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Everything posted by Trains4U

  1. I've now fixed rotation of the pictures at the start of the topic, so I can't be blamed for any twisted necks!
  2. Work progressed yesterday evening. The remaining timber was delivered on Tuesday, so we took to chopping it up with various saws, including a rather meaty circular saw - though the shop is now covered in a fine layer of sawdust! The main framework was completed, and some tracks were laid out to ensure we had all our clearances determined and marked out, before laying the foundations of the raised OO gauge section There are four timbers surrounding the steel column, this will be clad with MDF - The N gauge will be supported from this column, and provides space for notices and future plans to mount a TV screen. the frame was built up by an additional 3 inches for the OO boards You can now see the O gauge running space along the front (This will be shielded from little/sticky/light fingers by a perspex shield) The O gauge will terminate in a pair of sidings We then cut and fitted the first OO board under the staircase Followed by the second, which is cut around the pillar So, we now have our first boards down, covering approximately 8' x 5' We will be continuing with the top boards early next week, then, once we have test-laid the OO trackwork, we can cut out the workbench space and continue with the boards for the O gauge and control systems. This has taken about 13.5 hours so far and it feels like there is a huge amount to show for it. The layout is nominally 14' x 7' - there is still a long way to go...
  3. Looks like I need to revisit this thread and re-post some of the images, all the portrait pics are showing in landscape - looked fine on a mobile device, but not on PC... To answer the question about the boarding. the frontage will be laid at the 3' height (Actually 2' 11-1/4", so that the board top is exactly 3') We will screw in some new legs that are 3'2-1/4" high behind the front 9" of board along the front edge, then around the pillar to support the raised board for the OO. The gap will be covered with a thin ply. Its important that w don't board all across underneath the OO as the space will be used for stock storage and workbench area - the workbench will be at a height of 2"4", so there will be an 11" height between the workbench and OO board where bits an pieces can be squirreled away. - all will become clear as it comes together!
  4. So, this morning, I cleared away the paint stands... And this is the space we were left with: The basic dimensions of the layout were marked out and the materials ordered 320 ft of 2"x2" timber, 5x 8'x4' 3/4" ply sheets, 200 3" screws to start. I went to pick up the first 160ft of timber and Alan got on with cutting and building, whilst I began disassembling the old layout (with a drill and a big saw!) The basic frame starts to take shape: Legs are added: And by the end of the day, we had this: The layout will consist of the following A single track O gauge line running from the far corner of the layout (near the paint) round the front where it will terminate with a point and a pair of sidings, by the shopping baskets and base of the stairs A twin track OO circuit will be added at a level 3" higher and just behind the O. This will loop around the pillar, returning back on itself making a very brief 4-line section before circling back underneath the staircase to complete the circuit. Some storage sidings will be placed here. The gap formed by the flattened dog bone shape will form a cutout within which a workbench will be placed. Around the metal pillar will be a small N gauge circuit and a couple of sidings, raised slightly above the level of the OO lines. Final job of the day was to reposition the paint. This now occupies the original location of the old layout. There is some work to do here, so it's not finished just yet. The boards are being delivered tomorrow along with the second half of the timber Work continues on Thursday, with the higher legs being installed and the ply boards being fitted and trimmed.
  5. This is how the space between the counter and staircase looked before we began: So, over the last couple of weeks, I've taken to improving the stairs (new wood stain and anti-slip tape) And installed back boards to reduce dust falling from the first floor.
  6. So, for quite some time I've been banging on about building a new shop layout "under the stairs" The old layout, an 8x4 twin track OO layout with a loop of N, was reaching the end of its usable life, and had no decent provision for testing O Gauge models. I decided I needed something that can allow O, OO and N to run, but that will also give me space to demonstrate multiple DCC systems and incorporate a small workbench for quick repairs and DCC fittings on the shop floor. So, I sketched out a plan, and today my friend Alan and I started...
  7. Building of the new shop layout at Trains4U Peterborough
  8. I've still got some left. Perhaps I should put them on eBay too...
  9. To put it into context, there are only about 1200 DRS models in the entire country (Excluding the DRS limited edition) and that to cover all three variants, (DCC ready, fitted and sound) Demand was always going to far exceed supply, irrespective of the faults, whether real or perceived
  10. Is this some sort of crazy conspiracy theory? I've just looked at Hattons, and they are all there plain as day ready and they clearly state "SOLD OUT FOR PRE-ORDER" Most places take them offline when sold out.
  11. Your assumption is correct. the DCC fitted models have not yet been released. I think people are reading too much into things. DCC fitted models are always released later from Dapol, as I understand that they fit the decoders in the UK, rather than in the factory. It doesn't make sense sitting on the DCC ready models when they can be out earning money.
  12. DCC ready (I don't generally order Dapol DCC fitted models) I stock TCS and ESU 6-function decoders anyway, and fit them with no service charge if purchased with a loco.
  13. They're still out there... (Just sayin')
  14. I've had my hands on a 68005 this evening. (I've not been to the shop today, one was brought home by my good lady) What I have noted is that the light lenses appear to be secured by a form of tacky glue, which makes them removable. It seems that the "Rubbed off" paint is not such, but actually smears of glue which have turned black. Not an ideal solution, but a wipe with a damp cloth (or a baby wipe in my case) has cleaned up the offending smudges A couple of the light lenses were protruding, but these pushed back into place, with the tack-glue holding them where they are supposed to be. the nameplates are glued with a hard glue - be very careful as they will ping off and the glue takes the top layer of print with it, fortunately all under the plate on my attempt. The only other issue I found on my example was less than perfect application of the yellow on the pointy nose bits directly beneath the cab window. On of the points is missing a bit of the yellow, which does detract from the appearance. Other than that, and without actually looking inside the model (yet) it seems like a nice model.
  15. I'm still relatively new to retailing O gauge, and I'm really fortunate to be one of the retailers selected to sell this model. They have sold really well (relatively speaking) and they have been very well received by my customers. I've already received my first replenishment order, and look forward to receiving the Rustons later this year. If anyone wishes to see or hear one in the flesh, please drop by for a demonstration, we have all three versions in stock with sound chips available if you wish to upgrade. I'll be bringing some to the East Anglia model railway exhibition at Wood Green animal shelter, Huntingdon on the 11/12th March
  16. Trains4U

    Dapol 08

    New batch announced: 7D-008-007 13003 BR Black 7D-008-008 D3305 BR Green Early with wasp stripes 7D-008-009 D3002 BR Green late crest with wasp stripes 7D-008-010 D3316 BR Blue no ladders 7D-008-011 08173 BR Blue No Ladders Expected end of Summer this year MSRP is £225.00 We are taking pre-orders at £199.50
  17. Ours are (mostly) in stock now. They'll be put on the website over the weekend
  18. I'm expecting delivery of our stock on Thursday! looking forward to it!
  19. Yes, we are taking pre-orders (in store and over the phone) Unfortunately our website cannot handle pre-orders, but we are looking to rectify this, and non-EU ordering, over the course of the year.
  20. That would be the 10% special edition premium, that is added by Bachmann
  21. I wasn't aware of this until this morning - it is not something I have sanctioned... I'll have a word with my team.
  22. You know, just because Hattons and Hornby have sold out, doesn't mean they won't be available elsewhere...
  23. Trains4U

    Dapol 08

    These locos are awesome for the price. I've just been playing with my first O-gauge motive power acquisition. It is surprisingly large (seen with an old £5 note)
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