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john dew

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Everything posted by john dew

  1. I would agree in the context of North American pleasure craft. We would "weigh" the anchor when lifting it but always talk about the boat having " way" on in the sense that it is moving through the water under sail or power ......steerage way means that the boat has sufficient speed through the water to respond to the tiller/ wheel
  2. 1947 was actually one of the coldest winters ever. The Mersey froze. Regards from Vancouver where the snow has mostly melted
  3. Hi Andy So glad you could liked the video......I was worried you could actually see it!. I edited it with iMovie and published it on YouTube without problem but I had to go through all manner of hoops to find the YouTube editor (its called Creator Studio now) in order to make the video public. With one exception the whole sequence was run automatically.....There was one clip with the ore train which I didn't like so rather than run the sequence I just set the route and then the throttle on 10 mph. I am an admitted RR&Co enthusiast....get a huge amount of fun out of it (and some frustration but that's a component of modelling anyway) but its not to everyones taste so I only mention it in passing But since you ask.......the entire layout is divided into electrically isolated blocks. Eack block is linked to its unique occupancy detector. When the detector senses a current draw anywhere in the block it is deemed occupied. The current draw required to trigger the sensor is minimal.....a stationary loco of course or even a van with a resistor on a wheel set is sufficient. This means a block is not shown clear when just the loco passes through. Trains move around the layout under the control of schedules using a version of the absolute block system . The 72xx schedule started in block U4 and ended in U3. As it moved around the circuit on entry to a block it reserved the next block ahead.... if unoccupied. If occupied it slowed to a halt at the end of the current block until the next block was released. You can see that happening a few times on the video You specify where the loco will stop in each block by specifying a distance measured from the entrance to the block...........Granby Bank is 96" long. I want the train to stop short of the signal (cosmetic) so the Stop Marker is set at 90"........I want the train to start braking 24" before the signal so the brake marker is set to trigger 66" from the block entrance with a deceleration ramp of 24". As you surmised Train Controller uses these distances together with the known speed of the loco to control the train. This is just a very superficial explanation.......its a very sophisticated piece of software. Hope I haven't been too nerdish Cheers John
  4. In the excitement of posting my video I forgot to acknowledge the likes and ticks for my previous post and Andy and James comments about the weather In regard to the latters views on journalists I have to say that the older I get (and I am now very old) the less faith I have in hack's knowledge about almost any subject they churn out. I should add that to get a balanced view on life in the UK I read both the Guardian and Telegraph Its snowing again here........unlike the rest of Canada including the interior of B.C. we only get the occasional snowfall on the coast. The CBC invariably amuses eastern Canada by showing the citizens of Vancouver or Victoria (where they rarely get snow) coping with the first snowfall of the year.....in the manner depicted in Andy's photo.
  5. At the end of this post there is a 5 minute video about a long freight train circuiting Granby. By way of preamble....my storage yard is more than a little crowded. Here is a view from the train room doorway with the terrace houses and warehouse, that normally conceal it, removed Although the Up and Down lines each have 5 storage roads, because of the entrance pointwork, there are only three through routes for the Up line U1 is for an 8 coach passenger express, U2 accomodates either the Milk or Parcels trains leaving U3 the only available route for Up Freight circuits Here is the view from the otherside To squeeze as much stock in as possible the dead end siding U4 has both the 16 wagon iron ore train and a 2 car autotrain in front U5 has two sets of suburban trains...... 5 coaches and 4 locos ......these movements have been covered in an earlier video In this video the GWR 72xx with a 16 wagon mixed freight leaves the blind siding U4 to circuit the layout meanwhile the LMS Super D and Iron Ore train clears U3 eventually backs into the blind siding U4. In the background, so to speak, three shorter freights do a continuous circuit in the opposite direction. So in total there are 5 locos in play.....well 6 if you include a cameo appearance by a 14xx The entire sequence actually takes a little over 7 minutes. I fear I may have been a little ruthless in cutting so there are a few jerky transitions.........and you may be only able to count 5 locos.....I think a LMS 4F may have fallen on to the cutting room floor! Rather than have the camera (iphone) in one fixed spot I ran the sequence a number of times with the camera in different places around the layout. I hope this makes the sequence clearer. However there is one clip which because of the sunlight I could only shoot at night........and it shows Enough excuses......I hope that, despite the flaws, you enjoy watching the video......I certainly enjoyed making it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTEfS4YkXT4 PS I had a lot of problems loading the YouTube on another site.....please let me know if you cant see it
  6. Hi James Computor control......you mentioned itrain a few pages back.......have you looked at RR&Co Train Controller? Regards John
  7. I knew that I should have ordered the snow plough version of the Dean Goods This pretty stuff taken earlier this week is ok But 18" overnight with more to come is a bit over the top! Regards from a sunny but snowy Vancouver
  8. I had the same problem with retaining screws on the black Dean I got in December. I agree the space for a decoder is tight. Regards John
  9. Thanks guys ....it's sounding as though the "correct" livery for 1948 is conveniently uncertain! Is a 3000g tender incorrect for post war......or do I need to modify the filler caps as demonstrated in your thread? Kind regards John
  10. Hi Keith Mine is on its way from Liverpool. You may recall that, some time ago, you helped me select a suitable number 2449 (Oswestry 1946)..........2475 didnt come back from France in 1940. Any idea about the livery for 1948? Right now my plan is to leave it as Great Western unless I can find a photo that proves otherwise. Best wishes John
