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john dew

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Everything posted by john dew

  1. Meant to respond to this yesterday Isnt it interesting how much people are admiring the all green livery? I have been very carefully painting out the lining on my Kinlet Hall and while its nowhere near as good as yours it is beginning to look moderately handsome (pictures when completed). Some how it looks more powerful and workmanlike. I wonder if the boiler bands are a tad overscale and result in the livery looking a bit fussy? Whatever.....another great idea I have filched from ANTB...thank you!
  2. Get thee behind me temptation! I am still wrestling with my conscience on this one. I had it on a watch list with Hattons........actually typed the order then looked again at the livery or absence thereof and hit delete! Now I am having third or fourth thoughts What colour were the bolecticons on Autocoaches in GWR days?
  3. Snap!.....I hope Mark/Robin A question. I thought that Unlined green tenders had GWR rather than G crest W.....eg Manors and Granges. I know there were exceptions Andy (7007 Great Western) just sent me a photo of Ashley Hall. Was Kirby Hall a similar exception or was G crest W the norm for Green Halls?
  4. Good Morning Robin Congratulations Robin .....what a gorgeous loco....I am literally green with envy! When I tried to see how Mark did it and clicked on the link to page 898 there was just a video for car insurance linked to some soccer team.....what did I do wrong? Envious in Vancouver
  5. Not sure if other modellers are like me with far too many projects all on the go at the same time? I try to keep my posts focused on one particular topic. This may give the impression that I have a very structured approach to modelling. If only that were true! In reality I flit around from project to project like a demented butterfly. Since Christmas I have been trying to develop the routines that will bring two through coaches to Granby ready for my doubleheader video. The development led me into all sorts of by ways....the new track leading up to the turn table for instance.....from thence the need to add tender pick ups to my Manors.....an update to RR&Co invalidated the admittedly cumbersome way I processed Turntable commands, took a week sorting that out. I started work on my Mark II coach boards and decided to paint my bright shiny Stanier Coach rooves. A chance remark on ANTB led me to get all harassed about my Hall liveries and that segued (naturally) into the realisation I really need to start weathering my locos Good job I am retired and able to not take any of this too seriously! Meantime for a complete change of pace I have actually been making progress on the building that will start to shield the fiddle yard You may recall the plan was to modify the Scalescene Low Relief Warehouse and place it on the white space next to the Terraced houses This proved quite difficult ....one unit was too small ....two units too long. The cutting and shutting I had to do was far too obvious Fortunately earlier this month John Wiffen introduced a new improved Warehouse with a much more flexible modular construction Here are a few shots of the progress made so far. These are the main components to make one module......I will be building 4 of them for the front. Each module consists of a base unit and a window unit. I want extra height...easy to add an extra window unit. Typical Scalescene construction: two layers of card each with an added printed cover laminated together. Lots of cutting.....lots of blades used already Plinths and window sills give strength and depth. I have used Brassmasters windows in one warehouse but here printed film will be fine The raw arch cuts look bad but its the camera angle. Will not be visible in situ Two modules done....two to go. The individual units in each module have to be glued together on card buttresses and then the modules joined together with columns......more cutting There are alternative options for the base unit. Solid brick wall, large window, full length arched doors or a single oversize door. Hope I havent confused anyone with this sudden tack (or was it a gybe?) Back to weathering and liveries shortly Regards from Vancouver where the weather is mild and sunny! John
  6. Thanks Tony I am sure I am going to find that very useful advice.......I particularly like the bit about " the important thing is what you take off"..............it makes a lot of sense........another case of less is more I guess! Best Wishes John
