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Everything posted by Trains4U

  1. Ours have arrived. (Thanks Ben!) We are currently adding limited stock to our website with the rest going to Warley next weekend. All triples are £145 All singles are £47.95 The red VTG triple pack is in very short supply. http://www.Trains4u.com/b/251/Revolution-Trains
  2. Some slightly better pics: I think it suits it well, and wouldn't look out of place with a short rake of mineral wagons
  3. Matt has been busy with the airbrush We’ve taken a bit of a liberty... How about Banger Blue? If they survived a little longer into the late 70s and got their TOPS numbers. We will be taking this to Warley.
  4. Oh my... https://www.facebook.com/1656838197916498/posts/2196700387263607/ (It’s not quite finished yet...)
  5. They will be here very soon I’m expecting to have stock at Warley
  6. Hopefully they will be here very soon I understand they are in transit, so are subject to the usual risk of delay.
  7. That must be the one I saw thundering over the Ermine Street bridge in Huntingdon this lunchtime (About twenty past one) The first that I've seen
  8. The Western on the front cover was from a batch or 20 or so that I recently purchased from a gentleman who was a regular customer of mine. . Chris saw a pic of it on here and snapped it up! It's now famous! For reference, it is a Heljan model, detailed with LED lights, valances, brake gear, crew and etched parts The roof has been re-profiled and it has been renumbered and renamed.
  9. Best wishes for your retirement Dennis, Thanks for all your help over the years! You are always welcome if you find yourself in the area. From all the staff at Trains4U
  10. sell it. A V3.5 should still get £60-£75 on Ebay
  11. Daylight pics are starting to appear... Darren Wetherall's Tweet - "The first @HitachiRailEU IET in @LNER ... https://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fpbs.twimg.com%2Fmedia%2FDqNsQcnXcAI0xUw.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.trendsmap.com%2Ftwitter%2Ftweet%2F1054805821970886657&docid=VKXLUHpu7tEKSM&tbnid=XT-kZexYEMgEyM%3A&vet=1&w=1200&h=795&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim Images may be subject to copyright.
  12. If the other Ts & Cs you refer to are the ones with the reselling clause, this will only apply to products that are from said manufacturer. At present only Hatton’s own brand product is being offered to trade (Note Oxford Rail ICI hoppers are not available) So the clause (as far as I’m aware) is not being breached.
  13. We have signed up. An initial order will be going in shortly.
  14. It’s a small capacitor Similar to what you’ll find across the terminals of a loco motor. It is supposed to help reduce TV interference (though I’m not sure if it makes any difference these days) These can’t be used with digital. Which is why Hornby sell a “Digital” power track, which is the same as the standard one, but without the capacitor.
  15. Preston to Euston on a 321... What must one have done to deserve such a punishment?
  16. Matt has created a couple of NCB examples We know they aren’t historically accurate, but I’m sure they’ll tempt someone!
  17. There were 3 or 4 rakes of NSE Mark1s used for Northampton relief trains - I saw these at Crewe a few times in the late 80s I seem to recall they often ended up on trains at least as far as Preston and north wales
  18. And also without tyre marks! From this: To this:
  19. Matt has been working on HAAs too. Ours are a little bit pricier at £69.95. As an example: I'll post a link once added to our website.
  20. The absolute rudest person I’ve ever had to deal with was a chap in his early 40’s with a plummy accent, tweed jacket, flat cap, wellies, an over-the-top sense of entitlement and an absolute surety of his consumer rights. (He was wrong!)
  21. “Full price” being twice what it is worth and twice what it is intended to be sold for. Juliette and I once looked at a DFS sofa. It was £1800, but on sale for £900 It felt cheap, you could feel the springs and the softwood frame beneath In the end we bought a similar one from John Lewis. It was £1200. Not on sale, far superior hardwood and still good after 12 years...
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