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Everything posted by Trains4U

  1. No, that would be the Director's loan account. The amounts that the Director has loaned to the company. this could be real money (Actual cash or mortgage - though most mortgage lenders won't allow loans for business purposes) or deferred earnings - where the loss is time, rather than money.
  2. humph, some pie chart. It doesn't even show how many food stalls there are, never mind whether any will be selling pies. See you there in November!
  3. Our delivery arrived this morning. I expect they will be available nationwide over the weekend
  4. Our stock of LaFarge PGAs are now beginning to run very low. Although we have several new versions of the PGA arriving later in the year, there is no re-run of the LaFarge branded wagon. if you still want any, now is your last chance for the foreseeable future!
  5. ^^ He’s right you know... we we forgot to pay an invoice once. I still have the scars.
  6. I would have thought the tools have disappeared - scrapped along with hundreds of other old tools.
  7. As of this morning, we still have one blue single and four blue triple packs available.
  8. Given the tone of the piece, it probably wouldn’t have flowed well, so it was right not to be included. never mind... :)
  9. The BBC recently filmed a feature on the Market Deeping club for "The ONE Show" due to be aired tonight (Thu 13th June) Linking to the main thread...
  10. The BBC recently filmed a feature for "The ONE Show" about the Market Deeping Club, and their activities following the problems at Stamford. I've been advised that it is due to be broadcast this evening (Thursday 13th June) Peter and some of the club were filmed a couple of weeks ago - including filming a visit to our shop (I was filmed and interviewed on the 25th May) I'm not sure if our bit is still included or if it ended up on the cutting room floor. I'll find out tonight. Please tune-in and have a watch - fingers crossed, I was advised at the weekend that it may not be shown at all... the media can be very fickle.
  11. And the staff always looked bemused if I asked for a Rail Riders sticker
  12. I think you can assume that they won't appear. I have Sharks and Mermaids on order with DJM I've had zero communication from DJM - nor do I now expect any. Trains4U is not owed any money and has not paid any deposits, so there is no reason for the liquidators to contact us other than as a courtesy (and I don't expect that to be honest) I expect this to be the same with all retailers concerned. I'm not sure why everyone expects the retailers to know what has happened? I found out about the insolvency here on RMWeb, and via word of mouth. We don't get notification from the Gazette (You have to look for it) and there are lots more interesting things to be doing than monitoring the progress of a minor supplier. So if a retailer isn't actively looking for the information, they won't be aware of it. I'm not sure either why people seem to have their pants in a wad because Hatton's and other retailers aren't making instant changes to their websites. In the grand scheme of things, it really isn't either urgent or important, and I'm sure they'll get around to removing the items and cancelling pre-orders in good time.
  13. And this is the key. The officers of RevolutioN and Cavalex all have well paid full time careers outside the model industry (as do I), and so remove the main drain on resources for their projects. The crowdfunding is used purely on the production and marketing of the product. Rewards for them are earned from the result of completed sales, not during design and manufacture. Even a modest salary will quickly drain resources, and once delays are introduced, the losses become a vicious and inescapable cycle due to the need to make regular salary withdrawals - Delays to RevolutioN or cavalex are an irritation, but do not bear this financial overhead. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but had Dave chosen to concentrate on delivering one or two projects, living from an alternative income, things may have turned out very differently.
  14. Hi, yes 4 different PFBs and 4 different KFAs
  15. This is shaping up to be a really good show! For those interested, we will be bringing a limited stock of Revloution TEA tankers in OO, No Red triple packs unfortunately, but we have all the others in the range. though some are in 1s or 2s We will also have the remaining stock of Cavalex LaFarge PGAs, which are starting to run very low, a great selection of used rolling stock in OO for you to rummage through, and a good selection of weathered and sound fitted models, plus a load of new and used in N/OO and O gauges If anyone has any special requests, please let me know and we'll get it on the van tomorrow I look forward to seeing you there.
