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station cat

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Everything posted by station cat

  1. Nope What I really want is the test transmission channel of some years ago which showed nothing but eventing (horse triathlon).
  2. You might not want to drink it but have you considered using it as a weathering dye? What do we need another 99 channels for? Zulu's on at least once a week as it is.
  3. Personally I blame poor supervision on the part of the senior garden staff but mostly the weather. My facebook homepage is now a contest between ice bucket videos and articles about how little of its income the ALS charity actually spends on research. Meanwhile my boss will be getting doused next Thursday. Does anyone know where I can buy some sharpened ice?
  4. Best wishes to Don. Well done Debs. Meanwhile a certain member of the station household (not me or the stationmaster I hasten to add) had mildly disgraced themselves by not realising that the ice bucket challenge involves ice.
  5. Good luck Jock. I agree with the suggestion that Americans have a tendency to send bulk post to one place in Europe for further sorting and transit. I got a letter from America which had Deutsche Post labels on it.
  6. I'm afraid that the only way I have found of controlling bindweed is digging it out. And that hasn't eradicated it, it just means I can dig it out faster than it spreads. Mind you I haven't found anything really poisonous to put on it yet
  7. Get well soon Don. Perosnally I wouldn't mind being held up by a tank - provided it was in viewing range anyway.
  8. RIP Dave, a splendid modeller and a brave fighter
  9. Happy birthday Andy who isn't on pasta sauce DDolfelin's picture brings back a slightly embarassing memory. I was walking along the road and saw the most beautiful stone dog on somebody's doorstep. Gosh I thought, what a good carving. It really is remarkably lifelike. Wow it even looks like it's breathing. Oh hang on, that's a real dog you muppet.
  10. Clearly not a cat owner and unfamiliar with horses. Splendid dogs Debs
  11. Portugese chippies are not uncommon in the UK. I think our local is Portugese (i'm sure i've seen a Portugal flag in there though I may have imagined it). We also have a Chinese chippy locally. I once read an article about the nationality of chip shop owners in Britain, there's quite considerable variation - apparently East Anglia has a lot of Cypriots but I can't remember what other trends it highlighted. Salad with fish and chips is just odd. Especially if the chips are properly fried - who wants greasy salad? Well I'm definitely inspired now, I think i'll go to the chippy for tea tomorrow (already have macaroni cheese for today). I can look for Portugal flags whilst i'm there.
  12. You can come and survey our cupboards if you like. Seriously, I hope things improve soon. Meanwhile you can bask smugly in tehknowledge that you're one of very few people without something nasty lurking in the kitchen cupboard. eta: Best of luck Jock
  13. Station parents report that their hotel is lovely and the cream tea is amazing. Meanwhile the cats have both taken residence in my room, presumably to stop me abandoning them too (they tried sitting at the top of the stairs to stop the luggage being taken downstairs).
  14. I would make any such suggestion politely given that the batsman evidently has a strong throwing arm
  15. Did the water go over him or the the object of his attentions?
  16. Well I suppose nougat would be an effective way of keeping his mouth shut and thus ensuring that he says nought.
  17. My one temptation to smoke is that the smokers amongst my colleagues tend to be the more interesting conversationalists. But not having particularly enjoyed the couple of cigarettes I have smoked I don't find it much of a temptation. Best of luck to those trying to kick the habit.
  18. Well you could just leave her here and take me instead. I'm very amenable to that kind of suggestion - though if you get to go to Beer I want to go to Cider
  19. Thus forestalling anyone who might disagree out of a warped sense of humour I don't mind disagrees as a rule, some of them are justified and others quite amusing. Unlikely post ratings I generally assume to be the result of finger slippage.
  20. I should think it's quite painful for him
  21. Where's the 'jealous' icon? Thanks for the report Mal, sounds very interesting and has definitely whetted my appetite. Welcome home Ed, i'd just leave the garden and congratulate myself on providing a haven for wildlife and wild flowers.
  22. As in be afraid Don't have a very good picture of his thumbs, this is about the best
  23. Achenseebahn Austria Brakeman Driver backing onto his train Orient Express staff at Innsbruck Attentive Slovakian Station Master
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