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Everything posted by MrWolf

  1. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    We have to be a little careful here, as discussed earlier, some people may have difficulties with writing. Maybe he wrote "Experimental livery" when he actually meant: "EXCREMENTAL livery" ? Ah, who cares, it's awful.
  2. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    But the seller says all it needs is a wipe over - possibly with a petrol soaked rag?
  3. Sounds like your childhood experience of so called experts much like mine. I remember having brain scans when I was about five and the doctor reassuring my parents "He'll grow out of it." I remember riding home in my dad's ancient Vauxhall 101 and thinking: "Really?" And "When?". Life became somewhat disappointing after that day.
  4. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    I had exactly the same experience. Got talking motorcycles, invite to dinner and meet the family, then out for a spin on a '56 Harley. USAF wouldn't let me pay for food either. Slovenia much the same, only the bike was a '42 Zundapp that had been hidden away since the end of WW2
  5. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    I worked in Missouri and Texas, even the people who don't appear to have anything want to share it with you. I only came back because my UK employer got into financial trouble, basically for being greedy! I told them to stick their job, ended up round Eastern Europe and Africa. I felt the same way about Eastern Europe too.
  6. I get that. I have lost count of the number of times I have been asked: "How do you draw like that?" I do try to show people sometimes but generally the answer is: "I don't know, I just do." My other half is the same with music. Plays flute, clarinet and sax. People think that I'm being arrogant and evasive, but it's true, other than my engineer father showing me how to draw cars in three quarter view when I was six or seven, I just drew what I saw. I only went to art college because I was expected to get qualifications. I too though 95% of that test was written for me. But my symptoms manifest themselves very differently, I don't have shutdowns for instance, but I am definitely lacking in empathy. Although I have found that because I don't read people well, often when I have shown empathy, people who are parasitic have used that as a way in to manipulate my willingness to help out. I have had to be very careful about choosing friends and a number of romantic relationships have turned out to be one sided with an agenda. I have more qualifications than I know what to do with but employment has been a struggle. I find that some people actually see you as a threat if you are multi talented. I was happier in some war torn sh#£hole than I would have been as some office boy. At least we had the benefit of "close protection", you don't get that anywhere else!
  7. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    Oh, I can assure you that it's not RARE!! It's one of those typical bodges that people do on old bikes to save £5 and risk £500 damage to the charging system!
  8. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    You could have this bit of broken wire that I just took off my motorcycle for £5, it will be £12 plus post when I put it on eBay, this is a time sensitive offer!
  9. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    I think that one should be classed as spares / bashing materials only and be about a third of the price.
  10. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    I know that one all too well. I think everyone has had a friend like that. Their entire belief system usually revolves around "America is to blame for everything" and "Cannabis is the answer". Ditch them quick!
  11. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    There is an 8ft high brick wall in our yard. Can I waste just enough effort to throw it at that?
  12. Thanks. I find a useful way of getting the bearings pressed into the axleboxes without cracking the plastic, getting the bearings in square first time and stopping them coming loose later is to load your solvent brush with your favourite solvent cement and liberally dose the bore in the axlebox. Then press the bearing in with the flat side of a small screwdriver. Works every time.
  13. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    Silly money indeed, how do you justify charging the price of a locomotive for a coach? Let alone justify spending the price of a locomotive for a coach. I know that despite being quite obsessive about my model railway, I can think of a lot of other things I would rather spend that kind of money on.
  14. I hope you don't mind me hogging the thread a little, but I thought I would post this picture for those who have doubts about building wagons. This is one of Cambrian's more recent offerings. The Midland Railway 10 ton van to diagram D664. Kit ref: C84W. It comes with wheels, bearings and most importantly the floor and solebars are in one piece. Why nobody else does this I don't know! instructions are better and there is livery information for M.R., L.M.S. and B.R. I have no connection with Cambrian other than I have built quite a few of their kits over the years. To be fair, the crane kit is ancient.
  15. @mountaingoat. Whatever you do, don't wear wellies to drive. (Unless off road driving tractors or plant) They are not considered suitable footwear for driving. If you have a collision, you may be accused of not being in proper control of your vehicle. Basically, it would be your fault even if the other car fell out of the sky and landed on you. Wearing wellingtons constantly not only causes your feet to stink, it leads to fungal infection or at worst, trench foot. You REALLY don't want that.
  16. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    I know that I could throw it further if it had a motor to give it a little weight!
  17. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    Got negative feedback on an international level this one! Seller of tat by the looks of it.
  18. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    For some reason I was wondering: How far could I throw it? The vision of which made me laugh like an idiot. Maybe I'm a bit strange.
  19. I would say so, the cam would perhaps also raise a bolt of some kind into a hole in the turntable, then the lever is secured by the pin on the chain. The ring on the pin would be spring steel wire with its ends set into off centre holes in the end of the pin, it would snap over and secure the pin. That type of pin is still used on farm machinery towing pins. A proper bit of simple engineering that just works and lasts for years.
  20. I doubt that the chain was pulled taut on the real thing, it wouldn't permit any articulation over points etc if tight. It's a check chain rather than a restraining chain. There would be a lock of some sort on the crane turntable, that chain is a failsafe to take the strain off the turntable lock and prevent the jib swinging out of gauge.
  21. I know that one, motorcycles quicken the senses and the reactions. You also meet a lot of like minded people. On top of that, there is that peculiar temptation when ruminating in a car, but ... (and this is important) It would be monumentally uncool to go and James Dean yourself in something hateful like a Nissan Micra. Note: Other soulless wrong wheel drive blandboxes with depressing grey plastic interiors are available. Keep it greasy side down Rob Wolf.
  22. Bang on. It looks like a 5 ton D link. Any idea where it came from? Apart from your junk box that is.
  23. MrWolf

