've already got the thin end of the wedge in ... Â Â Â :icon_wave:
  5. ... And we won't tell the Boss. honest! Â
  6. You could experiment with a resistor or two in the motor circuit on the 33 to slow it down a bit, Pete.
  7. There is a way you can get the 33 and 37 speeds to match ... but it involves going DCC!
  8. I agree, the BR blue skip looks rather good - the livery sits well on it. A also rather like that Southern Plastic Pig too. That livery seems to sit well on anything they have put it on ... and anything they might put it on too!
  9. Those photos have come out well, Pete. It was a very enjoyable meeting yesterday. Hope you didn't mind me taking over the layout for a spell! Â I meant to ask, too; whose kit was the Clayton? I like the way he did the headcode.
  10. Just name the ones you want me to bring ... Â
  11. SRman

    Heljan Class 15

    Well, there goes my Alexander kit-built version that won't pull the skin off a rice pudding. Maybe I can de-motor it and double head with a Heljan one ...Â
  12. SRman

    DCC Sound Videos

    I have no objections to you using my vids (with acknowledgements). Arranging in class order seems a good idea to me. PM me if you want any further details or original clips sent.
  13. Stop the excuses Rick! Start laying that third rail that the Southern Railway was going to extend into Cornwall before the war scuttled their plans! Just kidding, of course. Lovely pics as always. The proximity of that Volkswagen to the cliff edge rminds me of when we lived near Tintagel for a while (circa 1960); we arrived at our new home on a wet, stormy night. The next morning, my father discovered just how near we had come to falling off the cliffs! The car (a mark 1 Consul at that time) was parked rather similarly to that Volksy in your pic!!!! Keep those great photos coming, Rick. :icon_thumbsup2:
  14. Going off-topic a bit from Rick's excellent Penhayle Bay, a few modellers use another approach to modelling stations too long for their layouts; they model only a small part of the station and have the rest disappearing under a scenic break (say, a road overbridge or a large shopping centre). This leaves much of the station to the observer's imagination, and gets over the problem of platform lengths versus train lengths.
  15. They did run regularly in Wales, just not that far north. Still, a class 33 (or two) wouldn't look out of place on Llanbourne. Good news too, regarding Heljan 33s; they now sport the newer style wheels, which means a lot less wheel-cleaning is required.
  16. Pity he couldn't smuggle that 33/1 back with him in his luggage!! Probably just a tad overweight! Next question: will they let him back into the country?? Â
  17. SRman

    DCC Sound Videos

    There's no such thing as being too late in this thread, magic_monkey! The TurboStar sounds good. It's also good in that we haven't seen/heard much of suppliers other than Howes and SWD.
  18. The Border Loop is not easy to get to by road. I have a few very old pics taken from the train as we went over/around the Border Loop but I would have to dig through many boxes to find them at the moment then scan them in, so please don't hold your breath waiting for me!! I even travelled behind "Flying Scotsman" over the loop in both directions. I agree with Rick; it is a very beautiful area.
  19. Great stuff, Rick. Keep 'em coming! ? :icon_thumbsup2:
  20. OK, you've shown us the Peaks, now show us the troughs! All right, all right ... I'm going, I'm going!!!!
  21. Sounds good, magic_monkey09. Mine are too clean at the moment; I'll send you some to rust up and weather too!!! ? ?
  22. SRman

    DCC Sound Videos

    While I am quite happy with my 66 that I had Bryan reblow for me a while ago, the notching feature does sound interesting. I might have to send it in for another reblow! ? Bryan also mentioned to me some ideas he has for improving the class 73 (I have a beta test one - see my earlier vids), so that's another one to go back to him soon. I have now installed a class 158 from Howes but have yet to take a video of it. Bryan did a special feature for me in adding another engine start on F10, thereby allowing me to mount it in a two or three car class 158 or 159. At the moment it's in two-car 158 but when I finally get the lighting sorted out for DCC on the 159 I intend swapping the installation into that. By way of explanation, while i am fiddling with the lighting circuits (and making mistakes!) I figured it's better to risk a cheaper non-sound decoder rather than blowing up a rather expensive LokSound decoder! Keep the videos coming guys. I enjoy listening to (and seeing) others' work. Lots of variety is a very good thing! ? :icon_thumbsup2:
  23. Both are very good and represent different builds of the wagons; Hornby have the smooth welded sides and Bachmann the rivetted ones. Watch out though, as Hornby have another variant in the form of the older Lima ones with rivetted sides - while they have upgraded these a little, they are not as good as the newer mouldings. There are pros and cons for both brands. Hornby's are lighter but have ? more detail ready fitted. I believe the heavier Bachmann ones have the more accurate internal partition arrangements. there is also a question mark over Hornby's number of end railings. I run rakes of mostly Hornby with a few Bachmann ones thrown into the mix, only because I stocked up on the Hornby ones while they were available in certain shops' bargain lists. There is no reason why you cannot mix the two brands and mix the liveries a bit too.
  24. Just a small caution here: both of the suggested decoders will work well in the 153 but if you wish to run two or more in multiple, you may need to consider a more expensive chip that supports advanced consisting. I presently have two with Hornby decoders factory-fitted and am happy with their running qualities bit I have consisted them using the old-style "brute force" consisting available on the NCE Power Pro / Power Cab systems. For the future, with a third one in Wessex Trains black livery on the way to join my two in Wessex Trains pink and blue liveries (Electra Graphics overlays), I will be giving strong consideration to TCS DP2X-UK decoders which will give the control and features I want, together with advanced consisting, and no trailing wires. There are many other possible decoders to suit as well from several other manufacturers.
  25. You are not wrong about the NSE stock straying. I was very surprised to catch NSE liveried Mark 2 stock from Inverness to Nairn in 1986!
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