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Everything posted by Downendian

  1. Thanks Jonny but I'd prefer to keep this thread for Flickr and other galleries on the web with BB linking where this is possible. I'd also like to keep my photo thread where there has been great interactions and people including yourself posting their superb photos when they don't have their own dedicated thread or Flickr streams. Neil
  2. Whilst not wanting this thread to develop into an endless list of Flickr finds, take a look at the KDH archive which I've linked to the dedicated thread on Hydraulic galleries here, bottom link. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/37668-diesel-hydraulic-photographs-and-galleries/?p=401799 Neil Edit bl**dy iPad fat finger autocorrections etc.
  3. Take a look at the KDH archive that I've put a link for in post 1 of this thread or here https://flic.kr/p/kqFnd1 edit - scroll backwards first. D6337 as landing point - click forward and backwards from that photo. Wow just wow - May 1st 1969 first date to set on the time machine South Devon sea wall Neil
  4. Steven Wilson - Hand. Cannot. Erase. Listened to it throughout my drive up the M5 last night. A truly great album, normally his works take a few listens to grab - this one is instant. Thoroughly recommended. Neil
  5. And I was getting concerned that there was little or no class 14 involvement in this thread. Thanks Teddybear, you've certainly redressed the balance! Neil
  6. Gareth, doesn't look like D7068 to me Edit -ah it's lurking in the background - lovely photos thanks for posting. Neil
  7. The photo of the A40 makes it look decidedly sporty alongside the museum pieces that are parked - I wonder what that little lot would be worth now? Also a very historic shot of the Saltash road bridge in the background being built - didn't it open the following year? My grandfather had an A40, grey with black roof, happy childhood memories from the '60s in those old cars. Neil
  8. Found some more scans this evening whilst doing some housekeeping on the PC. First a couple of D1051 Western Ambassador At Bodmin Road on 7th June 1974, on the 0649 Bradford-Penzance service, normally a peak or 47 to Plymouth, then a Western into Cornwall. Much beloved of the Western haulage fans. Then at Par on 22nd February 1975, on the 0930 Paddington-Penzance Next Hymek D7023 at paddington in 1973 - a "panned' image of an earlier post. 1A92=1718 Paddington-Oxford edit it maybe earlier than 1973 as it was 1A82 then, the infamous service that resulted in the West Ealing disaster, December 1973. And finally tonight D1034 Western Dragoon at Paddington on an unknown date, but looks like arriving on the 1610 Penzance-Paddington service, 1A09. Neil
  9. Gareth - many thanks for getting into the spirit of things, they are super photos Neil
  10. I think you're right Brian. The distinctive footbridge plus single arch bridge in the distance strongly suggests it is. http://www.thedutchfamily.co.uk/pl%20bristol%20ashton%20gate.htm Neil
  11. Many thanks John, your post is appreciated. Whilst I'm certainly no expert on copyright law, yes I think you're right you can download images to keep for personal use. In any case if that's not right, anyone from RMweb I'm very happy for them to download any of my images, and wherever a request is made I'm happy to email a higher resolution scan. Neil
  12. Absolutely agree with Jonny and Robert's comments. Whilst sometimes copyright slides when advertised as such maybe difficult to ascertain, every slide I've shown in this thread and others I'm fairly certain the copyright holder is me. This is because I try and buy slides from the original photographer, from reputable dealers such as Strathwood and Triotske travel and keep screen grabs and ebay receipts of my collection - that is how I prevented the posting by another individual on Flickr, who actually is a "famous" online Bristolian historian. Have no fear I will continue to post them, it's only technical reasons why I'm not continuing to do so. Collections such as The Robert Carroll correction, Brushveteran, DaveF others named in this thread and not forgetting of course Paul Bartlett's wagon and NCPS collection we would be much poorer as a community. Companies that provide us with our sundries for super detailing (including Cambridge Custom transfers who make accurate excellent products I can vouch) are highly dependent on such resources, without copyright collections or their own resources they would be dead in the water. Maybe one day I will produce railway books - I've just been commissioned to write my first academic book, and have over 100 Scientifc papers to my name, and it's an ambition I want to realise one day (it's one of my retirement "business plans"). Those books will of course use my images, and where appropriate seek a license from others where I don't have the required image, Robert being the prime first stop for my hydraulic requirements. In the meantime I will post here, which I think is an altruistic act, but if I do produce books then I hope the quality of the images and supporting knowledge will ensure they are financially viable. Above all I want any of my publication activities to be legal, and copyright and licensing are the only way (believe me I've had huge wrangles with patents that I am named on). In any case the input of contributors with our huge collective knowledge base has greatly assisted me in identifying locations, dates etc. just look at the Newton Abbott Warship identification squad earlier in the thread. So, I've gained from many people in this thread, and for that you have my gratitude. Neil
  13. Sorry John I disagree. You don't have to view them if you don't want to, I've posted these entirely due to altruism, no personal gain here whatsoever. Most slides I collect and buy at my personal cost are for personal memories, and some for stuff I wish I'd had seen but was just too young. yes and I agree they should be in the public domain but who pays the price for buying them? It's posts like yours that make me wonder why I bother. Neil
  14. Interesting Robert and I agree re "full train" shots. My recent batch of ebay wins have been Westerns at Reading photographed from a distance at the head of mixed freights. This is currently one of my greatest area of intrigue - the very late unfitted freights or partially fitted freights of the mid 1970s, and how to replicate those wonderful Severn Tunnel Junction to Acton trains that were invariably hauled by Westerns. Neil
