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  1. Does anybody know anything about this rather lovely layout with its fine scenics? I came across it in some older photo files but hadn't annotated it!
  2. Excellent Douglas, great to see a lovely restoration. Testing will keep you fit!😁
  3. Indeed!. I have absolutely no possible need for any of these but as to wanting some....!🧡
  4. No you haven't at all! Back along, I discovered that if you add cosmetic chairs to B.H. rail soldered directly to copperclad timbers without trimming the tops you get 'bumping' even in P4 making for a tiresome situation! It's a fiddly enough job adding cosmetic chairs without having to trim them as well! By lifting with these small etches (1mm x2mm) the chair halves fit snugly into the rail web.
  5. Work has resumed on Fochriw. A replacement middle baseboard has been fitted as the original was proving unsatisfactory. A couple of the P4 'set track' turnouts are being replaced as some of the ply and rivet soldering was getting detached. they're are rather elderly after all! The first has been built. I build using copperclad construction with my usual etched lifters in18 thou nickel-silver which were commissioned from Peter Harvey Design. By lifting the rail clear of the sleepers, it saves having to trim the cosmetic chairs.
  6. Smallbrook Studio kit duly purchased. Again, thanks for the link.🙂
  7. Can anybody advize me if any kits are available in any medium for this or a similar elderly Toad? Thanks.
  8. Many thanks Ian, much appreciated. It was a hard decision but we're excited about 'phase 2'. I've just acquired an EFE blue 'Booster' at a bargain basement price😁 to go with the blue Belle, a 2-HAL, a 2-BIL, 71 and 73 nd not forgetting the lovely Tin HAL scratchbuild out of plastic card by the late and much missed Colin Parks.
  9. Greetings all! A fair amount of time has passed since any progress was made on our Balcombe and Ouse Valley Viaduct project. Unfortunately the passing of time has not been kind to the viaduct and the station boards since it went into garage storage in a salt air environment in 2019, prior to covid After much agonising the difficult decision was taken to abandon the project as it is. Another deciding factor was age. I'm getting no younger and with gradual onset infirmity, I cannot do as much heavy lifting as I used to! A new layout will be built featuring the Balcombe Station section but this time in' finescale' 00. The station environs will still be to scale but it it'll be a shortened version at the London end thus making the whole thing more manageable. Sadly, the viaduct will have to go as it's very heavy and the damp has got to it. Of course we have a large amount of Central Section rolling stock, both EMUs and steam stock, mostly still unconverted. We are all looking forward to building 'Balcombe 2' using new laser-cut baseboards which will sit on 20mm box-section mild steel frames. This framework will be supported on steel trestles. Progress will be posted on here when the project is underway. That's all folks for now!
  10. Re6/6

    EBay madness

    I usually get boiled sweets!
  11. My Rapido 16xx converted to P4. One individual on here 😉 said that it couldn't be done due to the diabolical design of the body not being removable from the chassis in the usual way. Well, I was determined to prove him wrong....... voilà!...mind you, he did have to make some new brake rods that I broke! I do have another 16xx on 'Parkend Marsh Sidings' which has a scratchbuilt chassis and a Sutherland body which was almost invisibly soldered up by Malcolm Mitchell.
  12. Indeed Alex, I have been converted to an ovine population on Marsh from the advice on here!
  13. https://inews.co.uk/news/politics/hs2-state-of-the-art-worst-all-worlds-3260639?utm_medium=Newsletter&utm_source=Sailthru&utm_campaign=i_eveningheadlines 2024-09-05&utm_term=editorial_evening_newsletter
  14. I've sourced some for CK from Hobby Holidays. Since the demise of Eileen's, I've found that HH stock a really comprehensive range of metal types and 'unusual' sizes. Worth a visit for that 'odd' piece of brass/nickel! Their prices are very reasonable IMHO. https://www.hobbyholidays.co.uk/proddetail.php?prod=KSM81
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