  7. Hi Tony They are absolutely stunning. If I can achieve anything half as good I will be a very happy camper. They look so realistic.....none of the splattered paint thinners I am so worried about. They are great as reference I need to re read your how I did it.......I remember reading it and being very impressed. I would love to let you loose on one my locos and its extremely kind of you to offer. Sadly I think the postage rates to Oz from here are even more exorbitant than to the UK. In any event I have to get over my inhibitions and start doing it myself. I will really appreciate a full and frank critique from you and MIB, in particular, once the first trials are done and posted Best wishes John
  8. Thanks for the advice and encouragement Mullie. One reason my pristine locos stand out is because all the buildings and most rolling stock are weathered.....even some of the carriages. I am quite comfortable weathering buildings and stock....to date though I have just stopped short with the locos My weathering in the context of 1947-8 is undoubtedly understated. From memory it was very very grubby in the North right up to the early sixties. The fog (smog) was unbelievably filthy. I would not want to replicate that faithfully.....you wouldnt be able to see anything! If I can have my locos subtly suggesting years of hard work I will be very happy Andy the videos you attached will prove very useful......thank you again......lots of helpful tips to build up my confidence. Regards to all John
  9. Hi Andy Thank you so much for another very helpful and informative post. Not only helpful but also very diplomatic. I really appreciate you pointing out in such a gentle manner that I am suffering from a severe case of wood and trees Why on earth should I be fretting about incorrect liveries when they are adorning locomotives that are in miraculously pristine condition so soon after the end of WWII Particularly on my layout which specialises in dirt,grime and dark satanic mills. Granby is definitely not in sunny Devon. Ok sack cloth and ashes moment over.........weathering locos is one of those things I know I should must do and in fairness I do have a few that are weathered.....mostly by Mr Bachmann ! I guess like many other modelers I have an innate reluctance to splatter dirty paint thinners over a model that may have cost me north of 120 GBP ( I refuse to think how much in Cdn $). However your post was a very useful reality check......its time to stop procrastinating and do some experimenting. Little does she know, but tomorrow a very bright, shiny (but relatively inexpensive) Collet is about to be sprayed with Dullcote.......and thats just for starters. Best Wishes from Vancouver John
  10. Hi Robin I dont think you use much card on Brent but should you ever consider it, Scalescenes do a very useful, and adaptable, two road shed. I used it to build a sort of half roundhouse. This is a heavily modified Metcalfe shed recovered with Scalescene paper and lots of plastic add ons etc
  11. These are my four Halls that I have been chatting about recently. Here are the key quotes from a discussion on ANTB where it became clear to me that laboriously (and in some cases obviously) changing the logos on all of them to G crest W was not a great idea Granby is loosely based in very early 1948....on the cusp of nationalisation so to speak I am by no means obsessed with detail but even for Granby it stretches the bounds of credibility that its entire allocation of Halls had all been to Swindon between November 1947 and February 1948! Here are some rough ideas that involve some repainting and re numbering. I suspect some of the tenders may be incorrect.....I am very vague about tenders I would appreciate any suggestions/ comments that might prevent me from compounding my mistakes 4901 Adderley Hall (Hornby Railroad) built Dec 1928 To be painted Black......I only have two Black GWR locos on Granby (BR and re liveried) which is hardly enough for the time period In the past I havent renamed/renumberd unless I had duplicates. But engraved plates look so much better that I plan to progressively phase them in. As I am repainting I thought I would rename 4901 to a loco that had some connection with the North West. 4905 Barton Hall and 4918 Dartington Hall were both built about the same time as 4901 and both were allocated to Chester in 1950. 4936 Kinlet Hall (Bachmann) built June 1929 Well I need to fix the tender.....I think its from an old defunct Hornby Castle! This is a longer term project but if my first attempt at spraying is successfull with 4901 I think all Green with GWR on a smaller tender might be the answer........name suggestions would be welcome 5923 Colston Hall (Bachmann) built May 1933 Colston Hall was at Chester in 1950 so I think I should replace the G crest W with a shirt button and hope that some judicious weathering conceals all the marks 6988 Swithiland Hall (Bachmann) built March1948 and allocated to Weymouth The loco of course is in BR livery I just removed the totem and replace it with G crest W. I am not overly worried about the lining except the fact it isnt on the Firebox I could ignore geography and just remove the G crest W (what a waste!) replacing it with the provisional "British Railways" logo. I have done this once already on a Black Collet....and quite like it Alternatively I could leave the tender and rename it to 6976 Graythwaite Hall (Oct 1947) or 6980 Llanrumney Hall (Nov 1947) ......both were allocated to Shrewsbury I have dug up as much as I could find on the net but any other links or advice would be great. Best wishes from Vancouver In other news.......the snow has melted. Overnight we went from -5o to 10o........along with a wind warning, heavy rain warning and risk of flooding