  15. Just noticed the wiring conduit to the headcode box - painted yellow where Green nose, and green where yellow nose! Neil
  16. I think we are all extremely grateful for all these images that are posted online, invaluable for modellers. Robert's collection is indeed one of the finest - in the old days when you could see bidders on eBay we often were bidding on the same item! Roberts collection are all watermarked for copyright. I've had a rather unfortunate incident this week when I found 20 of my copyright slides on Flickr, where most probably the poster had sourced the images from eBay. The date he uploaded them was exactly the day I won my slides and I also saw plenty of others there which I'd bid on but lost. He'd also replicated precisely errors in the slide listings! A lot of grot from the ebay scans are on the images too. I reported this to flickr late yesterday afternoon, and to be fair to them all had gone by early evening. But what to do? Having had a PM conversation with DaveF (who has 40,000 railway related slides, and has similar copyright infringement episodes), how to stop this? It is a worry where you've paid a considerable amount for a copyrighted slide, then see someone flagrantly ignoring your legal right to this image. Just one image is bad enough, but 20-on that scale I think something should be done about this individual, and I may be writing to him via Flickr. Any advice/experiences please PM me, it's important for us that have slide collections that our willingness to post such images isn't compromised. Anyhow to lighten the mood, I've now run out of scanned images - will repost when the scanner is up and running. I've got some large negatives which wont fit my cool pix V and will be done on a flatbed scanner. Some of those include my only copyright images of class 14s. This is one of the infamous 20 slides on Flickr, Bath road open day in 1965. D7077 and D71 in attendance - I may well have been there as a mere 4 year old. My grandfather worked there and have vague memories of these open days mid to late 1960s. Neil
  17. Most of them Stovepipe, there was even a famous Colourrail shot of D1015 in there for good measure too! Absolutely none of your fault by the way, as you say if you hadn't have posted I'd be none the wiser. Neil
  18. Update on the copyright infringement - the Flickr slides have vanished this evening. There were a total of 20 of my slides posted, pretty angry shall we say. Got screen grabs of them on Flickr now weighing up what to do. Neil
  19. Hi Brian I have a number of the 8-pin class 44 chassis and some older Bachmann chassis with flywheel motor but not DCC ready. There has been some interesting PMs re the etched grilles, and better sources than the Olivia's grilles are/will be shortly available. The older Bachmann chassis have to have bufferbeams installed on them as the earlier mainline and Bachmann peaks had these moulded incorrectly onto the body. The older chassis though are less suitable because the fan grilles intrude into the mody and would need removing. I think 46003 is on the up goods loop, the photo is taken the opposite side of the line facing the station - there was a scree embankment to climb from the road that enters Stoke Gifford yard - we used to spot there a lot while cycling to parkway. The Flickr images are much worse than I thought - he's posted around 15 of my copyright slides. They've mostly been reported to Flickr, and disappointing because this guy is quite a local celebrity regarding Bristol history. But that does not give him the right to flout copyright laws. I will be in touch with him if they're not taken down, naturally I will and have posted many of them on here. Neil
  20. In DaveFs thread stovepipe, completely innocently posted this image which some wise guy has posted on Flickr. He's taken a huge batch of copyright slides that were advertised early in the new year on eBay and posted them in his Flickr account. Naturally it's been reported and although I'm happy to post here for our use, unimpressed by this person to say the least especially as he is also living in Bristol.Neil
  21. Eerm that's a slide I bought earlier this year with full copyright! I've posted it in the brake tender and my detailing thread, Edit : rather than start an extended debate on copyright issues spoiling Dave's fine thread I've posted on this subject in my detailing thread Edit edit Flickr have removed the image - here it is I approve the copyright! http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/61530-downendian-details/?p=1728150 Neil
  22. Slow painful progress on the peaks. Having several spare class 44 and 46 bodies (bought for around 99p ten years ago) the arrival of the Olivia's train etch for the bulky heavyweight grilles attached to 44009 and 44010 primed me to add these models to my fleet. Armed with a razor saw, I cut the noses off of the correct ends of a 46 and 44, and spliced on using epoxy adhesive. As the razor saw cut lost approx 1mm to each nose, I bulked the joins with filler. After several goes at this still more work to do. I've cut out the body side grilles to have "see through" etches noting of course that the 46 body has shorter "long" grilles and a larger boiler grille than the 44. Picture shows "warts and all" spliced ends with filler and sanding still in progress, Nose seams were reintroduced on all, and where the scalpel went a wandering filler was used to repair the scar and then recut. 46003 has not progressed much more, although 2mm brass tube has arrived for me to fabricate the headlamps. Still much work to do with files, filler and wet and dry but can see the distinctive features of 44009 appearing. Neil
  23. Rob - honestly I wondered that too- the pic I hyperlinked is of 1035, 1003 and 1029, only one of them Crewe built. The photos must be within a few weeks of each other. Neil
  24. It's not D1039 Nidge, she was razor blades by mid 1974. D1035's last day in traffic was 28/12/74 so I reckon that dates the photo as early 1975. I know it wasn't D1039 as she had gone when I started spotting. Neil
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