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Everything posted by Trains4U

  1. We have now completely sold out of all variants of the TEA. Thanks!
  2. We’d just like to take the opportunity to wish all our customers and friends a happy new year! 2018 has been pretty good with some exciting new ventures. I’m hoping 2019 will be even better for all of us. Thanks again for your support and we look forward to a great new year! Gareth, Juliette, Steve, Matthew, John, Mark, Nikki, Steph and Phill.
  3. Also, no retailer would ever pay more than it would cost to buy the same model new from the manufacturer... Especially if still in stock and slow moving.
  4. The points Phil make are all entirely valid I have my formulas for the offers I make. Some people are delighted, others offended, but the vast majority are realistic about their expectations. They just don’t want the aggro of eBay (and the returns) The best thing (if you want to engage a dealer) is get a few estimates or quotes. And not wishing to upset anyone, but experience tells me that a seller’s interpretation of “mint” may not necessarily match that of the retailer. Sometimes a collection can take considerable effort to make saleable.
  5. From a GDPR perspective, that is not an appropriate use of personal data (bah humbug) Nice story from your perspective, but I’d be concerned from a data controller’s point of view.
  6. I’m starting to run low on Redland liveried hoppers. If anyone wants any more, you’ll need to be quick!
  7. We’ve just been invoiced for the Queen Elizabeths Which means they may turn up today, but more likely Monday/Tuesday.
  8. Folding tablecloths after a show is easy though, If the other person is right-handed, you always instinctively turn the folded cloths the same way.
  9. I managed to master the bolt action version (L-98), qualify as an RAF Marksman as a cadet and eventually become a civilian weapons instructor and range conducting officer in the ATC. You just have to practice!
  10. I'm not sure if left-handedness is linked to a liking of technical/detailed things, but its interesting to note that there are three left-handers at Trains4U (Myself among them) And in my day-jobs, I worked as an IT Lead software tester in a team of seven, where 5 of us were left handed, and in my current IT development team of 9, 4 of us are left handed. Saying that, I use my mouse right-handed, my knife and fork the right way around, I bowl (10-pin) right handed, and couldn't use left-handed scissors or pens if I tried (Though my soldering iron is always to the left)
  11. All our remaining stock of OO TEAs is now on our website. Remaining in stock are: VTG Blue Singles, VTG Grey Singles, VTG Grey Triples www.trains4u.com
  12. Whilst I’d love a little less competition, you really have to bear in mind that these events are very expensive to run and promote. Ticket sales form a big chunk of income, but I would imagine trade stands bring in as much again, if not more. The layouts bring the crowds, the traders help pay for the space, expenses, advertising, staffing and various other costs that couldn’t nearly be covered by the entrance fees alone. (We had a very successful show btw, thanks!)
  13. Just a reminder, we will have these available at the Peterborough show this weekend if anyone wants to see them before buying
  14. Yes, Completely sold out. Whilst our website says we are mostly sold out of the others, I have held back a supply for this weekend's Peterborough show. ( I have a handful of red and green singles A couple of blue and grey triples and quite a few blue and grey singles left We are completely sold out of: EWS (Singles and Triples) Greenergy triples Red triples
  15. I’m pleased you like them I’ll have plenty at The Peterborough show!
  16. You might find that a blanking plug is supplied with the set.
  17. Hopefully we helped raise the profile of CAVALEX at Warley We certainly shifted more than a few wagons We will have these at the Peterborough show in two weeks time, if you want to take a look.
  18. I spent a while sat in the bus chatting with (the other) Gareth and Jason this afternoon. I have to say I felt a bit seasick after half an hour of people jumping on and off though!
  19. Wow! What a day! I’ll be honest, I’ve never been to Warley before, as a visitor or a trader (I just never had the time) But we had a great first day. Lots of great chat, brilliant customers and some nice complements on our stand. Now for day 2... Please drop by and say hello if you are around
  20. Now on-line http://www.trains4u.com/b/250/Cavalex-Models
  21. Yes. We are busy preparing for Warley, but we will be trying to contact customers tomorrow or Friday
  22. They’re here... And available on the website shortly
  23. The Retailer previews start on the 7th January.
  24. These models really are awesome. Possible contender for model of the year? The red triples are now sold out... There are decals available to change the freight liner version into a VTG version (For some reason these are included with every wagon) It is suggested that you cut back the freight liner logo before applying the transfer as it shows through the VTG branding
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