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station cat

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Everything posted by station cat

  1. I've got it saved as a favourite which seems to work ok. For anyone searching, you want Patricia bouy laying vessel - you can find her quicker if you sort the Patricia's by function. Anyone else almost feel sorry for Spain? I certainly feel sorry for the lifeboat family, I hope Mrs LBM recovers swiftly and completely
  2. Things that make cats happy... Suitcases Parcels D'ya reckon I can bill them for the tape?
  3. In other news our free copy of the Sun has arrived. I shall probably use it to line the litter tray unless anyone can sggest a means of returning it to sender at the sender's cost. But the postie also brought my new toys
  4. Welcome back Steve and Don. Mr and Mrs Stationmaster were last heard of happily ensconsed aboard their ship. I didn't hear from them yesterday but they would appear to have spent it out of mobile signal range.
  5. Not for the 'light weathering'
  6. But you look great in white stilettos.
  7. Well he may have found himself a nice young lady but it isn't me. Stationmaster and Ms Stationmaster duly dispatched to the station, luckily minus Sammy who had attempted to occupy one of their suitcases.
  8. Lovely little layout, that boat is going to be great when it's finished
  9. Perhaps they were chased away by the seagulls?
  10. Looks really nice Marcus. I think i've got one or two of those vans knocking around the place...
  11. I feel quite sorry for that poor little loco
  12. Simba is going on a curry diet forthwith in that case! Well as soon as found my waterproofs anyway, that might have to take priority.
  13. Morning folks. Having been woken up by the torrential rain and kept awake by the cat puking I thought I might as well get up. The good news is that I have only been up half an hour and already I have solved my major outstanding problem from yesterday. Which was actually pretty minor but yay for me anyway. Now I just hope it stops raining altogether before I spend the afternoon outside. Hope your Great Uncle is doing better today Debs
  14. Very sad to read that Neil. RIP Gary
  15. Have you reported the loss to your bank Andy? They might put the money back into your account being as it has been stolen rather than mislaid.
  16. Personally I have been working hard all weekend what with gardening (who do you think rakes up the Stationmaster's grass cuttings?), slaving for my employer and Institute of Seamanship journal editorial duties (fortunately my co-editor is an expert seaman and the readership are a tolerant lot who haven't seen fit to return their copies dripping in red ink). There's a TT documentary on ITV4 at 10 for those who are interested - ISTR that it's been on before and is rather good.
  17. Found this momento of the last general election lurking in my photobucket account Bonus for anyone who can guess which station I was just about standing on when I took it.
  18. Report it Andy. You may have been an idiot but whoever took it is a thief. TT highlights currently on ITV4 if anyone is interested
  19. That sounds awfully familiar. Though still preferable to a certain neighbourhood cat (not of this household I hasten to add) sitting washing a certain part of his anatomy with every sign of great enjoyment.
  20. Some foreign nuisance caller just asked me to speak more clearly. Bloomin' cheek. Or maybe she just didn't understand me asking if she'd had a car accident in the past two years.
  21. I wish you'd suggested this earlier, I wouldn't have eaten all my stir fry (which surprisingly enough was much improved by the presence of stuffing crumbs)
  22. Such an impressive screwup that i'm tempted to give it a craftsmanship/clever rating. Still at least you got a good strong cuppa out of it.
  23. I think the Tramminer was about the most expensive thing on the wine list - and I seem to recall saying so. I certainly suggested that it was a bit wasted on Chinese food. But I do love Tramminer so it was very kind of you to order it. But then you do tend to be nice like that. He fixed my computer the other day too. Instantly.
  24. No worries, we'll just tell your missus that you love it. Be it red or pink, we still aren't sure which. I got myself a new bag for my birthday and have also received a Lonely Planet guide to Germany. Throw in the very nice pictures of the mining museum in Essen that i've just seen on facebook and I think the world is trying to tell me something.
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