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Everything posted by Downendian

  1. Good afternoon another batch of four with some rarities I've acquired over the years First one of my only 2 slides of a D600 Warship D600 at an unknown location Next class 22 D6320 rumbles across Gloucester Horton Road crossing, 29th May 1969 Then D828 Magnificent at Dawlish, 16th August 1969 Finally a rarely photographed Western, D1060 Western Dominion piloting peak D148 at Bristol Temple Meads. It was common at this time for Warships to be coupled to Southbound trains, and as we have discussed before probably to find a path for balancing moves. I've not seen too many photos of Western-peak combos. 14th June 1969. Neil
  2. Been scanning a lot this weekend - not getting on too well with the new scanner to be honest, its colour correction is quite naff, and even feeding it "perfect" slides it still does badly. The software that comes with it is none too good, and I still can't get the excellent vuescan software to speak to the scanner. It looks like a reversion to plan A and repair the gold standard scanner which with hindsight is what I should have done in the first place. Anyhow- had the flat bed scanner out tonight as I'd won many copyrighted prints with no negs over the years- they've come out rather nicely. First is a batch of four from Reading during the hydraulic glory years- I don't know the precise date but it is probably 1972-4 vintage - as it chimes perfectly with my memory of that era when the Westerns ruled the WR and the class 50s were some Midland thingies. Enjoy this little lot as I say, dates unknown but look like they were taken on the same day, if anyone can identify the services from the headcodes if they have WTT that would be helpful (especially D1029 on a Stone train - is this bound for the M25 works, thus making it around 1972?). Edit - looks like no Talisman clips so must be pre-1974. D1021 Western Cavalier D1029 Western Legionnaire on a SR-bound stone working D1054 Western Governor D1071 Western Renown Neil
  3. I do enjoy these threads, but there have been several similar ones over the RMWeb years, covering similar issues. Do you remember one where Chubber had a number of us going with references to "cruising and fast lanes" on the motorway and the handy "picnic and viewing spots" the department of transport provide off the hard shoulder. It was hilarious and many hadn't twigged his tongue in cheek line for several days. It was of course well before the coming and going of the disagree button. I'd love to find that old thread, have searched but to no avail. Neil
  4. Hmm - not complaining but already had a chat with Phil Bullock re this earlier by PM. This week 2XTTS 47s and next week two 43s will need paying for. The missus won't be pleased! Preordering is good but unpredictable delivery dates. Still looking forward to them hugely. Neil
  5. Slide scans phase 2

  6. Sorry some more! maybe boring some with D1065 and her condition late in life, but they're not too many photos of her 1975/6 on the web so I've been on the look out for them. I was especially interested in the M-shaped horn cowl at the B-end. First D1065 at Newquay, September 1975 Same month at Reading- the shot following the previous post with D1065 departing. A favourite Western turn of mine- good summer holiday memories of the Clayliner D1027 6V53 Stoke-St Blazey China clay empties September 1975 Finally at Merehead quarry in that hot dusty summer of 1976, a shot which captured the Western's last summer for me. D1041 Western Prince at Merehead, 23rd August 1976 Neil
  7. A couple more - this time of D1065 - purchased to assist my weathering project of my Dapol/Heljan hybrid. I haven't quite got the colours right, will probably need to buy photoshop or similar to deal with this. Found a major flaw though with the scanner- it crops the outer edges of the slide, I had a beautiful one of D1064 at Reading with a full panned shot on its stone train. First D1065 Western Consort at Reading September 1975 Next D1065 at an unknown location (help please) in 1976 - note the increasing amount of faded paintwork as a result of the climate/carriage washing plants those two summers. Neil
  8. Test run for the new scanner - results are mixed and not as nice as the coolpix V, but then the scanner was one tenth the cost. I made the mistake of scanning at full resolution as a TIF file- 105Mb file and locked the system solid last night! However "rough and ready' and not the best input slide in the first place as it needed a fair bit of work. D1003 at Starcross, date unknown. Neil
  9. Well scanner is here - nowhere near the quality of the Nikon, but appears OK. Having problems getting it to communicate with my VueScan software that doesn't detect the scanner. Hopefully will be resolved soon! Neil