  11. Not always on Granby! So I add a reverse shuffle to make sure......belt and braces.
  12. How time flies! I had forgotten all about that post. Its hardly surprising I didnt get any response in 2015......re-reading it today I can hardly grasp the issue myself. I guess its related to locos doing the kadee shuffle and the sequence of physical separation and TC separation.......I guess I must have solved it somehow. But that of course was V8. The introduction of limited distance moves with V9 has, for me, made the kadee shuffle more elegant and effective. However something may have changed because right now I am struggling with a particular sequence. Loco 1 hauls trainset into bay platform. At finish of schedule ....kadee shuffle....uncouples......TC separates locomotive..............works like a dream On follow up schedule Loco 2 advances to couple with rear of trainset and move trainset to siding in order to release Loco 1 The problem arises when at the finish of this second schedule Loco 2 is asked to perform a kadee coupling shuffle.........right now the separated Loco (1) and the coupling loco (2) do the shuffle in unison..... which is both disconcerting and unprototypical.! I am sure it is to do with the sequence/timing of separating and joining. I am still working on possible solutions but wouldnt be surprised if I have seek help on the RR&Co forum. Cheers John ps I like the video, flying spanner.......the Helix's are very impressive.
  13. Brilliant ..........that's excellent. Sadly you have reminded me of just how thick the Mikes glazing is......wouldn't look out of place in a diving bell. Best wishes John
  14. Phil's examples look very convincing.......but I suspect you are quite correct about how any attempts of mine would look! Probably why I haven't tried anything so far. I guess you must been enjoying the Six Nations ? I am very envious. England at Murrayfield will be interesting Regards John
  15. I am afraid you are right Robin. We are drinking more Chateau Screw Cap so I am running short of corks! Cheers
  16. Change of pace this week. The to do list keeps growing. A bunch of Modelu engine crew that I got in January needed painting. The black Dean Goods still hasn't got a driver http://yourmodelrailway.net/images/emoticons/icon_redface.gif and an unlined green Dean Goods on its way from Liverpool will need crew. Time to set up the people painting factory Sadly no placement fee from the Villages of Beaujolais.....just happy memories. There are three interlopers on the right but the rest are all from Modelu. For those unfamiliar with the brand they are 3D prints using images scanned from real people. There are some noticeable differences between these models and the more conventional products from Monty's Models or Airfix/Dapol. The poses, for obvious reasons, appear to be more natural. The heads are generally smaller but more realistic. Clothing, particularly drape and folds, looks much better. There are a myriad of little rods that support the product and they have to be cut away very very carefully........modern flash I suppose. The definition (of a tie for example) is less crisp than a top quality white metal model. I will mostly standardize on them for the future......they also do a nice line in loco head and tail lights (usual disclaimer) Here ae four of my favourites: Before railways I used to paint 7mm Napoleonic soldiers. Facial features... eyes and lips etc had to be painted. In 4mm I dont bother......I feel that with my skill level a flawed attempt is worse, in this case, than no attempt. I prefer to let the shadows of the model suggest the features A 7mm technique I was recently reminded of on Little Muddle (what an inspirational layout), is the application of a number of heavily diluted black washes to the finished model Not the best example but the figure on the right hasn't had this treatment yet. Whereas now he has: ........of course it helps that he is a footplate crew but the technique will enhance any model figure. So at long last the Dean has a full crew There is, of course, an issue with inanimate figures on moving objects. Its hardly likely that Gareth Edwards could spend an entire circuit of Granby with his hands in his pockets. However Dean 2409 will spend most of its time in the public view shunting in Cynwyd yard, where the pose is hopefully more acceptable Have you any idea how long I spent painting Driver Hughes tie? Never to be seen again! I guess its debatable how long one should spend painting the unseen side of a figure? I am quite pragmatic about buildings......the rear of the brewery will never ever be seen......fortunately http://yourmodelrailway.net/images/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif.........but somehow, to me, a figure isn't complete unless its properly painted Here is a nice shot of the Oxford's backhead treatment I will finish with a bit about the photographs Phil-C of Pen Bryn (another inspirational layout) is a brilliant photographer and he has been very patiently coaching me over the years. I have a very rudimentary knowledge of photography and some of my most recent photos have been less than stellar..........As a result of hints from Phil I think this latest batch are a lot sharper. (apart from the fossilised labourer bottom left) I always shoot remotely on a tripod with aperture priority at the smallest aperture f22. However I had previously set the ISO at auto. I guess the penny should have dropped when the shutter was so fast with such a small aperture.! For this session I changed the ISO to 100.......the shutter now takes forever but the results are crisper with good depth of field........thank you Phil I know I still need to add smoke though http://yourmodelrailway.net/images/emoticons/icon_sad.gif Regards from Vancouver where I spent part of yesterday morning shoveling snow.
