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Everything posted by Claude_Dreyfus

  1. That looks like Clapham Junction platform 1(?). Since completely rebuild and, yes, weeded!
  2. I think I might be an infrequent contributor... So for a wildcard, how about a narrow-gauge tilting train... An E351 Super Asuza at Tokyo Shinjuku, back in May 2014. Next up, something that has been significantly rebuilt from its original form.
  3. I see you managed to capture one of the old concrete arm signal posts in the second photograph. These were mentioned in a signalling thread a year or so ago and they are still there...passed that very site about 10 minutes ago!
  4. 377126 runs alongside the Arun flood plains between Amberley and Pulborough with a Victoria train. Next up. A former 'celebrity' repainted into a more mundane identity.
  5. Not an ideal picture, but this should fit the bill. A 5' gauge Finnish Sr2 at Helsinki back in 2009. Stick with the railway line after it closed for the next picture.
  6. Hoped Pompey would make the play-offs this season - extra bonus would have been the automatics. Didn't expect Pompey to win the league - and to win it in style with a 6-1 win. Sorry about Hartlepool though - their performance against Doncaster helped us win the league; a cruel twist of fate at the last minute for them.
  7. Indeed, but the clearances were originally assessed using a Norfolk Southern Mountain-type loco to ensure that pretty much anything could run! The addition of signals and catenary posts have narrowed things ever so slightly; but we wanted to be able to run more or less what we wanted on club nights. That said, I suspect I will have to hold off on the double-stack containers that really suit this loco - that may be a bit of a tight squeeze.
  8. Not too much modelling to report, but we took the opportunity to set the layout up last night have have a play running session. One small change is that the church base has been added.The building itself is with a club member for construction - looking forward to seeing it complete! More fettling and adjusting for the front arch on the rover bridge. A Piko DR130 is given a workout on the S-Bahn line - its sound chip was being a little cantankerous. An ESU 218 is ready to give it the beans as it waits to leave F/strasse. The syringe in the foreground contains oil for the smoke generator. The Roco Kroc in the background has just been fitted with a chip - needs a little refining; a job for another evening. Eventually this view will not be possible, as it will be obscured partly by the canopy and partly by the station building (which will be in the foreground, obscuring the hole in the embankment side (which is one of the main station subways)).. The station building is based on F/strasse, and has been drawn up using various photographs (although given the space available, as well as the difference in height of he track level, there will be modification for it to fit). This currently being drawn up in CAD before going off for laser cutting - either in wood or card. Hopefully it will make a striking centre-piece to the station area. Not a brilliant picture, but gives and impression of the volume of traffic the layout will handle. A clearer idea of the space we have to play with for the station building can be seen also. More work is certainly required for the roadways! Silly season started when it was pointed out that the DR Thunderbox rake was fitted with Kadee couplings. It give the Intermountain ES44AC something to pull - as well as serenading the group with that wonderfully evocative American horn! There was a little bit of a size disparity between loco and stock... Perhaps a little more in-keeping geographically (albeit from totally different eras) is this 146 with a rake of Piko Doppelstock. Despite being 50 years apart, that class 146 (Brawa model) seems to suit them. This will be another view lost when the canopy is fitted. Freidrichstrasse will next be shown on the 5th June at a local church fete. Fortunately the venue for the fete is the village hall where we are based, so setting up is no more hassle than last night's set up. I like these events as they are very much 'anything goes', so anything noisy and colourful will be coming out to play! Edit - corrected quite a fundamental typing error! Also to correct some pretty shocking grammar!
  9. Titherleigh made its exhibition debut a couple of weeks ago at Rotarail. We have been there a couple of times in the past and rate the show very highly for the variety of exhibitions and its organisation. The layout performed reasonably okay for a first outing - although one of the points decided to go all diva during the afternoon, and there was a mystery short which came and went over the course of the show. Needless to say, neither issue were in evidence when the layout was set up back at the club for remedial work! No photos from the show; however I was able to get a couple of snaps of the layout last night. The station yard has been tidied up since the last picture. Still detailing work to be done here... The station building is a modified Superquick card kit. Bachmannn 82016 heads a couple of carriages over the small viaduct into the station... ...and pulls to a halt at the platform. A Hornby M7 and push-pull set rest in the bay platform. A Bachmann C class is sneaking into the background with a small freight...perhaps a little lost in the wild west? The layout seemed popular, and it sounds like there is at least one exhibition invite in the offing.