  12. Hi Andy Hope your thumb is on the mend. Slow and steady it is......sound advice. I have two separate issues with the Halls. Colour/ Livery and performance. I am going to do some research and devise a possible naming/livery strategy and post it with some photos. Regarding performance I think I will take a video and ask my elders (admittedly not many) and betters (plenty) to do an initial diagnosis. I have never used Lenz ABC. so cant usefully comment on that option. For computor controlled automatic running the layout has to be divided into electrically isolated blocks (like the real thing) linked to an occupancy detection system (I use Lenz LB and LR 101s). Each block can have any number of stop, brake and speed markers. Train Controller calculates the momentum and acceleration for each individual loco based on its power capability and the weight it is hauling. When I eventually get around to making the video of the 8 coach double header I think you will find the slow build up of speed from a standing start very impressive. Best wishes John
  13. Thanks Tony .......that is very kind of you One tiny caveat.........there is no danger of Kinlet Hall suddenly appearing in Apple Green? Cheers John
  14. Hi Andy I should have mentioned that one of my 4 Halls is the Hornby "Adderley Hall" . I totally agree with your comments about her running qualities.....smooth as silk or even honey! I can live with the lack of detail.....its a layout loco after all......I am becoming rather fond of that description. Its pulling power isnt great up a gradient but I think adding some lead will help. I definitely need more Black GWR locos on Granby for my time period........so a Black Adderley (or new name) solves the sickly Green paint job. MIB has kindly offered to give me some long distance painting advice So a loco that originated in China and came to Canada via Liverpool is going to be repainted based on advice from Afghanistan! Thank you for the helpful advice and links to help me correct my Bachmann Hall running problems........it all looks a bit daunting but once I have finished a few items lingering on my allegedly urgent to do Iist I will make a start I promise Best Wishes John
  15. Hi Tony Good to hear from you. I have standardized on Lenz decoders and I get very consistent performance from them......I have no doubt my Hall problems are mechanical.**.......the other problem being that I am not...mechanical.......hence my delight at Andy's post **I have livery problems with them as well but that's another story Best wishes
  16. Hi Andy Thanks for the nice comments about Granby and for such an informative and useful post. I use RR&Co where I really only have to worry about Cvs 2 5 and 6 so I cant comment on the Cv settings you mentioned. I do agree with you about the lack of space for decoders in the Bachmann Hall body. If they are not supplied I generally add tender pickups so my decoders (Lenz Standard) invariably finish up in the tender. I am pretty certain my running problems are mechanical. I am notoriously un mechanical so I tend to poke around rather timidly .....terrified I will break something or at least make matters worse! .Your check list will be invaluable......I will let you know how I get on now that I have structure to work off Kind Regards John
  17. Well done that man.......you have probably made me change my mind Robin! I guess you can never have too many Halls. In other news Iave absolutely no idea of what's for lunch today....just finished breakfast Cheers
  18. Hi Robin Maybe I have just been unlucky with my Halls. They all have a rather jerky motion which I have not been able to resolve. Its not so bad as to make them non runners but just sufficiently noticeable to offend. I have got myself into a right mess with my Hall liveries......they are all lined as bought (one even below the waterline like the new release) and, over the years, I laboriously replaced the original "Great Western" and possibly a Shirt Button with G crest W. From the thread on ANTB I now realise that is totally unrealistic for 1947-8..........one perhaps but not four! I guess the solution will be to replace one G crest W with "British Railways" in the initial script.....I have done this with a Collet and I quite like it as a very obvious time stamp. Realistically though I should try and remove the lining from a couple and spray one black.......not looking forward to that at all. There is always something new to discover in this hobby! Kind Regards John