  10. A sort of cultural exchange visit Jonny? My wife comes from Nailsea unfortunately we haven't been to the area for years (save the Black Horse in Clapton in Gordano). We tend to do these autumn beer fuelled trips once a year, we've been to the Oktoberfest x3, Prague x2 I'm trying to convince them that Beer isn't the only cultural important commodity in Europe. Neil
  11. No can do I'm afraid. It's a gentlemen of Downend trip to Amsterdam that weekend. Neil
  12. What's the date Phil? I'll be there if I can. Neil
  13. Apparently the scanner is due tomorrow - I still will need to return the Nikon though for repair, as my intention is to start a Zenfolio or Flickr account and try and earn a bit of cash to supplement my growing collection of slides. Three more this week for your review First a roughly cleaned up shot of Bath road in 1967 - just lovely Next the North end of Temple Meads an early series GSYP hymek arrives on a service I think from Portsmouth Harbour - note the Presflos bound for Avonside wharf. Finally this weekend one of my key prize slides, D1002 at Reading in 1970. I was prepared to pay a fair bit for this and was surprised I won it for £35. Earlier this week a rather run of the mill shot of D1016 in blue went for over £70. I guess if you want the slide enough and get into a bidding war that's the result. Neil
  14. As I've said all along Kernow are only offering the class 204, and not the more numerous 205. The "Kernow 205" is a misnomer. I wanted to rekindle my memories of the 2X3Hs that thumped away under Temple Meads train shed whilst on Portsmouth Harbour-Cardiff trains, 3H units it just has to be. I had a letter late last week from Kernow advising of the price increase for my two preorders for the long awaited blue 2Hs and to contact them to reorder at the new price. The new price has not put me off, but the lack of the centre car has. Chris at Kernow states that if there is sufficient interest in the 2H then they may consider tooling the centre car. I think that does not consider those like me who have now got cold feet and always thought the centre car would follow the 2H- a decision on that would surely have been made by now, and reluctantly I've come to the conclusion that it will never be tooled up. Unfortunately I will cancel my order. So perhaps the DC kits 3H option for me - sure it won't be of the quality of the Kernow model but I will have the pleasure of building it. Neil
  15. Just the classic time for BR diesels Dave that you have captured so well, 1967-1969. Just before I started spotting. BR blue mixed with green full yellow and maroon coaching stock, plus a diesel brake tender thrown in for good measure too. I make a beeline for this thread every day. Neil
  16. Beware Scottish drivers. Giant spider spotted on The M8 today.
  17. Rather than face the hassle of returning my Coolpix scanner and repair at an unknown cost, I've just purchased a new scanner, a Reflectra X8-Scan. I've got a couple of weeks off, so hope to resume scanning and posting soon. Neil
  18. Very interesting BBC article on the Purple Emperor - one that has eluded me. Rather interesting tastes in food. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-33596341 Neil
  19. Heres 1001 in 1976, 1A81 1430 Fishguard Harbour to Paddington http://railphotoprints.zenfolio.com/p274090425/hFE3951D#hfe3951d Neil
  20. Wasn't the Fishguard -Paddington boat train still rostered for mark 1s in 1976? It was a regular Western turn - can you remember what time of day it was Jonny? Neil
  21. To complete July's ration some Westerns First D1005 on the Atlantic Venturer Express, 22nd September 1973, Bristol Temple Meads An unknown Western and date at Exeter St David's - will need to do some detective work Finally D1044 Western Duchess at Dawlish, 10th July 1971. Neil
  22. Burnt out July's budget on copyright hydraulic images this weekend. First, apologies for the copyright mark - it is mine now. D818 Glory complete with Red nameplate Exeter St David's, November 1972 nearing the end. I've been on the lookout for a good one of 818 with red backed nameplates and paid a tidy sum for it. Next D6306 at an unknown location and date - looks like Exeter again, any pointers gratefully received. Finally D7043 at Temple Meads on 12th July 1970- just a lovely shot I had to win it. Neil
  23. There's loads of them on eBay eg http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Heljan-2521-OO-Gauge-Hunslet-Class-05-0-6-0DS-Diesel-Shunter-D2600-BR-Green-/151746093651?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item2354c5a253 I've preordered from Rails, must say they look rather lovely. Neil
  24. Clearest image of Pluto arrives.
  25. Hence one of the driver's nicknames for the class 43s "iron lungs" Neil
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