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Everything posted by SRman

  1. It does show any rough bits of track up, hidden or no! I had a thought that I could possibly bring the camera and wagon along to try a few runs on Penhayle Bay, with your permission, if I make it for your running day. The thought occurs that my wagon is an older one with medium-sized tension lock couplings. If necessary, I can find something suitable with NEM pockets to put Kadees in. Let me know your thoughts on this.
  2. If anyone is interested, I have been experimenting with a video camera mounted on a wagon to produce a few "cab rides" on my layout. They are posted on YouTube and Facebook (for friends only in the latter). If interested, the links are as follows: with a Heljan class 33 and legomanbiffo sound; with a Bachmann class 37 and Howes sound; with a Heljan class 52 and Howes sound. I am learning as I go and trying to put more features to make them more watchable and interesting, as well as using different locos to give a variety of sounds. I hope to improve as I try a few more of these videos.
  3. I agree with Doug regarding the pavers (non-) self-adhesive properties. Where I have used them in the past I have had to reglue them after a short period of time. In my case, ordinary PVA did the job and also sealed the cracks a little, giving a slightly better scale appearance.
  4. I already did that with the first issue D5000 and my slightly modified and renumbered Bachmann D5011! Thanks for posting the nice photos. The model looks superb, especially with the polished grilles. Bachmann one is on the left.
  5. C'mon guys: post some pictures of the new versions, please! 8)
  6. Ben, the only give away that yours is a model shot is the tree shadows on the backscene. If it wasn't for those, I would have been 100% fooled ... rather like Waverley Wests always excellent shots. (There you are folks; two compliments in one sentence!)
  7. DougN: up late because we went out with Roger T. to Train World then fish and chips by the bay. We were watching You Tube videos and generally chatting until quite late ... What better way to spend a Friday evening? Kelly: it's funny you should mention the Replica items, as I have an email from them to respond to for some suburban coach kits and MLV parts, with the email received here just after the aforementioned late night. It was time stamped for just after I went to bed!! I am going to dismantle a Bachmann 4 CEP unit and use one of the intermediate coach chassis plus the Replica suburban SO body and seats to create a centre car for my Kernow 2H unit, turning it into a 3H. I have purchased a few bargain priced CEP units locally over the last couple of years, so I thought I don't mind sacrificing one of them for other projects. The motor coach will power a spare EPB DMBS body left over from the first batch of blue EPB units from Bachmann with incorrect numbering, while the DTS will be converted to a HAP . That will leave me a spare non-powered DMBS chassis, which could go into a dummy 2-car unit or under an unpowered (dummy) MLV or GLV (thinking ahead, here, for the forthcoming Mark 2F coaches from Bachmann to make up a Gatwick Express unit).
  8. £49.99 (no VAT) + postage of £11.75, Rick, so quite a bargain. Mine seemed to have a little more gear whine than the usual Bachmann units but it still runs just as sweetly as the rest.
  9. Just arrived today, my bargain BR blue MLV from Invicta Model Rail. After a long running in session on the rolling road on DC power, I fitted a Lenz 21 pin decoder (as per all my Bachmann SR EMU stock), tweaked the inertia/momentum settings to match all the others, and set it to work in "multiple" (i.e. in a consist) with a green MLV and green 4 CEP. Here's a quick photo of 68004, 68006 and 7126. This is my third model of 68004, although each is in a different livery from different eras. I did actually renumber the NSE one to 68002 (unit 9002) to allow running with its earlier post office red liveried sister. The BR blue one would never have run with either of the other liveries, so the number 'clash' doesn't matter so much, but it can legitimately be mixed with green, blue and blue/grey units. It also means that the two remaining un-renumbered models of 68004 still don't both have the same DCC number allocated, since I used the unit numbers to identify the PO red, NSE and 'jaffa cake' liveried units (9002, 9004 and 9008). For all intents and purposes, they will never be running on the layout at the same time, but the post office and renumbered NSE one can be run together if I want, together with the 'jaffa cake' livery (although the time overlap for the three liveries is very short).
  10. Agreed, but very possible to get the electrics wrong again, particularly for DCC.
  11. After the problems with the class 73s, I'll be very wary of jumping straight in to buy a B4. I think I'll wait until the reviews and reports come in first, and take the risk of missing out if they sell quickly.
  12. I have only just caught up with this thread, even though it goes back a couple of years. I have to say I agree with a good many of the choices here. Hornby have produced many fine models in the last decade or more, and even made subtle improvements on some after the initial releases (the Merchant Navy comes to mind here). There have been a couple of "failures" - by that I mean less successful models or those dogged with errors, not necessarily sales failures - such as the 4 VEP, which did not quite capture the real 'face' of the units and had a few running problems reported as well. The 2 BIL seems to have been very successful (I have quite a few of them myself), although I don't think they quite make the "best models" category. The moulded roof vents are fairly obvious, in spite of what Hornby's press releases tried to make us believe, although I have to say the moulded on door handles and grab rails are entirely successful, IMHO. The 2 HAL also falls into this category. So what are the best models? I have quite a few Merchant Navy locos and West Country / Battle of Britain and N15 variations, and multiples of the Q1. Together with the Schools, T9, 700 and S15, all look and run superbly. The Black 5 hasn't quite kept up with the looks of the newer models but is still a good looker and runner. For the diesels and electrics, I like the class 50s but the front end was never quite right around the windscreens, so that drops a few points. Likewise the newer class 30 / 31 models aren't quite there. I cannot fault the class 56 and 60, though (apart from the recessed fan grilles on the 56), and, of course the 08 / 09 shunters. I have a bit of a weakness for the latter, from both Hornby and Bachmann, but the Hornby model has the edge on fine detail. Again, all of these types run silently and with superb smoothness. The Brighton Belle is also very good. For coaches, the Pullmans in various guises and styles are excellent models, as are the Maunsell coaches. Of the types I don't own, I do admire their Britannia and Standard 4MT models. I like the look of the Stanier 4MT tanks too, even though I have no use for them, and the same applies to the LNER O1 and A1/A3 models. I own a P2 but that used the 'design clever' technology so loses a few points here and there. In short, how does one choose any one model over any of the others from that lot (and I have probably missed a few good 'uns, too). I think Hornby have generally been on the right track (no pun intended) but occasionally strayed from the path of excellence. There are plenty of very, very good models to choose from there.
