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Ron Ron Ron

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Everything posted by Ron Ron Ron

  1. There is indeed a closer view of that "row of whatevers" (I wonder if you can ask for them at Travis Perkins?) in the photos you linked to Mike. Click Here. This view gives a different perspective to the relative size and height of the containers, compared with the sea wall. They don't look so small in the webcam and other photo view from road and former track level. Other interesting photos... http://www.networkrail.co.uk/assets/0/72/4294967297/2147483713/30064774313/30064774306/30064774314/fa7ce2c8-d9ab-48c4-8840-69d226213ac1.png http://www.networkrail.co.uk/assets/0/72/4294967297/2147483713/30064774313/30064774306/30064774314/1504e68e-b7b1-473e-b9b5-36345bad5b42.png http://www.networkrail.co.uk/assets/0/72/4294967297/2147483713/30064774313/30064774306/30064774314/8666206d-e1c6-4afa-935d-6f6fd56299f2.png http://www.networkrail.co.uk/assets/0/72/4294967297/2147483713/30064774313/30064774306/30064774314/ed554fd3-c8ec-4010-98dd-278e13eac489.png .
  2. This is a marvellous opportunity to help in creating a new and more attractive image for the hobby. A chance to demonstrate that Railway Modelling is an interesting and rewarding and dare I say, respectable pastime for adults to take part in. While the educational aspects of the centre are a laudable aspiration and the economics of such an enterprise blend well with the ambition to be a family attraction; I sincerely hope that the outcome will not be some kind of kiddies entertainment attraction. IMHO that would totally undermine any objective of trying to promote the hobby as something "grown-ups" might seriously consider taking up. The last thing I'm sure most would want to see, is a reinforcement of the image of silly old men playing with children's toys. The mere creation of this centre is hugely ambitious. I would hope the opportunity to do something equally ambitious to promote and help transform the image of the hobby, is not lost. As amazing and entertaining as the Hamburg exhibition is, I hope this doesn't turn out to be a British mini version of Miniatur Wunderland. Good luck and best wishes to all involved with this enterprise. It'll give me a good incentive to join SWMBO in visiting the Mother-in-Law (Ashford) more frequently. .
  3. From the Network Rail daily bulletin...... From the NR Webcam - Today 19th Feb. Here. Two days ago - Here. One of the other smaller breaches - Here. .
  4. A question I have..... What are the risks involved with using plastic based foam packing, e.g. long term chemical reaction with plastic models and components ? Also models coming into contact with the plastic containers themselves ? I know that Bubble Wrap is a big no-no, as it can react with RTR models and ruin paintwork etc. .
  5. For many years, when reading and hearing about the effects of weather and the sea on this stretch of line, plus the attendant worry about future conditions, I've wondered about the possibility or feasibility of building an artificial reef offshore, designed to break up waves and limit potential shoreline damage. I've no idea if this could be done or would work in such a location and it would undoubtedly cost a vast fortune, but I've recently spent a very leisurely time lying on a tropical beach watching the Ocean waves breaking on a natural reef a few hundred metres offshore. Even when there was a storm out at sea and the waves became quite large and angry, nothing but mildly choppy water got as far as the beach. Just daydreaming, but I wonder if a two stage approach to improved coastal defences would be a better solution for this particular location. It might help with regard to beach retention and the tourist industry too? .
  6. Whatever the discussions on here, one thing that is concrete is that the political profile of the problems facing this route has been raised several steps higher, following these events. The cynics will say it'll all blow over and fade away once the line has been restored and the weather improves, but the feeling I get from various news programme reports and discussions today, is that it will now be very difficult to brush this one under the carpet. The Transport minister has ordered a couple of reviews into the issues at hand and both the proposals for alternatives and proposals to protect the existing line. I have a feeling that West country politicians and business won't allow this one to drop from sight. .
  7. Wotz the damage guv ? Here is another video, giving the best look yet at the extent of the damage along the Dawlish section of the main line. Do have a look. .
  8. Thanks to the Captain for posting here, after what must have been an exhausting day. Some useful information about the sacrificial nature of the platform surface too. It's good news to read that the supporting wall is intact. The NR guy in one of the videos above (was it Patrick Hallgate ??) said there had been 3 or 4 breaches on this stretch of line. Any more info about this CK? .
  9. In the current examples, the last 48 hours storms and those a couple of weeks ago, they always seem to turn up after the event. Even though it was expected to happen. We then get nothing much more than video of the reporter talking to the camera, often saying something like "...the dramatic scenes you can see just behind me...", when there is nothing of the sort happenning. In most of those cases it happened hours before. Here is a video taken at high tide this morning. It meanders a bit, but comes back to the railway later on. These videos shows the damaged end of the platform... Some more.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_P5IOGHWPtM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYbldqE8LXU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WY6BJA1LBQ .
