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Everything posted by Downendian

  1. I'm not convinced that there were no further Westerns in blue with red backed plates. Robert Carroll's site also has a picture of D1029 which appears to me at least to have plates with a pinkish hue - now I'm prepared to accept that it could be worn away to primer but there is definitely a pink colour. Robert zoomed into D1029's plates, take a look in the thread below - he won the ebay auction, for the photo in question, I bid on it specifically because of the red/black plate question. Further take a look at the photo of D1004 here down Robert's thread,http://www.rmweb.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4043&start=325 D1004 clearly had red plates when in green livery, were they transferred when painted blue? again maybe primer but more red than black. Edit : D1029 with "pink" plates Robert Carroll's site http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2038/2154555350_d921dd5f45_o.jpg And http://www.rmweb.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4043 I've also got a photo (not copyright unfortunately) of 818 in blue with RED plates - 100% sure of that in 1972. Neil
  2. Indeed I can, 2nd pic of the very first post in this thread.http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/95191-neils-hydraulic-pics/?p=1754778 Neil
  3. Good evening - some more. First a couple of Hymeks D7037 on a breakdown train, I think I know where it is - it must be easy any ideas? Next D7096, which was part of the Derby RCD fleet (as was D7076 which was preserved), D7096 sadly didn't survive, 1980s, Old Dalby. The only Western in blue with a red nameplate, added in 1976, D1013 Western Ranger at Westbury. Or was it? some suggestions that perhaps D1029 ran with red backed nameplates for at least a year. A favourite Western, A favourite slide, D1026 Western Centurion at Exeter St Davids Another favourite- the first ever number to go in my spotting book, D1016 Western Gladiator at Reading. Will edit to add dates when back in Bristol this weekend, where the slides currently are! Neil
  4. Hi all Vuescan is the software I'm using on my Mac - upgraded it and no difference. I think it's a hardware fault. Just about to shallow fry a steak and will post later with some scans before the fail. Neil
  5. I wondered when you'd be along Nidge Neil
  6. A few from the last couple of years to kick this off. Yellowhammers will soon arrive in the next month or two, they are a feature of telegraph poles in the country lanes around the cottage. A sure sign that Spring is here. Then high summer 2013, near Crebar Farm, Yealmpton what I think is a Silver washed fritillary, but happy to be corrected. Neil
  7. Well, the first Daff is about to open in my Devon garden, very mild earlier this week. Spring not too far away? This is March 9 last year, warm balmy lots of bumble bees out. Not long to wait folks, can't wait for the first butterfly posting of 2015. Neil
  8. I've found a few more scans this evening lurking on the depths of my hard disk- so postings will continue! Meanwhile one of the biggest joys for a hydraulic fan is seeing D1015 operating on her old stomping grounds. I've only been out twice to see her, and can't recommend it strongly enough. I had a cab ride on D1062 Kidderminster to Bridgnorth but seeing a Western in full bore again is almost as good as a time machine. Here's one of my favourite "mule" videos on YouTube from a few years back. Neil
  9. Still spotters abound platform 11 (as it was) in the late 1980s, its a very sad desolate place now with Bath road gone. Keep them coming David- superb. Neil
  10. many thanks Jonny^ I'm gradually running out of scanned slides, but there are many more to do - will try and get the scanner running, but I can't get it to talk to my Mac at the moment. So this thread may be suspended whilst its on the dark side of the moon, but it will be back! Anyhow some oldies of mine that were on a previous version of Rmweb, but just for old times sake. First a pair of class 22 slides D6334 at Newton Abbott, late '60s early '70s Next 6309 at Truro in a very sorry state. Hymek D7068 at Cardiff, obviously accident damage led to the removal of its Headboard clips at some point. D7016 at Old Oak in May 1974 - one of the models on the to do renumber list (i have D7000, D7010, D7011, D7012, D7017, D7052, D7054, D7068, D7093 already done - fiddly! And finally tonight D1068 Western Reliance at Bristol Bath road (photo Barrie Watkins), 13th April 1976. Another Western I had for haulage between Weymouth and Bristol, summer 1975, sunburn and the rest. Neil
  11. https://www.flickr.com/photos/63924222@N06/9605006159/ Looks a different shape to a Western. You could try fabricating a couple from evergreen U-,section/channeI did the modified one on D1065 using similar (that's a "w" shape one end). Neil
  12. D1040 is one of my Dapol Thousands. It was my first haulage to London from Keynsham in October 1974. Neil
  13. Oh no D861 - roof grilles. Good job we discussed these things. Neil
  14. A wave of concerned preorderists! My three (all livery variants) are still showing £76.46 I reckon D861, D856, and D852/4 don't you think Phil? .
  15. Hmm indeed - my preorder class 24/1 and 45 have their prices maintained, but not the Warships - guess which ones are highest priority. Neil
  16. A glitch of the scanner/ Mac photo editing software I fear Jerry, Photoshop is much better, but I don't have a PC to run it. My daughter has promised to help - I bought it for her Photography GCSE.Neil
  17. Good morning -some more before embarking down the M5. First D7000 leads a line of three withdrawn Hymeks at Old Oak Common, May 1974 Next a former avatar, that I used when first joined RMweb, 813 Diadem at Truro in the early 1970s on a glorious milk train 1015 Western Champion at Plymouth North road, 2nd March 1976 D1057 at Laira, 13th July 1975 And finally D1062 Western Courier, when she was first preserved- a huge sigh of relief at the time that at least one was going to survive I recall. Swindon works, 7th August 1976.
  18. Two can play at that game Peter. More prototype photos to post tomorrow, just sorting them through Neil
  19. I have a feeling the original copyright slide was bought from the same ebay seller -transport topics, will check. Edit no it was Strathwood -bought the same time as the slide of D831. Neil
  20. The ebay picture of 854 in 1969 Phil shows it piloting a failed Western, at Newton Abbott, complete with guess what blue data panel. The patterns of muck along the White mid body band look similar too. I wonder, just wonder if these pics are from the same roll of film! Neil
  21. I've never seen that photo Brian do you have a link? Edit : here it is http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/uploads/monthly_09_2014/post-414-0-59070300-1411936611.jpg There's quite a few posts in the 4mm Heljan thread relating this story I may not be 100% accurate, but one plate was lost I'm fairly sure - perhaps Brush replaced it when it returned to Loughborough? Neil
  22. There is quite an interesting story regarding the missing Falcon nameplate, replaced by the cartoon elephant as depicted by Brian. The original Falcon crest went missing toward the end of the locos life at Ebbw junction, and no sign of it was ever found in railway memorabilia/ dealers etc. Then (in the last decade) someone advertised "an imperial Eagle crest" which was thought to be a Nazi WW2 artefact, and it sold (as far as I recall) for a pittance or perhaps was withdrawn from sale early. Someone pointed out what it actually was during the auction! Neil
  23. Ordered some of their excellent etches this morning. Get them before they're gone, if you snooze you lose. Neil
  24. Absolutely stunning Brian. Where did you source the decals for "Falcon" and (is it?) Barbar the elephant? Neil
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