  10. My wife's just told me she's had enough of my Star Wars obsession and is ready to call it a day on our marriage. Divorce is strong in this one!
  11. A slightly unusual one here, taken at Pulborough on 9th April 2009. Southern were having a bit of a stock availability crisis at the time, so borrowed three four-car class 375/9 units from South Eastern. One of their diagrams was the 17:47 London Bridge - Bognor service. I am not sure how long this arrangement lasted - I think until Thameslink got their 377/5s sorted out - but it provided a little variety on the Arun valley line for a few weeks...although with their 3x2 seating throughout probably not very welcome variety by the regulars...
  12. A pair of 1720 diesels head across a viaduct on the Karunda scenic railway - Queensland, Australia - December 2014 Next up - something Asian...
  13. A small selection of NSE slam door. East Croydon - c.1993 Pulborough - June 1994 Eastleigh - c.1993
  14. I did wonder about the unmotorised sets, and fitting them with a motor bogie. As it would need to be DCC chipped, that may be a better option.
  15. I'd love to get my hands on at least one of those S-Bahn sets. Both the Lima and Rivarossi models are old and tend to be rather expensive. Here's hoping someone else produced one in the future... That would be an interesting model.
  16. More progress with the flats. The right wing has now been attached, and the stairwell section has been assembled. The design of the stairwell is based on this photo of an East German block of flats. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plattenbau#/media/File:Plattenbau_WBS_70_in_Chemnitz.jpg I am slowly progressing with the window frames - I am now over half-way through the task! Next step will constructing the main door, as well as finishing those window frames. I'll then need to put the flats in situ to sort out the base; which looks rather scruffy at the moment. The little Trabant, to provide some scale, is an old Herpa offering, which sat very low on its front axle. This has been resolved by a tiny stub of a track pin between the front wheels, just enough to even it out...
  17. A couple of grubby ones here... 47283 by Claude_Dreyfus, on Flickr 47377 by Claude_Dreyfus, on Flickr
  18. 34092 'City of Wells' storms up the gradient into Ramsbottom station - September 2016. How about a china clay train next?
  19. Celebrating Pompey's promotion to League 1. It is nice to finally leave a league in the right direction, as opposed to a seemingly never-ending plunge through the divisions in recent years. League 1 is said to be the hardest of all of the divisions, so if we finish 20th in the league next season, I'll take that.
  20. That looks like WD8227 'Hassan' (certainly zooming in on the second picture suggests this).
  21. Remember that block of flats from a couple of years ago - 'Ulbricht Towers'? Well, they haven't been forgotten about, even if progress is slower than snail-pace... First, a change to the location. Originally they were to be located towards the front of the layout, as a full structure. This area will now be a church, and as they are still under construction, now they have been moved to the back and will be half-relief (or more appropriately 1/20th relief!) and attached to the backscene. There now location will be right in the foreground of the following picture. I was able to dedicate a couple of hours to the flats today (currently making the most of time between contracts). To recap, the basis of the flats is the modular 'plattenbau' design, and the model itself is constructed in a similar way. Each of the modules is cut using a silhouette cutter from Scalescenes concrete wall - printed onto card. These in turn were stuck to a foamboard frame. The windows are simply a strip of clear plastic stuck behind the card, with the frames constructed out of micro-strip - quite a fiddly and time-consuming job. As can be seen in the rather cruel close-up As the space for the structure has enlarged, the opportunity has been taken to extend it. The already work in progress section will now form the left-hand wing of the building. The section to the right will be the stair well between the wings. The window frames will be on ongoing as the building progresses - saves me from going crazy! None of this Lana Del Reye stuff here - building flats should be accompanied by a bit of Willy Nelson! Work has now started on the right-hand wing of the building. The two sections are not fixed together yet...hopefully something for next week
  22. You're right, you certainly like a challenge! What a great idea for a layout and certainly one which will keep your group occupied for some time to come. Looking forward to seeing this develop. I have not come across those wagon kits before. Do they suggest/recommend chassis at all?
  23. 387s on test. 387149 leads 387148 through Three Bridges on the 08:36 Bletchley - Bletchley via Wembley and Brighton.
  24. Ha! Exactly the sort of modelling demographic that fits our club's activities (see link in signature). Sadly, Liphook is most likely a treck too far from where you are.
  25. That looks a fun model. I like a bit of Wile E Coyote...will Road Runner feature?
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