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Everything posted by Brass0four

  1. That, and perfect model buildings! - Way too much talent for one man! Tony. Double-post thingy again! how does that happen!
  2. What mind? Can't believe I even wrote that!

    1. Jawfin


      What... Are... Feel-ings?

    2. Brass0four


      I FEEL that's coming from somewhere very deep, Jawfin. I only hope you aren't in my mood!

  3. Not well at all, and as Carers don't qualify for sick-leave I'm not a happy bunny...

  4. Not well at all. And as Carers don't qualify for sick-leave I'm ******!

  5. There could be the basis of a technical qualification here, cos cats can have more than one home, adopting another servant. The questions are: (a) do you ever feed it? And (b)has it ever slept in your house? Tony. (Thread owners may have to adjudicate here... )
  6. - Happy days indeed! I can remember when church-halls everywhere hummed to bands practicing Apache. And the Watkins Copycat. If I remember correctly it consisted of a single loop of tape that built then deleted the echo for each note. Remind me, did a pedal maintain the echo's length? I never had one, just lusted after them in shop windows. Soooooooooo low-tech! Tony.
  7. - YAHOO! - NUMBER FOUR! Thanks, 57xx Tony. (remind me, was it Jameson, or the Collins single malt?)
  8. Is the top one your plot? And are they tracks either side? Its rather dark in the pic. Glad you're getting to the end - or, rather, the START! Tony.
  9. And no, there can't be an answer because it would to stipulate what at. Somebody said, Buddy Guy, but - wonderful though he truly is - how the heck can that be true or even quantifiable! Records can be interesting, though. Google John Taylor, "Flight of the Bumblebee." Meanwhile, what is the fastest 1:76 construction of a windmill? Don't know why the double quote thing. Just a lil' gift of mine.
  10. Wot! No more guitar 'n cats! What the heck. Told Iain it was a really bad idea but he would insist! ;-) Guitar Boogie was the first really useful thing I learned from Mr Weedon. Then along comes the Blues and I thought, "I can do that!" (I can't) Talking of which, Q: Who is the fastest Blues Player on record? Tony. Humbled.
  11. I too am a firm supporter of the Kilties, in war or peace. On the peace side, when I was a kid in Whitley Bay, in the fifties, summer seemed to start as crowds waited in the Panama Dip. The skirl (only word) of the pipes caused high excitement as they started from the carpark a short distance away. Innocent, post war days, it heralded the music and dancing that always reminds me of the season, and of being young enough to have no worries beyond the purchase-time of the next ice-cream... Tony. (sad-old-weepy-git-smilie)
  12. I'm cool, Iain. Tossing and turning all night I was inspired by a master plan: I leave, join again under new name, post, then leave again. Easy! Now if others can be persuaded to do the same... Tumblr I've seen does have loads of ******* on
  13. Don't worry. cats'll pitch as far as you can chuck 'em. Em... most cats...
  14. Close! what ya do is drill six little holes at one end, six at the other, stretch some cat-gut in between - go out and *rescue* a ######, an your in! Tony. (No animals were hurt in any part of this, etc.) I can't believe it! It deleted ######! twice. starts with p ends with y
  15. I've e just had a (very rare) sensible thought. If - and its not likely - this was to go RMweb viral, it could really muck up this thread! (When will I learn to button it!) If so I'll start a thread and stats can be transferred and it stopped in its paw-tracks. And I keep saying I've no time! Sheeeeeeesh! Time for bed. When I wake this'll be nothing but a crazy dream! Hopefully
  16. Hank, its well known you have prides of cats (and pride is your middle name) so don't be shy!
  17. That's fine - and very interesting. Its only the combination of the two that is a matter for curiosity in this case. If it was simply music playing/teaching/industry I think there might well a great many people as creativity is part of the whole persona. Chances are it'll go pear-shaped but I've known no shame for a very long time! (jester-smilie-can't be arsed to look for it-thingy) Tony. Allan! Go out and grab next-door's moggie - now!
  18. Q: IF YOU PLAY GUITAR AND HAVE CAT(S) Go to Downes and Robinson's thread!

  19. UNOFFICIAL RMweb POLL I've had a word with one of the gaffers - Iain - regarding a fun-poll. Its based on something I've noticed time and time again during my forum travels. Q: How many railway-modellers play guitar and have cat(s)? I'm one (if I can call abusing the thing, so) and we currently have two cats - although numbers don't count, And Iain makes two, although, sadly, his long-term landlord recently popped his clogs; but that still counts. He'll be forever haunted till he finds another. So that's, two... Any partakers? Or am I going to look an even bigger clot than I do most of the time. Regards, Tony.
  20. Excellent. You can see you're a cabinet-maker by your baseboards. Mine show I'm a wood-butcher, and I'm not kidding! Power-drills and self-tapping wood-screws are OK if you're tender on the trigger. But, a couple of tins of Carlsberg Special on board, splits the board! Your new place sounds ace! (Jealous) But I suppose I'm fortunate compared to many. Having said which, when we bought the place back in 1975 it was 'cos there was train-room. Too much life got in the way, though. Advice to others: don't think about it - indulge your passion while you have the health. What with her ladyship and my own petty-maladies I'm too Donald-ducked half the time these days. Getting nowhere fast (cue violins - LOL!) Tony.
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