  13. They are not allowed to run early. You should apply a penalty!
  14. It will certainly have been painted (by hand, or otherwise!). If the existing paint job is reasonable, I would be inclined to just spray or brush some matte or satin varnish over the lot. From the photos, it looks quite nice but the camera can hide, as well as highlight, poor paint finishes, depending on lighting and angles. I'm not 100% sure, but it also look like it has been modified to make those footplate end curves shallower, as per Pete's model illustrated earlier (post #8 ). It has also had the cab cut down and is numbered as an Eastern Region locomotive (where are all the LNER experts out there to tell us what it now represents??).
  15. Yes, after 1986 (was it May?) when the Hastings line was derestricted, the 33/2 essentially became common pool with the 33/0. Once the Weymouth line was electrified, 33/1 could also turn up anywhere. The pics and modelling are superb, Peter. If you feel like weathering a few more blue 33s, I have four of them for you to do! I also have two green ones, a 'Dutch' and an EWS, if you feel like extending yourself.
  16. Nice photos. I don't think either photo shows conclusively one way or the other. The lighting in each seems to make the 71 match whichever coaches are in the photos.
  17. I always thought they were to the Mark 1 coach side profile (rather like the Western diesels were too).
  18. I posted the question to Dapol on their Facebook page about what they intend doing to correct the faulty PCB design for those who want replacements when they become available. That was back on Feb 26th, and they did answer some other questions but they have remained steadfastly silent on this issue, and seem to be hoping I'll go away and forget about it if they ignore me. I have posted again in that same thread on their Facebook page asking them to answer the question, and promising that I will take this further if they don't respond ... I will be contacting Consumer Affairs or whatever the department's name is nowadays.
  19. Hi Dan. I had similar problems with my previous layout (although not with the Heljan model as it didn't exist at that time!). Lessons learnt from that layout mean I lay all of my third and fourth rail flush with the tops of the running rails. To do that, I countersink the 'pots' into the sleepers, as well as omitting the washers. Having the rails level may not be prototypical, but it certainly eases track maintenance and also obviates problems with low clearances under some locos or units. Even so, my Kernow Beattie Well Tank's brake rodding still catches on a couple of slight high spots on the third rails (meaning my track laying is less than perfect!). I also had to file the centres of the gear/axle covers on a Realtrack class 143 to clear the fourth rail. Edit: I should add that my Bo-Bo No. 8, Sherlock Holmes, doesn't have any problems with the way I have laid the track. Clearances are close, though.
  20. I used to love the sounds of the Thumpers, both from inside and from outside the units. I encountered them regularly on the Three Bridges to East Grinstead line, when walking to school in Worth from Pound Hill, or travelling from Pound Hill (Three Bridges) to East Grinstead itself. The Hastings units also produced similar sounds but in multiple, seeing as they had two power cars per unit and usually ran as two units (12 cars) back in the 1960s when i watched them from my grandparents' house in Petts Wood.
  21. Yes, I'll definitely be up for a few 2 HAPs. I already have a Bulleid style HAP under construction, and I was contemplating converting some of the spare EPB bodies I have, but they will now simply become dummy EPB units with some livery variations..
  22. Thanks Peter. I'll have to see if I can make a little figure of you clinging onto the front steps one day!
  23. Back to D3219, the Hornby 08 I have been painting and weathering. I finally got round to painting the various handrails white. Unfortunately, this has now emphasised any kinks and bends in the handrails, plus showing up a few odd bits of fluff and cat hair that have stuck to the previous paint. Still, the effect is not too bad, and the cruel close-up allows me to make the final adjustments to produce a convincing model. p.s. Thanks for the earlier compliment, class"66".
  24. Funnily enough, I prefer the 700 class running (one model) to the C class (three models), although all are very good. My 700 seems slightly less sensitive to dirty track on my layout, although the differences in running qualities between the two types are marginal, to say the least. To be honest, I think anyone would be happy with either type ... I know I am happy with both.
  25. The Matchbox Commer/Karrier ice cream van was also very close to OO scale. The cab matches up in dimensions to my resin kit commer van (I can't remember the source of the kit for sure but I think it may have been Road Transport Images). I do have a couple of the Matchbox Ford Thames minibuses, but the Volkswagen van I had as a child has long since disappeared. The Husky Ford Zephyr 6 estate (a rarity in real life) was around 1/75 scale.
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