    Little Muddle

    Why am I thinking that one of them is saying: "Next train's gone!"
  24. Well I hope that mine manages to look anywhere near as good as that. I think you have done a fantastic job. It might be looked upon as a basic kit by some people, but it is one of the most complex plastic 4 wheeled wagon kits out there. Just remember that most wagon kits are basically a box with details stuck to the outside. The biggest problem that I have found with this kit is the instructions. Whilst detailed and verbose, there is scant information on which part is which. If this kit had an exploded diagram of each assembly stage (a la Airfix) it would pretty much fall together. It's a nice thing to build once you get your head around what goes where (even as a former engineer I had to think about a lot of it) I have to admit that if it wasn't for your and the other contributors photos it would probably have stayed in the doomsday box. On the the subject of Airfix kits, you have started with a "series 3" and half the instructions, rather than a "series 1" with the step by step drawings. It's a tribute to both your skills and your tenacity, be proud of it. Then go out and buy Cambrian kit (no. 111 I think) of the GW ex Cambrian Railway open wagon, you will probably have it running and painted whilst cooking breakfast.
  25. Perhaps we are going off topic here but I don't think we are as your condition has likely caused a lot of your problems with confidence. Plus nobody is sleeping in this house yet tonight, I am finishing off a painting (and building a GWR wagon) and Miss RR has learned how to use a sewing machine recently. Firstly, forget about the things you can't change, what you have probably works. Firstly, look after yourself, I don't mean sign up for a gym, that seldom works without the basics. Keep clean, I get black messing with old bikes, but a shower and shave takes minutes and makes you feel better about yourself. Get a haircut every two weeks if you don't wear it long. You feel like you look good. Don't live in trainers, get a pair of boots or shoes and alternate them, you feel different, not like you are apologising for walking. It also makes you walk upright. Also don't live in "comfortable" clothes like sweat pants, women worth knowing hate them. Dress right, the way you want to and you feel much more confident. Don't try to follow street fashions, who wants to look like a middle aged chav? Speak to everyone that you can, keep it brief you don't want to freeze up, keep it simple for the same reason. You will eventually find it comes naturally. Know what you want and be certain that you will get it. When you go into a coffee shop, don't say "Could I have a cappuccino (or whatever) please?" You sound like you're telling them you are not worthy and taking up their time. Say: "I'll have a cappuccino please." Still polite, still simple, but you come across as a confident, assertive man who knows what he wants and knows that he will get it. Smile whilst doing that, you come across as approachable. If it's a girl serving you, she will be inclined to smile back, it's human nature. Posture. Keep your hands out of your pockets, carry a bag if it helps. Don't fold your arms whilst talking to anyone. Keep your head up straight, practice this the easy way by looking as far ahead as you can whilst walking. These are not miracle cures and you will have to keep trying, but they are simple achievable things and while you practice, nobody will notice you doing it. They will notice that you are a much more confident and sociable person in time.
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