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Everything posted by Downendian

  1. Thanks Chard. In the photo if D1052 is the late George Russum, one of a Bristolian local celebrities key and secretary of the Western Locomotive Association, a key player in the hydraulic preservation movement and owners of D1062. I didn't know he was no longer with us, and has been dead for over a decade apparently. Note the vents in the underside of the cab roof on D1052, one of the few to have this mod. Neil
  2. Some work today on a long-term workbench resident. I'm always scanning ebay for various bits and pieces, and especially old detailed models that have been listed poorly or in need of tlc. This one fitted both the latter categories. A rather nice Crosti-9F but with broken valve gear and looking like its spent many a year in a dusty old box in the back of the cupboard. It seems to have been listed by someone who has inherited a collection of models from a modeller who is probably no longer with us. Due to the obvious care and attention put into this model I am trying to restore her to its former glory. It's a Craftsman detailed Hornby 9F Evening star, but tender driven. Having been watching ebay patiently for a bargain tender drive or railroad 9F, I managed to pick one up this week for the princely sum of £36. Worth the wait as tender drives are going for over £35 and spare valve gear for £18.Whilst not up to the silky performance of the Bachmann 9F chassis I'm happy with my Cheapo Crosti, which will sit alongside my Golden arrow model when done. The new chassis was fettled to accept the Crosti pipework, and some quick work with a hacksaw all was done. All that is needed is some touch up paint,removal of lining, dusting and some weathering, and DCC fitting, and someone who is probably no longer with us, would be pleased to see this old girl running again. Neil
  3. Just heard the first pair of Chiffchaffs whilst out surveying wind damaged fencing in the garden earlier. So they've arrived despite the chilly conditions. Earliest I can remember. Neil
  4. Rob - first class 56s arrived on WR (Cardiff) in July 1979, remember it well. Also by the way a 2H apparently made it to Temple meads once. I also rode on a 3H as a shuttle service from Stapleton road to Parkway when the South Wales line was shut in 1975. Neil
  5. Oops so it is John !! Where's that highly embarrassed smiley? Neil
  6. Interesting that the shot of D831 is on the same day as the one on the first page in this thread at Waterloo. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/95191-neils-hydraulic-pics/?p=1754778 Actually both 4CORS look different blues too, I think it quite variable in shade amongst the fleet. Neil
  7. Email from Rails today class 43 price £118.96 exactly the same as Hattons. I've cancelled all Bachmann loco preorders with Hattons, but moved the Warship order to rails, but now having just two. I may leave it to chance and see if D835 reduces in price. Neil
  8. One of the distinguishing features of D800-802 was they lacked the roof fan walkways. I can't get the BBcode to work on my iPad but here's a link to the only shot I can find of 801s roof from the Robert Carroll collection. https://www.flickr.com/photos/robertcwp/5602536637/in/set-72157603648348394 Neil
  9. I have six nesting boxes scattered around my Devon garden - been there for five years with no occupants. First one occupied this year with a pair of (I think) blue tits, they were making a hell of a racket in it earlier nest building. A little pleased that spring is here. Neil
  10. Good evening all, just a couple of slides I've just won to keep this thread ticking over. Both will need a bit of work with photoshop to colour correct and scan at better resolution but this made them fairly cheap. The first just wow, D801 and D802 which looks shortly after withdrawal - is it Laira or Old Oak? Next D816 Eclipse at Newton Abbott These must have been taken around 1969, D816 had single Central BR arrow by then. 801 and 802 were being stripped at Laira Neil
  11. Here are some earlier discussions on the D63XX Welsh adventures http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/56503-class-22-in-south-wales/&do=findComment&comment=716877 Neil
  12. They famously worked demolition trains over the S&D in the late 60s, and I've seen photos of them working into the Fry's sidings at Keynsham. The pilot D63XXs were confined to the South West due to their incompatibility with other locos except the D600s. I'm pretty sure they worked Bason bridge milk trains, and I've got photos of them on Hemyock milks. They also worked into North Devon with many photos out there at Barnstaple. Neil
  13. Yes indeed same for the class 24/1s and peaks too. Will be cancelling preorders unfortunately the advantage of this scheme has now gone. Neil
  14. And "fourthed" too, some of the finest photos I've seen of the D95XX I've seen on the web.Neil
  15. You're not joking about the Steam and Things cost for their LMS pattern coke hopper - I've just looked them up - £91! Will look for an alternative then.Edit : http://www.steamandthings.com/page9.htm Neil
  16. 1M22 in 1978/9 was the 0902 Penzance-Manchester service. Throughout the early 70s it was routine procedure to detach/attach a Western or Warship at Temple Meads for the trip through the West Country. As Peter says A Peak or Brush 4 was attached for the journey North. Eventually the Peak/47 operated the whole route. I have records of one year where South West destination/origin trains were double headed peak/warship combos, I presume for peak crew route training. That must have been a sight. Trains for the NW had the diesel detached at Birmingham and an AC electric attached, as this one would have done. Neil
  17. Agreed Peter, but it was certainly on a London service, remember it like it was yesterday. Prototype for everything, 1975 I guess close to the end for headcodes, don't recall if they rolled up the correct code though before departure. I seem to remember photo was taken just as it arrived, and I was shocked and very pleased to see a western on this service rather than a dreaded 50. Neil
  18. Wow what a transformation Peter - thanks. Neil
  19. And a sniff of yet more to come from me. Found this whilst transferring files to Dropbox, perhaps the most groggy photo in my hydraulic collection, but a very special photo for me personally - I took it! D1021 Western Cavalier in May 1975 at platform 3 Bristol Temple Meads on a London service. They did occasionally show on London trains this late on in their careers, due to poor class 50 availability. Neg is labelled D1041, but it isn't on close inspection. Taken on my Dad's old Ilford sportsman camera, my very first venture into 35mm photography, taken at the tender age of 13. Neil
  20. And just found the return Avonmouth-Radyr/Llantrisant working in the 71/72 WTT. 7C30 0730 MWFO Radyr TThuO Llantrisant. Neil
  21. Nice stuff Pix, another headcode for my Hymek fleet then! Will just need to source the coke hoppers now. No distraction at all Phil, knowing Hymeks workings early 1970s is always useful. Perhaps photos may emerge. Neil
  22. Those coke hoppers were seen at Avonmouth too- coke to the ISC smelter there. I have a 71/72 WTT will want a few of them. I remember the 37 hauled trains through Patchway mid 1970s, unfortunately paid little attention to the glorious rolling stock of that era back then, Neil
  23. Still listening to this relentlessly for the past two days. Amazing, don't ignore this one - a review has called this "the Wall for the Facebook generation"
  24. Actually Phill September and October were wetter than average! I know what you mean though Jan-Aug that year were seriously below, hottest and best summer in my lifetime. Neil
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