  17. Hi Andy I was only joking.......the ipad wouldnt let me access the rmweb jester and rmweb nuked the ipad emoti......so from the laptop here is what I omitted :jester: Please dont stop digging out this information. I find it absolutely invaluable....I cant and dont aim for perfection or indeed anything approaching fine scale but if I can get something historically correct I prefer to do so. Your research helps me enormously. Best wishes John
  18. 72xx bunker fenders are becoming another GWR minefield.....they appear to be coming on or off with such frequency I wonder if they were attached with Velcro? Mine, on 7226, is firmly attached with super glue......it's staying put. Fortunately Andy hasn't found a photo of 7226 with it either on or off......probably best if you stop looking now Andy....please!
  19. Great post Andy........definitely "friendly and supportive"........thank you! Our posts crossed.....after Robin's reply I found Mike's post http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/49734-gwr-8-coupled-tank-engines/?hl=%2Bgwr+%2Bcoupled+%2Btank+%2Bengines: Here is the relevant and not unhelpful quote (my bold) The addition of the recessed fender above the bunker top started in 1938 and by 1946 only one loco was noted as unaltered. I would go for it Robin!
  20. Hi Robin What number are you after? The brassmasters help notes implied that bunker fenders were retrofitted to most, but not all 72xx starting in 1938. I selected 7226 because it was shedded at Oxley in 1947......I must confess that I fitted the fender guard because it was a modelling challenge rather than on proper research......the irony of the GWR fitting them also amused me........I subsequently found a photo of the 7226 at Leamington in 1938 but its not really conclusive either way. I am afraid I am not much help........Mike posted some very detailed notes about the class differences......not sure if he mentioned the guards though Best wishes John
  21. Thanks Tinker I guess you mean this? I think its from Dapol......15+- years old..... part of the LMS Bidston Docks-Stafford Iron Ore train .........out for its annual outing. Hopefully you will see them more frequently now its hauled by the Super D.......once I have tightened up the routine the plan is to do a video Best Wishes John
  22. The later models have brass bearings.
  23. Once again thank you for the likes etc guys......and now for a brewery update The vents, gable windows and rooves (roofs if you prefer) are now on the main building and the roof is on the water tank Malted barley is hauled to the top of the tower and milled.......the resultant grist is transferred to the main building and soaked in water that has been drawn from the tank and boiled........hence the many vents. This is more a progress report than a tutorial, so I havent taken a raft of stage photos......happy to answer any questions though I think the next shot demonstrates why I only devote a few hours each week to this project http://yourmodelrailway.net/images/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif Cutting each individual tile strip, inking the cut edge and keeping them in sequence (to preserve John Wiffen's skillful weathering) is only marginally more exciting than watching paint dry. On the right, the roof (without a window opening) will not be seen, so I just cut and pasted from the sheet. The roof above has the full mind-numbing strip treatment On balance I think its worth the effort Still to do......the sack hoist on the Grist tower, a significant architectural feature (see below) and the fermentation plant on the RH side ....two bays, three storeys, gable roof. As a reminder .....the model is based loosely (very loosely) on Hook Norton Brewery. Hopefully there is some resemblance Regards from Vancouver where the days are getting longer and yesterday we saw some blue sky! John
  24. Hi Richard So glad you like Granby. I do admire your stamina in wading through thirty odd pages of my ramblings. I primarily use #321 Kadee "delayed action" uncouplers. I dont rely on the delayed action......I find the slightest jerk or judder causes them to re couple...so I have quite a lot around the layout. I use a few of the automatic magnets on short dead end sidings but never on running lines. HTH Kind regards John
  25. Jenny's post crossed with mine......that is a very good price.
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