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station cat

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Everything posted by station cat

  1. Sorry Tony, but when you say 'battle of wits' I think you actually mean 'being completely outwitted'.
  2. I've got it under control in the veg patch by ruthless and relentless digging up. Rest of the garden is a bit of a lost cause, though as you say it does look very pretty when it flowers.
  3. Well done National Rail. A very impressive effort all round. Great to ahve teh railway back where it belongs!
  4. Oh gawd. I may be a long time sorting out the veg patch.
  5. Looks great and very in character with teh rest of the layout. I must say I envy your patience and paper manipulation skills - I shudder to think how much mess i'd have ended up with.
  6. My personal Royal Mail horror story involves my PhD submission form which I posted to my supervisor who lives on the far side of the county - first class but not tracked/signed for. A week later it still hadn't arrived so he printed off a copy, filled in his bits, and posted it to me. A week later there was still no sign of either copy of the ruddy form so, by now somewhat panic stricken, I printed off yet another copy and wasted the best part of a day on making the return journey to his office. Both missing copies did turn up within a couple of months but I still haven't forgiven Royal Mail and I wouldn't send anything important untracked. Should have claimed the cost of the train ticket off them I suppose, to say nothing of the paper and at least one set of envelopes and stamps
  7. Good work that man. Especially the hole digging. Most impressive. I'm not surprised that the hole filling in department is quailing at the task before it - he'll be stamping down earth for ages. A nice sunny morning here in Station household land. We'll shortly be off to Abingdon.
  8. Some pictures of my travels (i'll post my train pics in the overseas prototype forum) Arty shot of the plane wing (BA's G-EUYA by the way) The bins below my hotel room (i'm sure there were more there when I arrived) Sights of Vienna, the Rathaus, Austrian parliament and St Stephans Cathedral WW2 Flakturm, subsequently converted to an aquarium The Prater ferris wheel Mucking out at the Spanish riding school Trams Sights of Bratislava: Old Rathaus, Cathedral and street art Skoda Sentinel steam lorry in the Bratislava transport museum
  9. I was very good and ate no cake at all. Not sure how that happened.
  10. Many thanks for the tips. I didn't manage your recommendation for lunch but I did go for a ride on the Ferris Wheel (not that i've ever seen The Third Man). I will be putting up pictures at some point, not just of the infamous bins but also Vienesse trams, Slovakian and Austrian trains and possibly the odd flak tower.
  11. Are you sure that's a real bank and not just some really clever scammer?
  12. Well we do get a lot of foreign visitors round here so I wonder if it was somebody who is used to getting their cash out of the machine before the card is returned and so wandered away on autopilot when the card came out. I've come close to losing my card at a couple of foreign cash machines which gave me the cash before the card - auto-pilot has met conditioned to walk away once cash delivered because UK machines always give the card back first.
  13. Thats very nice of you but i'd like to think any decent person would do the same. Especially with most cash points having CCTV these days. Though funnily enough I do have a plane ticket out of the country booked for Saturday morning ETA: I did wonder about something like that Neil but they'd presumably have had to ask the bank staff for permission and they were even more shocked than us. Plus no sign of any TV crews or researchers to ask us to explain our actions.
  14. I wonder how much glue they're putting in that wall. And how big the bottles of PVA they're using are.
  15. Well that was an interesting trip into town. I walked past a cash machine (Natwest since you ask) and wondered why it was bleeping away. It readily became apparent that there was a whacking great wodge of cash in the slot waiting to be picked up. I stood staring at it, wondering if I was imagining things. Another passerby joined me. Finally she suggested we take the cash into the bank. I agreed to this and so, with her holding the money at arms length (and it must have been at least 200 quid), we went into the bank and presented said cash to the cashiers with an explanation as to where we had found it and an assurance that we hadn't counted it, let alone taken any of it. We left them somewhat dumbstruck.
  16. Poor Thomas. You monster. Actually I can't wait to see what it looks like when you finish it. Very creative
  17. Very cute cats. I like your scratching pole too.
  18. Well that explains why the Stationmaster's disappeared for the day
  19. What exactly does it look like? And are you offering a reward for its safe return
  20. Morning gang. Suffice to say we had a rather windy night but not much by way of obvious damage. By some minor miracle we still have a garden fence (at least I think we do, I haven't been behind the garage to check that bit) and we may have acquired a Jewson's bulk bag - we found it blowing around last night and none of ours seem to be out of place so it could be an intruder. It's actually quite a nice morning too with the big black clouds being blown over before they can do any damage. Unlike last night when I was standing ten meters or so from the front door at work and getting somewhat wet thanks to the rain blowing in horizontally. I hope those of you with damage are able to fix things quickly.
  21. We have hail. Makes a change from rain anyway
  22. I think it should be straw on the floor rather than hay. Hay costs more than straw because it has far mre nutritional value - and tastes better. So I doubt anyone would waste hay by using it as bedding.
  23. It isn't that high anyway. I went down for a look earlier and it's not reached the 2003 mark never mind the really high ones. I didn't bother taking photos because it's in more or less the same place as it was few weeks ago when we went down with cameras - and I assume the stationmaster posted his pictures then.
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