  16. Most of the trains is of Foxhound armoured patrol vehicles on warwells, However, Ruggedpeak is correct, the last 4 wagons of the train are KFA warflats, with Land Rover WIMIKs on board.
  17. They say it pays to pay attention... We have a very VERY limited stock of TEAs available on our website. All versions are available (Though some quantities are in 1s and 2s) these are all brand new and are from order cancellations (Or simply never paid for) Prices are higher - to reflect the current customer demand, but still well below ebay prices (£57.95 for singles - £172.50 for triples) Be quick if you want them - click on the banner below and click the Revolution link on the left hand side of our website. Just to add - half of our stock is online - the rest is being taken to the St Neot's show this weekend in Kettering - so pop by if you want some wagons! Any unsold from the show will be put online on Monday.
  18. I never said that!
  19. I shouldn't worry. My concern is that the links were shown without context, and one other poster labelled the seller as "A Joker" which is a bit unfair. The insinuation (even if unintended) is that AC models are possibly profiteering from this news, which would also be somewhat unfair on them.
  20. The seller is AC Models - they are pretty well known and respected. They have a rare model, and have priced it accordingly. I'm not seeing the problem.
  21. I've been advised "Around Christmas"
  22. The car park next to the venue is a bit small, but there is a larger free car park just up the hill (5 mins walk)
  23. I spoke with Richard from Hatton's today - I did suggest that he may want to re-run some modern Warwells before next Autumn...
  24. (The 3D print is missing one of the longitudinal beams due to a printing error)
  25. Trains4U are pleased to announce a brand new tooling, in conjunction with Cavalex Models MOD KFA / PFB Warflat wagon in OO scale (C) Brian Daniels 65 Warflats were built at Shildon for the Ministry Of Defence between 1976 and 1981, originally built with through vacuum piping in addition to the air brakes, with the TOPS classification PFB, they were converted for air braked use only during the 1990s. Some received the PFA code before the K prefix came into use (KFB/KFA). These wagons are primarily used for transporting soft skin and light armoured vehicles, but can be used for a variety of loads, including bridges and even steam locomotives. KFAs are still in wide use by the MOD today. The KFA is a very versatile wagon and can be seen running in long rakes, or in smaller numbers, even ones or twos, mixed in with other common wagon types, such as Warwells, OCAs, and VBA, VDA or VGA vans. The wagon will incorporate the following features: • Close coupling mechanism • NEM coupling pockets • Sprung buffers • Weathered effect decking • Detailed underframe • Zinc alloy frame • Will accept EM/P4 Wheelsets The KFA is a much sought after wagon in OO scale and a personal favourite of mine, appearing high on the annual polls and wish lists for several years. We decided to ask Cavalex to manufacture the KFA for us following the release of their PGA wagon, and the quality and commitment to accuracy they have demonstrated in delivering what is a highly regarded and popular model. We expect this wagon to be very popular, especially given the range of complimentary wagons and load options already available in the marketplace. As well as a fully detailed underframe, we are also aiming to replicate another key feature of the wagon, which is sun-bleached and weathered wooden decking. The wood quickly faded and marked, and we feel that this will add to the realism of the finished product. Two liveries are announced for the initial run, with four different running numbers available in each livery. · PFB in Olive green with green jacks – suitable from construction (1976-81) through to the early 1990s · KFA in Olive green with yellow jacks and bufferbeams – suitable for late 1990s through to present day The wagons will be priced at £35.00 each and can be pre-ordered through Trains4U.com or by contacting the shop directly. No deposits or up front payments are required for orders as this is not a crowd-funded model. This model is exclusive to Trains4U CAD work is complete and the model is expected to go into the tooling stage once the required number of orders is reached. Deliveries are expected during late summer/early autumn 2020 The Cavalex KFA will be produced to the same high standard of finish as their highly regarded PGA wagon and will incorporate similar levels of detail. Cavalex KFA Flyer 1 page.pdf Update 1st August 2020 The first production samples have been delivered more details on page 3 of this thread...
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