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station cat

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Everything posted by station cat

  1. Evening all. Very late on parade today having been to the footy in Brim. Somewhat annoyed at the result as we drew 0-0 despite being far better than the home team. On the bright side, at least the snow didn't hold us up enroute and we weren't planning on coming home via Banbury.
  2. In the abscence of RM web I was almost tempted to suggest actually doing some modelling Luckily I was distracted by buying some new wagons instead I think Mrs Stationmaster wanted the leaky tap fixed though. Oh well
  3. Then again, if you're going to tell embarassing stories about me in public, maybe I won't Congrats to DonW and the Squids. Commiserations and best wishes as appropriate.
  4. Good thing we were out wrestling the fence really, at least we have an alibi
  5. Well at least if you don't like it you won't have to put up with it for very long
  6. *Rushes to the Agree button* Mind you I do give good advice most of the time. Must take after my mum...
  7. Those trolleys work hard for a living and contribute a great deal to the eceonomy. Why shouldn't they be allowed to vote? Football Special and I had a very enjoyable trip to Bournemouth(ish) today where we saw Norwich beat the home team. It was slightly marred by various train problems which ended up costing us £25 in taxis Mind you I think we got off light compared to a lot of folk.
  8. Sooooo tempted to hit disagree (Nothing against you Black Rat, just on general principle)
  9. Today would be a good day for some loud DIY
  10. i think she's been on maternity leave. Afternoon gang. Personally I hate New Years Eve but I like New Years Day - the Vienna concert and then an afternoon of racing. I really wish i'd taken my camera out with me this morning because it was absolutely beautiful
  11. I got some of those (well something very similar rather than that exact version). They're great - massive reduction in slips.
  12. Looks great but involves no curry - and we don't have a deep fryer
  13. We had cold meat and salad today but will probably have curry tomorrow. Does anyone have anyr ecipes for curried stuffing?
  14. Afternoon all. My brother (Football Special of this parish) got me some Austrian rolling stock for Christmas and I also got an odd mix of books(history of the United States Naval Academy, Peter O'Sullevan's autobiography and a guide to cocktail mixing). Throw in chocolates, shower gel and a WWF adopted snow leopard and it was a rather excellent haul.
  15. Happy Christmas everyone (and a merry Christmas to them as drinks). Best wishes to those whose Christmas isn't going according to plan
  16. From fury to delight you mean? The wellies are a present for Mrs Stationmaster. Mr Stationmaster has no idea what I've got him for Christmas other than that it's quite heavy (he answered the door when the postie came).
  17. Evening all. Nice to see you all getting stuck into the Christmas spirits. My colleagues and I decided to celebrate the season by setting fire to our workplace - well actually one of the light fittings blew up, but it made for an interesting interlude. Now to figure out how to wrap a pair of wellies.
  18. My employer has announced a 'best Christmas jumper' competition. Does anyone know where I can find a coal sack in my size? Quite a productive day today, spent the morning doing the laundry, wrapping Christmas presents (with help from Simba) and cleaning. Went to Riding for the Disabled in the afternoon, and then came home and gave the cats a cuddle. Cooked a thai prawn curry for dinner, cleaned the kitchen (Mrs Stationmaster will be home tomorrow) and now i'd better go and wash my hair which smells most interesting.
  19. Finnair Christmas video. I have no clue what they're actually saying but it's still good fun
  20. I think ignorance is a big part of the food problem - does anyone else remember the TV programme about battery farming chickens a couple of years ago? There was somebody on that who was on a low income and would buy a chicken, roast it, eat the breast meat, and throw out the rest - probably throwing away as many meals worth as she was eating. Ignorance is probably also part of the reason why people don't buy cheaper cuts of meat and fresh veg. And also why they are reluctant to eat stuff past its use by date.
  21. That's an issue round here too - plus people who are too tight to pay for the carparks in town. I'm sure if the Stationmaster wasn't incomunicado (also known as York) he'd be in full on rant mode by now.
  22. You presumably haven't see the Aussie camouflage with sewn on reflective strips http://www.navy.gov.au/about/organisation/uniforms I should possibly mention the US Navy's blue camouflage but that's more than So far as I can see the only thing that camouflages you against is the sea - which is fat load of good unless you fall in - and if that happens you want to be as visible as possible.
  23. And if you kept a horse in there, in addition to the German layout, it would be a bahn hoof (Somewhat late to the party (barn dance?) I know - work intervened)
  24. Morning gang. Grey and miserable here, which I suppose is rather apt under the circumstances (I found out yesterday that a colleague has died from cancer, I suppose the one bright spot is that the youngest of her sons is 14 or so and they will all at least have a store of memories of their mother). The Stationmaster has been seen off on his way to Warley, I hope all the exhibition goers have a nice day. A friend of mine is taking his young son to Warley, hopefully it won't put them both off the hobby for life.
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