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Everything posted by MrWolf

  1. I certainly do. I have read Porcy's post about five times now and I think I may have laughed myself to death! It's sadly no exaggeration. I know people who do talk like that, but only when the right audience is present. They collect vast sums in grants from community enterprise schemes, but I'm dammed if I know what (if anything) they actually do. One thing is for certain, they can't draw a stickman.
  2. Meh. You failed to crowbar in the words Antithesis Cathartic Dichotomous... That's just off the top of my head Clearly you wasted your art foundation year at university as I did, by trying for a BA (Hons) in Chasing Girls and Falling Off Motorbikes?
  3. Very true. I must admit that I retained them on some of the Triang clerestories that I converted, due to not knowing where to get something more prototypical. Upside is that they can be pulled out without too much drama and replaced. They're also nowhere near as visually offensive as some of the moulded on plastic RTR buffers post 1970. Even as a ten year old I thought it a retrograde step to drop brass buffers. Another case of making things to a price rather than a standard.
  4. Brilliant. I could say: Yer wastin' yer time! But clearly you're not, so "You waste your time and I'll waste mine..."
  5. Agreed, some of the buffers in kits look like the old Hornby Dublo blobs, but less well moulded. Almost makes you yearn for the Triang turned brass ones!
  6. I have a Parkside Mink D which came with some excellent metal wheels. I thought that they were Gibson wheels or something of equal quality.
  7. It's not like the items we order are essentials. It's good for us and the business owners that things are still ticking over. Perhaps I can send LMS an email, it was PayPal my phone doesn't like because of the up to date programmes they run, even though I was trying to buy something! Failing that, I will have to try and catch up on here.
  8. The MJT site looks most promising. Lots of other interesting bits and pieces too. I also found some parts on the 51L site. Unfortunately the Lanarkshire models site kept sending me into their PayPal page and then crashing, possibly because my USSR valve radio I phone is more than 3 weeks old so completely obsolete. I generally end up cursing consumer driven technology. Give me things made in Birmingham from iron any day. At least you can belt them with a hammer when they don't behave!
  9. If you're genuinely old and British, you can stand in a field and say: "I remember when this was all factories and railway lines..."
  10. Thank you all for your advice. I hadn't heard of Lanarkshire modelling supplies and I didn't realise that Alan Gibson or MJT were still going. I have quite a lot of older wagon kits which due to a combination of my 3 link coupling obsession and the generally feeble buffers in the plastic kits I will be replacing quite a lot. I would like these wagons to last as most now seem to be unobtainable or silly money on the Bay of Fleas.
  11. Hi I have got back into railway modelling after an almost twenty year break and find that many of the companies that I used for parts no longer exist. Can anyone tell me where I can source replacement buffers in brass or white metal for GWR goods stock?
  12. MrWolf

    Little Muddle

    Back on topic, 4589 looks great in its surroundings. If I can get my layout and stock anywhere near to that standard, I will have achieved what I set out to do.
  13. MrWolf

    Little Muddle

    Females of any mammal species tend to be aggressive when woken suddenly. Something to do with protecting their young. Although women seem to have evolved this into hogging the covers
  14. MrWolf

    Little Muddle

    I think that everyone's body clock is screwing up. Neither of us sleep much more than 5 hours normally. Today I didn't wake up until almost midday (feel like a slob!) Yet someone woke up at 7 full of bounce, having done her hedgehog impression the other day. I didn't try and wake her, you all know what it's like, I didn't fancy getting mauled!
  15. There you go, overthinking, just like most of us do. You have nailed the creative process there, but most importantly, you get 1 and 2 in the right order. No matter what else happens, it will work out eventually!
  16. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    I am becoming increasingly concerned that if I see another eBay listing with the word LOOK! , (LOOK) or worse still L@@K! in the title, I am liable to have a total wig out. It's 1:15am, I am idly scrolling through eBay and the sellers are instructing me to LOOK!? WHAT, in the name of SATAN'S BACKSIDE do they THINK I am doing?? Or am I just being unduly sensitive? Good old PTSD has been giving me a kicking tonight to be honest.
  17. It's turned out more than "quite well". Try quite inspirational. The difference between inspiration and procrastination has been defined as: Inspiration: 1. Think 2. Act 3. Consider how you feel about the end product. Procrastination: 1. Think 2. Consider how you MIGHT feel about the end product 3. Don't act because you talked yourself out of it at 2.
  18. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    What he didn't say is: "Would make a lovely splash in the canal".
  19. Probably they had their own version with "Property of the GWR. Two sheet limit per visit to the WC" printed on it. New rolls being issued from Swindon only upon receipt of the empty cardboard tube...
  20. That makes me feel better, in 6 months I have built baseboards, laid and wired track. I have built bits of a signal box and built / modified / repaired a few bits of rolling stock. By my calculations I will be at the stage Chris is at by 2024...
  21. If ONLY he paid ME the same attention he does this damn bench!!
  22. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    At least he's not asking stupid money for it! Though it does make me think of the days when manufacturers would take a tank engine and give it all of the big four liveries, BR black and lined green! Think of the possibilities, take an old black Hornby 9f, paint the smokebox silver = Baltimore & Ohio Decapod. Paint the wheels red instead, Deutsch Reichsbahn Kriegslok. Ok, getting silly. But I hear a lot of "Rule 1" round here. I confess to hacking a Triang Davy Crockett coach body into something vaguely light railway colonial style!
  23. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    Sorry, Car speak! OEM means Original Equipment Manufacturer. Not able to get the bits you need from Hornby /Dapol or get their parts from someone else like Peters Spares?
  24. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    I take it that OEM spares are not available?
  25. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    I could be wrong, but possibly because tiny shunting layouts are in vogue currently. I was looking at a motorised Airfix / kitmaster one on eBay and I'll bet that fetches a good price too.
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