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Everything posted by Gedward

  1. Signal Box. Based on the Williton prototype. Mainly embossed card painted with water colours.
  2. Station building. Based on Crowcombe Heathfield. Mainly embossed card painted with various water colours.
  3. Sorry, all details are explained on my layout page - Bovey Tor. I didn't want to clutter this thread with repeated descriptions.
  4. Many thanks Steve. Fact is, when designing this layout, the number one priority was that it must contain water. So along with the canal in the front, a stormy sky will give us the opportunity for damp patches and puddles.
  5. You're not wrong. We're not even half way yet.
  6. And the beat goes on.
  7. Didn't the Chiffons make a song about him? He's so fine (Don-lang-don-lang-don-lang)
  8. Offer a thin piece of card or paper down to measure for a new floor. Trace over where the windows are. Then use this as a guide for cutting a new floor. You could then build everything onto this and then add it as a complete module. If the new floor is a tad smaller it should go in OK.
  9. Think I'm going to use this method for building the canal tunnel entrance. Once I've decided on which prototype to use.
  10. Slowly getting there I think. After grouting and painting this should look alright.
  11. Think it's a bit late.
  12. The 6.5 Special's steamin' down the line, The 6.5 Special's right on time.
  13. I know this feeling very well. Yes, you could get to be quicker and get the whole layout done much sooner. But then what? Start another one me thinks.
  14. I've really enjoyed reading through this amazing thread. It stands as a beacon to what's possible on such a small space. Well done Steve.
  15. Excellent work and you'd never think this was a first. Looking forward to seeing the second...
  16. Work has just started on the platform front stonework. I might be some time as these stones are 3mm square.
  17. Thanks Marc, I appreciate that. Starting on the platform is quite a big step as the layout finally stops looking like a pancake.
  18. When I built the coal office, I didn't bother modelling the back. But as I have decided this angle is preferable, that has now become visible. I guess I've got some more work to do.
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