  19. Its a few years since I last chipped a split chassis. I found the best method was to solder the pick up feeds (red and black) to little slivers of circuit board which are only live on one side and these were wedged between the chassis. Typically they had to be filed down so that they were a tight fit without distorting the mated chassis. I used liberal amounts of nail varnish as insulation. I "talked" a friend in France though the process on another forum. If need be I can try and dig out the link. I dont think I will be going for another Bachmann Hall for a while.....Livery apart I have never found them to be particularly smooth or indeed powerful in operation.......I may well be tempted by a Grange in lieu of a Manor though. Despite the price increase, a Webb Coal Tank will indeed be operating out of Granby Junction......Rhyl sounds a likely destination.....I have a few connections with that area....albeit many many years ago Kind Regards John
  20. Thank you gentlemen for all your likes and good wishes. I hope you all enjoyed a merry festive season and that Santa was suitably kind. Christmas may be a little delayed at Chateau Dew......the two Hattons 14xxs I ordered are at the back of the list and I doubt if they will arrive in Vancouver until March. In the interests of accuracy.....mention of a 14xx would seem to demand that .....they are actually a 48xx to be renumbered and a 58xx. While tottering on the edge of controversy I should perhaps also admit to looking forward to the arrival at Granby of a Dean Goods. One that will smoothly pull a reasonable number of wagons without the loco obviously being pushed by a tender, whose wheels deposit rubber on my track! If it does this successfully I suspect I will be able to forgive the myriad of faults and omissions that have been pointed out .......at considerable length......on the Dean thread. Reverting to Santa it now seems evident that I will not be receiving any updated Manors or Moguls ithis Christmas or indeed in 2018.....should I still be here. As I just remarked on ANTB...."where a Manor seldom offends" ......this old girl can expect a few more years service on Granby I guess I secretly hoped that spending a week upgrading the decoders and adding tender pickups to Bradley Manor and her sister Broome Manor might influence Bachmann's announcement (which was of course decided months ago!) Here is Broome Manor crawling slowly but gracefully on to the refurbished Turntable in the Storage yard For those interested in Vancouver's weather .....its still very cold and the snow lingers on. Unlike my neighbour John Flan, over 1100 miles to the south , we are not used to this weather in lotusland. The city normally uses 1000 tons of salt throughout the winter. They used 7000 tons in December alone. Regards to all John
  21. Well I guess this old girl passes the authentic 1947 unlined look After todays news she and her equally elderly sister (7805) can look forward to a few more years employment on Granby. Knew it would be safe to upgrade the decoders over Christmas. Regards to all John
  22. Talking of Hawksworth Coaches.........could anyone confirm the length of the coach destination boards......on the Hornby models the brackets are 14'6" apart rather than the normal 18' (they are also on the coach side rather the roof) There is an interesting photo of the boards being painted here http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/111946-gwr-coach-roof-destination-board-size/ which tends to confirm that Hawksworth boards were shorter and that the lettering used was sans serif (arial should do) and white on a dark background I am not certain whether this photo was taken in BR days which would account for the dark background Assuming that the Hawksworth coaches carried boards in their all too short spell in GWR livery,............what was the colour scheme? The normal black on white or something more exotic bearing in mind their new location on the coach side......Cream on Brown perhaps? Hope everybody had a great Christmas and you are looking forward to the New Year Regards from Vancouver where non stop rain is finally washing away the snow at our level John
  23. Merry Christmas from a very white Vancouver to you Robin, and all your followers I would like to thank you guys for providing me with so much information, enjoyment and amusement throughout the year. Its a very difficult choice which to read first with my morning cup of tea........ ANTB or the Guardian Rugby reports (no clue there as to my political views their Rugby section just happens to be very good).....ANTB usually wins. Incidentally my morning cup of tea is usually at 3pm GMT which perhaps is why my contribuitions replies are sparse and always late Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year John
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