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Everything posted by MrWolf

  1. If your current item is anything to go by, it will be worth the wait. It puts me in mind of those which once stood by the buffer stops at Wallingford. Is that model Graham has currently available?
  2. One of those Dart Castings lamp huts is pretty much a legal requirement for GWR layouts, it must be something over forty years old now, but it's a great little kit. Here's mine lurking behind an equally antiquated loco purchase which you may bear some responsibility for. 😉 Turned out to be a worthwhile project though and it looks nothing like that now!
  3. I rather like the shed that @Brinklysupplied. It's quite a common size. I think that someone used to make the longer ones but I have had to make my own. Mike's Models used to do the platform shelter type as installed on the Wye valley in the late 1920s. This is my scratchbuilt version which I think would be a good subject for a kit.
  4. This is round about the time that the memsahib and I go and hide under the stairs until about the third of January. Although I don't think that I could top a friend of mine who filled his motorcycle sidecar with supplies, drove into a cave up in the lakes on the 23rd and stayed there for five days.
  5. MrWolf

    Pen y Bryn

    I still think that they're much better than the Ratio ones, that aren't particularly round and the insulators look like pine cones. The steps are a little better, but that's all. These are Airfix / Dapol with a bit of hacking about and plastic card weather caps.
  6. MrWolf

    Pen y Bryn

    That looks very good indeed, I think that you have the balance spot on there, the place is obviously busy, but not cluttered. Those Airfix type telephone poles still look well when given a thoughtful paint job, I have been working on upgrading some for my layout, it's interesting to see how they look in situ. Some very inspiring photos again.
  7. That's what E10 turns into if you leave your bike standing for a month.
  8. Better to have it and not need it than the other way around.
  9. Re drains. Have you ever noticed that no matter where you park in town, there's always a drain directly below the driver's side door lock? Proof that God has a sense of humour...
  10. It's another of the duplicated components from the Ratio cattle dock kit. They seem to put a lot of useful little extras in their kits, much in the same manner as Wills' do. It's even better if you have a habit of not building things straight out of the box.
  11. Well that's very much up our strasse, it puts me in mind of this: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=96uqew6Zirg
  12. Not much done today, but I have been hunting for the little bits that are intended to complete the scene. I did manage to get the drains dug either side of the crossing, otherwise a pair of matching lakes would form during the inevitable monsoon. Another pass with the hoover is needed once everything dries. But I am liking how it's shaping up. I even have three rows of spuds in the crossing house garden.
  13. I was with you on the voluminous verbosity, but to me, a Minuteman is something that makes a very, very large bang....
  14. Which is why I recently emailed the Kremlin: Dear Mr Putin, If you really are going to go mental and push the big red button, might I suggest that your primary target be The Tate Modern? I can assure you that it will confuse everyone into believing that you might actually have been capable of rational thinking after all. Yours Sincerely...
  15. Why thank you, that's most encouraging! I do sometimes wonder if what I'm doing is plausible enough, given that I'm pinching bits from here and there around the Shropshire / Herefordshire / Welsh borders. As you probably know, all there is at this point at the real Aston on Clun is a twitch in the road and a few ridges in the field where a platform and other structures might have been. When I started this, I wasn't even aware that the original plans, such as they were, for a light railway down the Clun Valley had even survived, or carried so much detail. PS, I do know that you are having a laugh!
  16. Or "How to alienate the vast majority of people from your cause, however worthy you may think it is". If someone comes up with a clean alternative for ordinary people to put in their tanks and keep their old cars going so that they can keep putting bread on the table, they'd get my full support, until then?
  17. That's looking rather good, I would even say that the subtle changes of tone give both weight and solidity to the built environment daaahlings... A bit of wire, bent up as though the GWR had made a handrail from a bit of salvaged gas pipe would complete the scene.
  18. As long as we don't have an interminable debate on whether or not it is art daaahling...
  19. There's nothing so relaxing as ballasting points is there? But there's a sense of achievement when the things still work afterwards!
  20. I do like the scruffy wagons, especially the mineral nearest the buffer stops.
  21. Some crossing ramp grot added, but I'm trying to keep the colours light. The fence around the crossing house and trespass notice have also appeared.
  22. We approached the same destination from a different direction by not being able to get up until about two o'clock.
  23. That all looks very neat and businesslike. Apologies for the slightly sloshed thread bump this morning, but I was thinking it was a little quiet, response wise., Hopefully you found some help or another way around the problem.
  24. I would if I knew what I was doing, it would be a great day but it's 03:47am and we're both totally messed up.
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