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  1. Work is well under way now with a first Exhibition showing in 2018. Blea Moor Tunnel has been completed with just scatter and detailing to be done. Work n the Viaduct board is also well underway, the riverbed is in place and so is most of the base for the road, still working out what to do with the viaduct, which has had the main structure made with hardboard.
  2. Work is progressing nicely the bridge at the end of the platform has been nearly finished and half of the fiddle yard has been wired. I am visiting Dent Head Viaduct in a few weeks in order to take some detail photo's If anyone has any advice for constructing this please can they advise me. on conversion it work out to be 4 ft long and 8 inches high to scale. at the moment I have 11 pieces of wood spaced evenly along where the viaduct is going to go. I plan to use these as the main pillars.
  3. I drew the track plan on the back of wall paper, marking out all of the baseboard joints. The roll of paper was then cut into 4 pieces. The track plan was then cut out on 9 mm ply to give the track bed. I have laid the drawing under the track and layed the track over the top. I will be posting pictures of this later this week. I have also started on the wiring.
  4. As I mentioned in my first post, this layout has been in the planning stage for a couple of months. Baseboards have been made in an egg box construction using 9mm ply, which my local timber merchant kindly cut to the required sizes for me. Before construction on the baseboards started a track plan was drawn out on the back of a roll of wallpaper cut to the required length of the layout. The plan was changed a couple of times until I was happy with it. All of the track bed has been put into place, again the track bed was made using 9mm ply. 27.11.14 I now have some photo's of the track plan, which is quite simple with no point work. wiring is well under way and should be completed in the next couple of weeks. The fiddle yard has been repaired as this is used on another project. There are two pictures taken from the same point, one I decided that the curve as you enter the Viaduct didn't look right. so I changed it to look more natural. Work is also well under way on the Leeds bound platform. The platforms are more curved than should be, but this is owing to getting the tracks round to the fiddle yard. Call it modellers licence.
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