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chris p bacon

RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by chris p bacon

  1. Call the supplier and speak to them. If you ordered before Xmas what was the delivery timescale?
  2. Weird, I've just got the same choosing Delivery Black, but at lunchtime on the phone it came out at £205 and I had UK as the delivery destination.
  3. Beware, the KR site does not include VAT. A DCC ready in delivery black is £205 paid up front.
  4. B is the better option. I would add some blocks to the corners. Option A allows the ends to ‘twist’ between the side supports.
  5. Thanks to Dave's generous help, I currently have a 4mm GN Baldwin I'm test building on the bench.
  6. One of these will open up a 16mm hole. https://www.screwfix.com/p/dewalt-d25899k-gb-9-9kg-sds-max-electric-breaker-240v/51963 For a bit of making good after. https://www.screwfix.com/p/no-nonsense-interior-ready-mixed-filler-white-off-white-1kg/555gt
  7. Teak stock predates Gresley by several decades. For the GN, varnished teak was not only cheaper but meant coaches could be in traffic much faster as it cut the painting timetable by some 2 weeks.
  8. Have you said what you're willing to pay?
  9. The failure was in purchasing the CADS from the receiver of DJM without actually checking that it would include the tooling which was owned by the factory. The factory had offered the part completed DJM product to several parties.
  10. It’s just the trims, the window looks fine, if it had ‘sagged’ you’d have to ask what was above it to create enough force to do so, the fact it opens and closes ok means it’s sitting where it was when fitted. If it’s a first floor window the wall plate above is on the inner course of brick/block so the window won’t be carrying any weight.
  11. I don't recall there ever being any accusations of funds being used for other purposes, rather a case of poor business practice in not seeking the best advice or help, even refusing it when offered. The (full) drawings obtained claimed to be in the NRM, were prior to launch of the GT3
  12. For info, KR stated back in 2019 that shipping was to be £4.50 for the UK.
  13. Does Youtube fight back when you use it...😀
  14. Again, I've not had that issue. Are you using a VPN? it could be their site has no idea of your location. I just tried ordering again (class 30/31 page) and the price clearly states 'inc VAT'
  15. That is not the experience I have had so checked. Just looking at locomotives, the prices displayed clearly state 'inc vat'
  16. Back in 1991/2(?) one of the vehicles was at the Northampton & Lamport Railway. A visit was made mid week when there was no public so that we could take some photographs and details. It was in a pretty dire state then and must be much worse now. I have a few photos from that visit, but it wasn't a primary interest to me.
  17. I don't think Paul Craig is a member here (stand to be corrected) but he can be found on LNER forum as 'John Coffin'
  18. Is there any chance we can get back to the thread drift……🙄
  19. Start with Tinkercad and do some small components (getting more complex) and print them as you go. Tinkercad is a very basic person of Fusion 360 so could be a stepping stone. I have tried Blendr and found it a very difficult program to get on with.
  20. We have this one https://thespinerace.com/events/2018/1/14/montane-spine-race-5gsj5-86ezg On our doorstep in 2 weeks time, The finish line is outside and the state of some of the competitors is unbelievable, and they are the ones that finish! At this end of the Pennine way (the Cheviots) people can (and have) died of exposure in the warmer months so it's takes some mental stamina to enter an event such as this.
  21. No one has stated publicly how many they made on the first run, but the Fell thread noted several who had paid up front and not received and were offered one from the 2nd run. Quite how you could not produce enough models to satisfy those who had funded is only known to KR, although there are several reasons why this could easily happen.
  22. As a couple of others have posted, it's a dry ridge and verge system. If fitted correctly they are far superior to cement fixing. Regarding fake chimneys I can't stand them. I had a planner in Beds Borough insist on a chimney on a property in one of the North Bedfordshire villages, I refused to fit one and had a woodburner and external stack put on the plans. The planner said that the rest of the building was fine but he wanted a chimney as that was the 'vernacular style' for the area. I took 20 photographs of surrounding properties that showed that it wasn't, and that only 45% of houses had chimneys (1970's & 80's houses tend not to have them) He insisted that he wanted one, and sent details of the 'fake' chimneys that are available. I asked him to provide me with some examples of houses that had chimneys that were set 450-500mm in from the gable. I also sent some pictures of a development on the North side of Bedford asking how a chimney could also be in line with a bedroom window, and included 2 examples of houses with fake chimneys along with external woodburner stacks. The application was approved without the fake chimney. I can't stand the things, they are nothing but a waste of time and materials and they expose an area of the roof to leakage where they have been incorrectly fitted. Many are assembled on the ground and then fitted with the aid of a crane, many are fitted too quickly to gain the most from the crane hire. I was asked for a second opinion on 2 and noted that both had been simply nailed to 2 trusses with no more than 8x 90mm nails (not even ring shank). With the chimney overhanging the trusses (600mm centres) the adjacent batten was floating in the air with the tiles sagging and making the flashing ineffective. Both made claims against NHBC who admitted after a lot of pressure that neither had been fitted correctly and arranged for their removal (they offered to repair but both owners wanted them removed) the owners were asked to sign an agreement not to discuss with the surrounding house owners which they signed. They never asked me to sign anything ..... eventually some 20(ish) of the chimneys were either repaired or removed.
  23. Our neighbour complained to the next door farmer that when his sheep were brought into the shed they were making too much noise bleating during the night. His reply was that they get excited when they post on instagram....Sadly I think she believed him...
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