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    Somewhere pleasant in the state of Derbyshire.
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    All things Geographical, pints down the pub and railways (funnily enough...)

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  1. It is a marvellous little shop. Indeed the whole site is well worth a look. There's a wonderful bookshop a few doors down as well, which is a real treasure trove and has an owner who knows all there is to know about what he sells.
  2. These came from my Great-Great Uncle (the tall man in the hat), who worked as a cleaner at Caerphilly Works until closure and indeed, apart from myself, is the only known member of my family to have worked for the railway. These date from the late 40's (the first two) up to the last two - featuring the works foreman - which were taken with the last loco to leave the site in 1963. In all of them you can sense the camaraderie and their pride in their job. I'm very fond of these images...
  3. No problem. In case you've not been able to find the images, they're here (posted up on 21st of December): http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/26504-lms-br-gwr-lner-coaches/page__st__425
  4. Mike, Coachmann did a couple of splendid post-nationalisation teaks a year or so ago. Would be well worth a look, the photos are on here somewhere.
  5. Indeed we do, Tom. A selection of Thompsons are very much on my list, just need to summon up the enthusiasm to hunt down an A8 to sit at the front (and make a change from an L1)... Ian - What can I say? It's a knack.
  6. In most cases, you do need a brake at each end if you're modelling the Scarborough-Whitby-Middlesbrough line, although I doubt that so many people are doing so that it would result in a shortage.
  7. According to the Railcar site (archived 'old' version I've found) Batch 2E was made up of 12 power/trailers and delivered to Darlington. These were the last sets built with the four marker lights and the only twin sets with that specification. 12 probably isn't enough to warrant a production run mind... http://web.archive.org/web/20070104030337/http://www.railcar.co.uk/his100-109/101ops.htm
  8. I'll be quietly hoping for one of the NE region examples from batches 2F or 2G with the whiskers. As there are only to be two cab styles in the first instance, and one of the versions is to be in B&G (later, flush, ends), I doubt we'll see one of the first batches with the four marker lights for a while. The headcode-fitted batches were just too numerous and widespread to be ignored. If that particular model pops up, then I'll happily run one alongside an L1 on a batch of Gresley and Thompson suburbans somewhere in the Whitby area c1958...
  9. That brake looks fantastic. Have these sold out already? Haven't got mine yet but already they seem a little thin on the ground.
  10. Many thanks. From photos it looks like the formations could be more or less anything from almost entirely Gresleys through to a mixture of almost anything else. In the meantime, some Gresleys will do me nicely until I can afford to practice my kit-building.
  11. Hornby have always called it Maroon, but every photo so far seems to suggest Crimson. The Hattons pics suggest likewise by my eye. Will have to take a look at one in the flesh.
  12. Thats my proposed set for my early 50s interpretation of the Saltburn-Whitby line. Just need to grab hold of an L1 to run them beind... I'd best scrape some funds together before Warley...
  13. I happened to stumble across this flickr page a couple of days ago, which shows a couple of Gresley Suburbans on a Fraserburgh-St Combs service in the mid '50s. Thought it may be of interest to many Scots region followers. The below link is to one of the clearer photos, though it's worth looking at some of the others on that page. http://www.flickr.com/photos/38727358@N04/3558488235/in/photostream
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