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NGT6 1315

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NGT6 1315 last won the day on January 28 2022

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  • Location
    Leipzig, Germany
  • Interests
    Railways, real and model; reading, films, computing, cooking, photography, pets...and generally trying to make the world just a little better, mammoth task as this may be...

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  1. Moaning awl... May I just leave this wonderful performance here before I'm off for work:
  2. I like using smoked Spanish paprika, which goes well with many foods! Moaning awl. Cloudy and cool hereabouts but as was mentioned here yesterday, extensive rainfall is on the forecast. I gather that is why removing the collapsed bridge as quickly as possible is quite important. I also read that the road bridge is unlikely to be recertified either, so Dresden is now looking at a major rebuilding project on the order of about €100 million. City authorities have called upon the state and federal governments to provide support funding. I suppose that‘s quite understandable!
  3. Concerning the Carola Bridge collapse, it’s being reported that the remaining sections of the tram bridge will need to be demolished as well as they have been damaged beyond repair. Work will, in fact, commence tonight to prevent those sections from collapsing uncontrollably, and involve blast charges as well as physical cutting.
  4. It is actually something of an open secret that things are pretty much in managed decline here, too, with factors like soaring prices, labour shortages and chronic underfunding conspiring to protract remedies to the point where decayed infrastructure actually passes prudent safety margins. All of which obviously contributes to worrying political developments as well, as the recent state parliament elections in Saxony and Thuringia have demonstrated. I won’t comment on this any further with an eye to forum rules, but I suppose my position on said political developments will be clear to anyone who knows me.
  5. Seeing how we have a number of worn-out bridges locally too (even if of different designs), it did cause a degree of debate here as well. I‘m also reading Hamburg has now closed a bridge on the A1 motorway for HGVs as a result of previously detected damage.
  6. Yes, the road bridge has been closed as well and is being monitored. The collapsed tram/pedestrian bridge had been scheduled for repairs and refurbishment next year, while the road bridge has received such treatment already. I guess it should be fine in theory, assuming this work has been carried out properly, but it’s obviously prudent not to take chances after this kind of failure. Salt corrosion has been named as a likely cause, in conjunction with certain characteristics of early pre-stressed concrete edifices such as lack of structural redundancy and understanding of environmental effects on the material used.
  7. This incident yesterday currently gets a lot of attention here. Everyone in Dresden got real lucky that this collapse did not happen during daytime traffic! Note that a tram had actually crossed the collapsed section only minutes earlier.
  8. Moaning awl. Getting decidedly autumnal here these days, though I don't mind that one bit after the oppressive heat! Today (and tomorrow, I guess) will be spent mostly with regenerating after a number of early shi(f)ts. I also feel like I still need to make up for lack of sleep caused by those rather too warm nights recently. Other than that, taking care of FiL's estate continues bit by bit. We don't expect any pitfalls there, but I do hope everything will be settled as soon as possible because it's still something that occupies one's mind to an extent. Stay safe and sound, folks. I'll try to stop by here more regularly!
  9. Moaning awl. LTNS again, mea maxima culpa! We're currently dealing with sorting FiL's estate, as you might imagine. The good thing is that he kept his things in order, so while it does, of course, take time, there haven't been any relevant complications as of yet. Also, last Thursday reminded everyone involved why cutting off a tram even through simple inattention isn't a good thing: The car turned left from the parallel road and unexpectedly failed to yield to me, and thus got itself permanently removed from the active motor inventory. No-one was physically harmed but the smash was rather something! I'm doing okay so far too, thankfully. Generic congrats and commies where appropriate. Do stay safe, everyone...
  10. Morning, everyone... It seems strangely quiet and peaceful here today, as if built-up tension has been released. Though I'm quite tired from the past seven weeks now. Obviously, various arrangements need to be made now. Strangely, I am again noticing I need such distractions to feel effective at times like these. FiL had had increasing difficulty breathing over the past couple of days due to edema and his pre-existing COPD. Yesterday then, the home care nurses for the noon visit confided that they felt he was on the final part of his journey, and that was that then, really. For what it's worth, we're all relieved he went while at home rather than in hospital. As best as we can tell, he was not in pain or fear either.
  11. FiL‘s without suffering now. It still seems so unfair, though.
  12. Good day, folks... Probably no easy way to put this but it looks like FiL won't be with us for much longer. Please stay safe and sound everyone and give your loved ones a hug soonest, because you never know...
  13. Moaning awl. LTNS, I know... All things considered, something of a routine has established itself here. FiL also seems to further stabilise and to feel a lot more present-minded. However, mobilisation remains an issue as his muscles have been severely underused for about a quarter of a year now. We're also happy that the holiday we got planned for the end of the month can actually happen. We've long wanted to see Scotland, so we'll be oop dere between 21 and 31 July. We'll be staying in Lanarkshire, so if anyone here might have any suggestions for activities in those parts, do tell! Stay safe and sound, everyone. 🤗
  14. Moaning awl. Sunny with a breeze here. Things have remained busy re FiL. He had to be taken to A&E for a few hours yesterday as he had been dealing with nausea and vomited what had looked like old blood, which of course required investigation. While no acute cause could be found, it apparently had to do with the now-drained liver abscess, which in some way caused the nausea as well. It's only possible to treat the resultant symptoms, though, as further surgery of any kind would be too risky at this point. He actually seems surprisingly chipper considering what he's been through, which does surprise me. That being said, I know him to be quite perseverant. Stay safe, all of you. I've certainly seen how fragile anyone's health can be...
  15. Moaning all. It is Vertigo Day.
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