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Everything posted by MichaelW

  1. is enjoying reading RMweb in a modern browser at work...

    1. MichaelW


      Moved machines, and I'm back to IE6 and its wondrous 'features'...


    2. MichaelW


      Moved machines, and I'm back to IE6 and its wondrous 'features'...


    3. Horsetan


      So good you named it twice....

  2. is ballasting to the sounds of test match special

  3. That looks a lot better than the woodland scenics I've been using. Which colour of earth powder did you use?
  4. Quite a bit earlier in the thread I asked the same question. Unfortunately, no, you have to be able to show just the 20x11x11 part without anything else...
  5. is at a loose end...

  6. has spent the evening squeaking insulation into a landscape. Apologies to those of a nervous disposition!

  7. Has just found out IE8 is being rolled out at work. This may not help with productivity now I can read rmweb properly!

  8. Has just noticed the new menus on the front page. At last, I can get to everything on my small screen...

  9. Thanks for the clarification Andy - I'll stop finding excuses and get going soon. I suspect some glue and a couple of nails will sort the 3 pieces problem at the appropriate time
  10. Sorry to seek clarification on this - can the diorama be a 20"x11" part of a larger baseboard? I'm thinking from simplicity that I'd like to keep everything on a single board, rather than have 3 boards for a 4' long setup... Oh, and yes, this is definitely going to be a challange - I'm thinking of using it to experiment with home-made track, in N-gauge...
  11. Almost got t'other half playing trains last night, then she realised what she was doing...

  12. seems to have acquired some T-Gauge. Whoops!

  13. First task of the holiday (fitting handles to stock trays) done, what now???

    1. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      A cub of tea and a biccy

  14. has finally managed to do something railway related - fitted an extra shelf to put all those models still in their boxes on :(

  15. Is wondering how it has reached 11pm already...

  16. Thinking that having a design and a shopping list for the 2011 challenge already may be jumping the gun a bit...

  17. Sat on the train to Edinburgh, running away from the house full of mouse eaten pipes...

  18. I like the idea of a 20x11 challenge - but surely there should be a 6 in there somewhere... How about the RMWeb 20x11x6 Birthday Challenge? A diorama that can fit within a 20"x11"x6" virtual box. How you get it to fit is up to you (so you could have 2 20x11 boards that can be boxed together with the scenery all within a 20"x11"x6" box, or a single 11"x6" board with 20" high scenery), giving you a bit more freedom in what you do... Do we get an extra month and a minute for the deadline?
  19. A hungry mouse has destroyed my evening of modeling - I can't see why it would eat a plastic pipe though...

    1. Mikkel


      I guess it had pipe dreams ;-)

    2. Horsetan
    3. Patrick


      A plastic pipe? Are you sure it's not a rat you're dealing with?

  20. thinking that if I spent more time modeling, and less time on here, I might finish something...

  21. Layout down to accommodate visitors, and I've got new trains to play with!

  22. I thought I'd finished the wiring, but I seem to have lost power to a once working section...

  23. Snowing heavily in york, so I'll have to work on the layout, what a shame! But kudos to those that are out keeping the country warm and bright!

  24. MichaelW

    Dapol HST

    Failing that, there is always the phantom Northern Rail 153 that could see the light of day... Certainly the HST looks a good model, can't wait to get my hands on one or two.
  25. Spent an enjoyable evening at the Wakefield show - lots of good layouts, and bargains to be had!

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