  10. Apart from in a few places, the BBC video coverage has been p*ss poor. Again they turned up too late for the most dramatic video coverage, just as they did at various locations a couple of weeks ago. Having looked at Channel 4 news, they have clearer video of events and some dramatic footage of the waves crashing over Dawlish and a couple of other SW locations. The Beeb doesn't appear to have any video like that. As to the damage so far.. A couple of those houses have indeed been undermined and can't be far from imminent collapse or partial collapse. The safety risk in itself may delay repair work to the railway and if emergency repair work to the houses can be carried out in time to prevent collapse, that also may delay NR. It looks like a complex problem; sea wall to be secured and rebuilt, houses under threat of collapse, railway to be rebuilt. Also, not being mentioned much, is the collapse of a small part of the platform on the seaward side (is that the "down line" at Dawlish?). That suggests that the sea wall beneath has suffered and is now vulnerable to further sea damage before any repair work can be initiated. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-26044323 Such is the continuing bad weather, we may see a worst situation developing over the next 48 hours, even before the arrival of the storm forecast to hit by the weekend. High tide at Dawlish tonight is 22.22 Somehow, I can't see it taking only 6 weeks to get the line reopened. . .
  11. According to the news and seeing the TV reports, Dawlish station is also damaged. The line is going to be out of action for a long time. Hopefully this will now focus minds on dealing with the long term issue of re-routing the mainline inland.
  12. Unless Bachmann say at some future point, we won't ever know; but then that would apply to every model produced by everyone, the Blue Pullman is no different to any other. In the case of the BP, it was a one-off run of X,000 examples. They will have produced enough to cover their costs at the very least and more realistically there would have been some margin in it for Bachmann. All the main run of Nanking Blue models sold out and AFAIK the much smaller number of FYE examples have all been placed with retailers, even if they've been slow to clear. AFAIK all manufacture's finances work on the basis of the first production batch. Any subsequent re-issues are a bonus (if they sell). It's very likely that with the BP, it's a case of been there, done that; end of ! It would have been a calculated gamble to produce it, but it clearly paid off. However a 2nd run would be more risky than the first. I think that's where money might be lost on that particular model. All OT of course, so back to the subject in hand, already.
  13. Paul, I hope I didn't come across as being rude. It wasn't intended. I half expected Colin would come back and try to explain his point and didn't think it my place to do that for him. Regards Ron .
  14. "Disagree x 1 " ??? Seems like others understood it...... "Like x 5 + Agree x 3" .
  15. Paul, I think Colin makes a perfectly good observation in that post. It might have had more relevance had it been posted earlier on, but his point seems perfectly clear to me. Ron .
  16. Sorry, I don't understand that last line. What do you mean by..... "So what is the point?" .....of what? Ron .
  17. I've no doubt if there had been one or two big news stories, this item would have slipped down the news pecking order, but then again I think you may have underestimated the size and significance of Utd and the inevitable news interest that will follow any major events involving that club. Incidentally, although a Man Utd fan, I've also been to Upton Park to see WH a couple of times this season. To call them Dire would be flattery. I predicted back in October that Big Sam would be out at the end or by the end of the season. Such a good club deserve much better. You have my sympathy. .
  18. Thanks for the link Gordon. I'm all for building one's own and any new product that makes that easier, has to be welcomed. However ....and I hope you don't mind me saying so, it doesn't really address the subject in hand. AFAIK they still offer the turnout kits and track components to match the RTL Elite range. Unfortunately the Tillig Elite range is for H0 and not what people like myself feel should be available for 00; although a British looking 00 product based on Tillig Elite would be most welcome and very much along those lines IMHO. .
  19. Dare I say, "....Move along now. There's nothing to see here....". Well there's been nothing new over the last few days, in the way of developments in this thread; but I was actually referring to another inclusion of off-topic material, even if this particular one is interesting in itself. .
  20. It appears the Bug has been found and fixed, according to the latest news..... http://www.touchcab.com/news.html .
  21. Thanks for the link Gordon, but as you say...... Dare I say, "....Move along now. There's nothing to see here....". .
  22. Bernard, the world can only stand still for a short while, before time catches up. That time is almost up for Peco and they are probably more aware of it than most of us. Companies have to keep moving forward or they will eventually wither and die. Static sales in a slowly declining market will have to be addressed in some form. In recent years, Peco have been slowly introducing new products and track ranges and adding new items to their current main selling Streamline ranges (concrete, bi-block & steel sleepered versions). They have to do this to keep the company healthy. At some point they'll need to refresh, update or replace their oldest products and when they do, they'll need to look at what changes will work best in the marketplace. All we can do is help in showing the way forward, by helping to create a larger and louder call for "better", more suitable RTL track for 00. . .
  23. That first line says it all. It was "years ago" and a toy shop, catering mostly a toy market that has largely disappeared. .
  24. Maybe Bill can explain what he means by "the trade" in that post? Mike, correct me if i'm wrong, but I read it as you understood "trade" to mean the manufacturer, which isn't what I understood from Bill's post. Hopefully that one will be cleared up? .
  25. ....but it also means you can now remove the spring and its housing as it's no longer needed with the SmartSwitch. .
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