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coachmann last won the day on July 18 2018

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  1. Thanks Trevor. Much appreciated. It looks like I've got my work cut out then.
  2. Assistance please:- Lucky me has been gifted a new Hornby Railroad 'County'. I only have a side elevation weight diagram but no end elevation. Some members are pretty gem'd up on this class and I would be grateful for a few clues so the necessary alterations can be made prior to repainting.
  3. Thanks Ian, A good crop of photos showing parts more clearly. It looks like i can re-use Carrog overbridge after buttress have been added and some re-colouring of stonework carried out. Not sure if the upper wall is brick though. Looks like a visit to site is called for..
  4. Give me strength! This is a modelling forum, not a maudlin forum. I make a comment about what I do when I loose the modelling mojo and someone tries to make it personal about them!
  5. All painting after 1942 was in unlined black except for Castles and Kings which retained green but without lining (there were exceptions from the official line). The circular monogram disappeared that year, replaced by G Crest W on the more important classes and G W R on the rest. You will have to dig into photos for suitable running numbers, but any Dean Goods would have looked black or at least well grimy if it had escaped a repaint during 1942-45. The war years were a particularly busy, difficult and short staffed period in their history.
  6. I'll bet most of today's members of this forum are RTR collectors, so do they loose their box opening mojo? While my modelling mojo is having a sabbatical, I am enjoying tipping RTR onto the desk and admiring the detail.
  7. I realise the Hornby SR Maunsell corridor coaches have been out a good while and no doubt buyers have been well pleased with the detail. I saw some first-hand today and I must say Hornby certainly does its homework. Among the arrivals from a good friend are a push & pull pair. I hadn't given this release much thought but I now see the driving brake is a model of the 1935 batch of the heavily rivetted flush-window versions built around 1935. This I can use as an ordinarry brake composite if I back-engineer the brake end and glaze the lav window.... A 1920's design Maunsell brake third is shown with external window bolections.... I am looking forward to preparing these and the other Maunsells for the new layout....
  8. Rural branchlines look idyllic in color albums but in reality, nothing much happened all day. That said, I looked in on the GWR's closed Ffestiniog station in the early 1960's, and it looked very nostalgic.
  9. Possibly Blaenau Ffestiniog Brake.
  10. Not sure if you have seen these before. I took some pictures on 21st February 2003: This shot of Cym Prysor viaduct gives an idea of landscape coloring for that time of year. As you said earlier, lots of different colors... Trackbed between Trawdsfynedd station and Cym Prysor. Telegraph poles but no track! I'll bet it is really beautiful this time of year....
  11. Men I talked with from other sheds around Manchester didn't like the Standard Five for a variety of reasons. The side-facing mangle wheel reverser for one. The drafty and dusty cab another. The later fives reverted to a conventional end-on reversing screw. As I was used to Austerities and other primitives, a 'borrowed' Black Five was a veritable Rolls Royce
  12. Thanks for taking the trouble Ray. The sharp LH or RH turn on 2' radius slips has been an irritant with me for years and it looks like a bullhead slip could be the same radius. However, we are where we are and Peco turnouts are mighty convenient for me seeing as 'electrics' is one of those parts of this hobby that I avoid nowadays. Two Insulfrog single slips will be on Ruabon. Great minds think alike, as I used a single slip in place of a diamond at the double junction at Greenfield Junction.
  13. I don't know at this stage. All I know is the weight of the train had something to do with the loco stopping leaving it with a sort of grinding plastic sound. I dont know if the owner of this particular casualty has investigated the problem.
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